Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 723

Kuriyama Green made coffee and looked at how Moori Kogoro might break out at any time. Of course he was standing on Fei Hideri's side and handed the coffee to Fei Hideri, saying, "Teacher, your coffee."

Fei Yingri took the coffee, sat down, and kicked her feet on the ground. The chair slid back a bit, opened the distance from Kogoro Mouri, and took a leisurely sip of coffee.

"Eri, did you divorce me for six days and seven nights?!" Kogoro Mouri looked at Concubine Eri with a gloomy face.

"Huh, Kogoro Moori, you are finally smart once." Fei Yingri smiled coldly, "Yes, I divorced you for Qiye. He gave me the happiness that I should have as a woman. He cares about me and takes care of me, but you! Mouri Kogoro, I have consumed ten years of youth for you, what have you done?"

Mouri Kogoro was so speechless by Concubine Hideri that his face suddenly became even more ugly.

Fei Yingli held the coffee cup and said ruthlessly, "Look at what you are now, Kogoro Moori, what are you? What are you looking like now? You still have the face to question me and take a picture yourself. Mirror, don't talk about me. Go to the street and find a woman at random to see if she is willing to choose you or Qiye."

Just when Kogoro Moori's face was even more ugly than he had eaten his stool, Nanaya, the central figure of the topic, appeared at the door.

"Yo, what's the situation?"

Chapter 707-Blood Moon!(1)

"Seven nights!" Fei Yingli cheered in surprise, and the expression on her face immediately changed from cruel and unfeeling to the joy of a little girl.

Qiye grinned open the corner of her mouth and strode over, bypassing Kogoro Mouri, and stretched out her arms towards Fei Yingri.

Fei Yingli threw herself into Qiye's arms without hesitation, and then gave him her position, letting the man sit in a chair holding herself.

"What's wrong, baby Yingli, what happened?" Qiye asked without disgustingly while kissing Fei Yingli's cheek.

"It's nothing, just being upset by a fly." Fei Yingli looked at Qiye coquettishly, and said nonchalantly. At this time, her gaze was not willing to stay on Maori Kogoro at all.

"Really?" Nanya smiled, and then looked at the distorted Maori Kogoro, and said, "Are you going to go out by yourself, or should I ask someone to throw you out, my father-in-law."

"Six Dao Qiye, you are really capable!" Maori Kogoro looked at Qiye with a grim expression, the anger that erupted in his eyes had faintly surpassed the boundaries of humans, like a wounded mad beast.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment." Qiye smiled faintly. He knew that he had the ability. This is not narcissism, but fact.

It’s not satisfying to abduct an angel-like girl, she also abducts her mother, not only that, but also makes the girl’s father think that he is a perfect son-in-law, and can hide it from outsiders for so long. Tongtian's ability.

"Damn! You bastard!" Mouri Kogoro couldn't bear the appearance of Qiye and Fei Yingri being so affectionate in front of him. He directly put aside all his previous police rules and punched Nanya with a punch.


Nanya picked up a folder on the desk casually and threw it towards Kogoro Mouri, the files inside were flying everywhere.


Kogoro Mouri screamed and immediately covered his nose. The corner of the folder just hit the bridge of his nose. The bridge of the nose is very fragile. If it is hit hard, the pain is better than many places. .

Fei Yingli coldly looked at Kogoro Moori who was holding his face in pain, and said to the two security guards outside the door: "Throw this man out for me, and he will not be allowed to come in in the future!"


The two security guards were naturally obedient, holding Mouri Kogoro, and throwing him directly out of the gate amidst his screaming.

No matter how tragic Mori Kogoro's fate was, Qiye held his mature and beautiful body in the office, and smiled and said, "Hiri, you looked really unfeeling just now, but I was terrified."

Fei Yingli turned her head and gave someone who was full of nonsense, and said, "You will still be scared. Besides, isn't it because of you that people become so unsympathetic? You are stealing my whole heart. Go away, you robber!"

It was the first time that Qiye heard such sweet words of love from Concubine Hideri, she was proud of her, and hugged Concubine Hideri even harder, and said, "You and Xiaolan are the same, Xiaolan choked Kudo Shinichi's neck for me. And you told people to throw Kogoro Mori out of the gate for me. This is something that makes me very proud!"

