Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 728

Qiye put on a demon mask, stepped on his Behemoth, and rushed out with the accelerator pedal.

After they all left, in Liudaozhai, Xiao Ai's room, Xiao Ai was sitting at the window, looking at the disappearing lights on the street, smiled, opened his mouth, and swallowed a capsule.


"Huh~~~~~Ha!!!" Qiye yelled out on Behemoth, but his voice would not be heard by others. Now he is an evil spirit rider, he won’t be obedient. To obey the traffic rules, his car didn't run on the road, but at the top of Tokyo's row upon row of reinforced concrete forests.

Qiye rode Behemoth and galloped at the top of countless tall buildings, which was very cool.

In Tokyo, a metropolis ranked among the top five (12 years) in the world, the buildings are obviously very tall, and most people will not be bored. If you are on the street at night, look up at a place several hundred meters high.

Even if they are sometimes seen by people living in high-levels, at the speed of Qiye, they will only think that they are dazzled.

Judy drove her own car while humming, obviously in a very good mood.

"Ahem..." "Xiao Ai" coughed twice, and said, "Now, one thing, please, can you listen to me? Ahem..."



Two cars and a motorcycle drove all the way, and soon they drove out of downtown Tokyo and arrived at the seaside port.

Judy looked at the car in the rearview mirror, suddenly turned and braked. The whole car suddenly flicked, and the whole car turned its head. The front of the car was facing the car following.

The person in the car got out of the car...

"Teacher Judy."

"Oh, the new teacher, what's the matter?" Judy spread out her hands and said with American enthusiasm.

"This is what I want to ask you." "Tomoaki Shinide" got out of the car and looked at Judy, and said, "What are you going to do with that kid?!"

"NoNo, I just took her out for a drive." Judy sat on the hood and said, "I am not the same as you. I am very, very idle."

"Very idle?" Playing dumb...

"The new doctor, it will be the trial of the murder case soon. You have to testify. In fact, it was the maid Ms. Mitsu who pulled the trigger and killed your father but concealed it for her."

"Miss Guang pulled the trigger?"

"It's useless to pretend to be garlic, but I secretly heard the truth from the six police officers."

When did I say it?Qiye thought helplessly, who had come to the top of a container.

"What are you talking about? The criminal in that case was my stepmother, and the cause of death was electric shock, not gunshot."

"Oh, sorry, the trigger I mentioned just now refers to the trigger of the switch. It is the prisoner who set this murder trap, but the one who pushed the switch up to kill is indeed Xiaoguang who knows nothing. In order not to hurt her, the prisoner Cooperating with the police to write a fake transcript, saying that they killed someone by other means?"

Oh?Is it that case?Qiye squeezed his chin and thought, and immediately stared.Ok?Silver bullet, is it coming?

"But of course you don’t know, because the transcripts you stole from the Metropolitan Police Department certainly didn’t write such things. It was in the transcripts of the case that was stolen to allow the new doctor to continue to appear in court. Am I wrong?"

Although the above is a little bit ignorant, but in simple terms, Belmode stole a transcript of a case related to Shinide Tomoake in order to better pretend to be Shinide Tomoaki, but did not expect to reveal it here. flaw.

"Uh...who are you?"

Judy put a finger in front of her lips and said the classic line.

"A secret makes a woman woman!"

"Do you remember? This is the last sentence you left me. In order not to forget that I have been talking about my words when I kill my father and enemy, right? Chris Wynyard! No, there is another name... "

Belmode tore off the mask on his face, revealing that stunning face and long beautiful pale blonde hair, shining beautifully in the moonlight of the full moon.


Chapter 712-Blood Moon!(6)

"At that time, you told me that Dad was asleep, but he was already dead. You told me to stay with Dad, then set a fire and burned the whole house to ashes, together with being an FBI investigation. The officer’s father secretly collected your investigation data together. But..."

Judy opened his eyes, and Belmode turned his head to look at the dark sea like a monster that has been silent.

"I was saved because I remembered that the orange juice that my father had to drink when he got up was gone, and my mother was not feeling well and started going to bed at noon. I thought I could do something, so I went out shopping triumphantly."

Belmode turned his head to look at Judy, his eyes full of interest, and said, "Hey, are you the little girl at that time? I have been looking for you for a long time, because I only found the bones of your parents in the ruins, hum Humph……"

"Dad's friends protected me, and they let me participate in the witness protection program."

"Oh, I know that in order to protect the life-threatening witnesses, let them change their names and addresses to become another person's stupid plan." Belmode said as he put his hands on his chest, Judy's eyes became sharp. After pressing a button, there was a sound of deflation immediately on his body. When I put it on my body, the gas filling made to imitate the new Chiming deflated at this time, and Belmode's original figure was truly revealed.

To be honest, wearing this kind of thing is very uncomfortable...

"It's very hard. Leave your hometown and become a complete stranger. You have suffered a lot." Belmode flirted with his sexy and beautiful light blonde hair, and said: "Then, you bravely walk along Your father's footsteps continue to hunt me down? FBI's Judy Steyling investigator?"

"Hehe, you really deserve to be Belmode the Witch with a Thousand Faces. With this ability to disguise, you can easily investigate anywhere."

"Didn't you see through it too? I pretended to be a new doctor."

"Of course you will see through it. As long as you see that you are clearly not ill, but you often go to and out of Chiaki Shinide's clinic as a retired female Chris, you will know that you are planning to kill him and then impersonate him."

Belmode raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that the car he and his family were riding in in front of my car broke the railing and sank to the bottom of the sea..."

"Of course we did it too. As long as you let him fall into the sea by accident before you kill him, so that everyone does not know that he is dead, you can play the role of Shinide Tomoaki, of course, in the car. In fact, it was my companion who brought the oxygen cylinder."

"Oh, that's how it is." Belmode said suddenly, without any surprise in his tone.

"Belmod, there is one thing I must ask you clearly."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Why do you... never grow old?!" Judy stared at Belmod without any relaxation, and said: "When I found you, you were in front of your mother Sharon Wynyard's coffin. The sentence I said, A secret makes a woman woman, I checked with excitement and the results were exactly the same. At that time, in order to make my father look like suicide, you planned to pick up the glasses on the floor and put on him , And there are fingerprints on the lenses, which are exactly the same as your fingerprints, but as the murderer twenty years ago, you are too young."

Indeed, the fingerprints left on the lens are the fingerprints of the murderer, which is the same as Chris Wynyard’s fingerprints. This seems to be no problem, but that case happened twenty years ago, and Chris Wynyard was in her twenties. Twenty years ago, she was just like Judy at that time as a milk doll. Even if her fingerprints were the same, it didn't make sense to get it in court.

"Although I thought it was impossible, I checked someone's fingerprints and found a scary fact that you and your mother, Sharon Wynyard, are the same person!"

Although I don’t think of anything in anime, if it’s in real life, instead of making a movie or making a TV series, one person plays two roles, and there is still a mother and daughter, and they even appear at a banquet at the same time. Women are also big stars that have attracted the attention of the world. Countless people's eyes are on them, but no one can find that they are actually the same person. This is really scary.

Sister Bei deceived the world!

"Yes, really good." Belmode smiled and gave his praise, and then...

Belmod’s reaction speed is faster than Judy’s. When Judy’s hand just touched the gun, Belmod’s gun was already in his hand and aimed at it, and when Judy’s gun half of the body left the body , Belmode’s bullet has left the barrel.


Belmode fired two shots, and the bullets penetrated Judy's body without body armor protection. After two shots, Judy immediately shook her body twice and fell to the side of the car, holding the silver revolver in her hand. Can't help but fell to the ground.

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