The joy of conquering a wife is here, taking a woman away from her husband fiercely, not only the body, but also the heart, completely conquering the woman’s heart so that there is only you as a man in her heart, and Kicking the original man out of that position, or even letting this woman kill her husband for you, is a pleasure of complete conquest, which is very proud.

"Look at you!" Fei Yingli wrinkled her nose and said indignantly, "By the way, why did you come here suddenly?"

Qiye smiled and said, "It was just passing by, but I remembered that you went to work the first day today. According to your personality, you will probably work all the time and forget to eat lunch, so let's take a look. Green, did Yingli forget to eat? ?"

"It really didn't happen this time. My teacher and I were just going to have lunch."

"Well, that's not bad, you don't need to spank."

"Hey, I'm not a kid, why do you always beat me... That!" Fei Yingli blushed and looked at Qiye.

"No way, why is Yingli too cute, especially when he is shy."

"Puff!" Li Shanlu smiled, covering his mouth, thinking about the usual vigorous teacher's appearance at this time, even if he knew it for a long time, but he couldn't help being funny.

"Green! You laugh at me too!"

"No...chuck...really no, teacher..."

"Okay, okay." Qiye stood up holding Concubine Yingli, avoiding her becoming angry, and said: "Let's go to lunch."


As the days passed, Xiaolan's belly was also getting bigger at a speed invisible to the naked eye. Xiaolan's expression became more and more gentle, as her belly grew bigger.

And on the night of this day, Belmode left the house alone, driving the Lamborghini for seven nights, disappearing into the night.

Soon, this fierce and domineering Lamborghini stopped in front of the bar. Belmode got out of the car, took a catwalk, walked in, and directly found a dark man sitting in a corner of the bar. .

Belmode sat down, lighted himself a cigarette, took a sip, and after a while, he looked at the long-haired man in black.

"Oh, what's the matter with NO.1 of our organization that came to me specially today? Is it possible that something can't be solved? I met the devil, eh?" Belmode looked at it with amusement. The gin with a dead face is also a playful tone.

The little brother Rum next to him makes a cold sweat every time he hears Belmode. For those who can joke or even satirize gin, Rum can only worship.

However, Belmode is different this time from last time. It was indeed a joke last time, but this time, it is really ironic. Belmode's current strength has surpassed Gin, after all, her speed, Endurance and strength have all increased explosively. The NO.1 of the organization and the silver bullet that can destroy the organization are only strong within the human range.

"Belmode." Gin's attention shifted from the top of the wine, looking at Belmode, and said: "What are you doing lately? The BOSS is very dissatisfied with your recent performance." There was a suppressed anger in his voice. .

"Really?" So what?

Belmode thought with disdain that she would no longer be controlled by that gentleman. She was determined to betray the organization, but she had not found a suitable opportunity. If she was just betraying plainly, it would be too inconsistent with her. Character too.

She is Belmode!

What's more, what is the organization in front of that demon king?

This woman must have not said something... Gin squinted her eyes and thought so in her heart.

"Have you found that kitten?" Qin Jiu asked coldly, his voice like a resentful spirit crawling out of Jiuyou Hell, not like human indifference.

"No." Belmode poured himself a glass of wine, said categorically, and then drank the spicy spirits in the glass.

Belmode would not be so stupid to tell Shirley about Gin, nothing else, because in that case, Qiye would definitely be upset, Belmode didn't want that kind of thing to happen.

"Really? That kitten can really hide." With an indifferent smile on Gin's face, the temperature of the original lively bar was lowered.

It’s not to blame for our gin boss. After all, it’s unbelievable that you haven’t seen this kind of thing like rejuvenation with your own eyes. What's more, gin hasn’t seen Xiao Ai in front of him. Child, Gin can still tell that it is Shirley in an instant.

"Then what about our No.1 plan?" Belmode poured himself another glass of wine, and was shook in his hand. The amber wine shook to the mouth of the glass several times, but before it was about to shake it out. He was shaken back in an instant, and Belmode's eyes didn't look at the wine glass at all, it was pure touch.

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