Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 729

Belmode squatted beside Judy, kicked the pistol off the ground, and said, "That's not bad, little girl, but you're still a bit worse than my sister. I will return all those files just for I made you think that my purpose was Kogoro Moori and I went to monitor the Moori detective agency. Thanks to you, I found your number, location, and contact method."

I have to say that Judy is still too tender compared to Belmode, the witch with a thousand faces. Belmode originally calculated Belmode, but Belmode calculated it in reverse.

Belmode did not know what the FBI was doing in Japan at first, but she deliberately left some flaws for Judy to find out, and then lured the FBI to investigate the Maori detective office, knowing where the FBI would appear, and vice versa. It's much easier to detect them.

"Then we secretly enter your room..."

"Yes, I just pretended not to know. Even so, you still surprised me. I didn't expect you to be the little girl from 20 years ago. But..." Belmode raised his hand The gun, aimed at Judy’s forehead, said: "The reunion after twenty years is over, and everything will be over. Come on! Give me a smile, you will see your dear father soon Slightly."


The gunfire sounded, but it was not Judy who fired the gun, but the one hiding on the top of the container... Hideichi Akai!

As soon as the gunfire sounded, Belmode's body was ejected instantly, jumping several times in a row, staying for no more than 0.1 second at any point, and quickly hiding behind Judy's car.

Belmode is not stupid enough to hide behind his car, otherwise, what if Akai shoots over one by one. If he hides here, Judy is still next to the car, Akai must not shoot casually.

"Hmph, Shuichi Akai, I didn't expect you to be here." Belmode sneered, hiding behind the car, and another actor came.

"No way, who told Judy this time to be your opponent with a thousand faces." Akai said lightly.

"Oh, can this be understood as you are complimenting me?" Belmode smiled faintly, and then took out two things from his pocket, pulled off the upper ring, and after estimating the time, he moved towards Throw it out in the air.

"Grenade?!" To be precise, it was a grenade and a flash bomb.

Then in the moonlight, Akai saw clearly what Belmode had thrown out. His pupils shrank, and before he had time to fly, the grenade and flash bomb exploded in the air. The explosion wave, the steel balls and flash bombs flying out of it were dazzling and strong. Hikari, Shuichi Akai couldn't help but close his eyes.

This was also calculated by Belmode. In the face of close-range glare and explosions, unless Shuichi Akai is a robot, it is absolutely impossible to keep his eyes open. Taking this opportunity, Belmode swayed and lurked in the dark. Among.

When Hideichi Akai's eyes recovered, Belmode was no longer found, so he frowned inconspicuously, holding a shotgun, and scanning his eyes, but in the end he couldn't find Belmode. Seeing that two holes had been opened, Judy, who could only lean against the car, jumped off the top of the container.

"Hey, are you okay."

"It's okay." Judy smiled reluctantly and said, "It's just two broken ribs." Two bones were broken, and the internal organs and large blood vessels were not penetrated to cause hemorrhage in the body. This is a relatively minor injury, but I don't know if it is. Judy's illusion, she felt that Belmode's men were merciful just now.

"Where is that woman?"

"I can't find it, maybe I've ran away." Shuichi Akai was still indifferent, and there was no sadness or joy in his voice. He didn't seem to be disappointed because Belmode ran away. Even so, but his spirit And the body still maintains a high level of police.

Shuichi Akai stretched out his hand to pull Judy, and the moment he held it, there was a gunshot.

Shuichi Akai immediately let go, and the bullet flew between the two of them, and Shuichi Akai took the shotgun and aimed at the direction of the bullet.

Seeing the man walking out of the darkness, even Shuichi Akai was obviously more vigilant than before, and his eyes became sharp like an eagle.


Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirteen-Blood Moon!(7)

"Good job, Belmode." Gin pointed the gun at Akai Hideichi, staring at Akai Hideichi, but he dared not relax.

The strength of Shuichi Akai makes Gin not underestimate it. Although it is three-to-two temporarily, and one of the opponents is injured, Gin will not trust Belmode, and if Shuichi Akai is killed , Gin may also be explained here.

"Thank you for your compliment, gin." Belmode came from the other side with a chuckle, as she walked out of the darkness with her beautiful and graceful body. In her hand, the black hole of the muzzle aimed at the piano. The back of wine.

For a master like gin, even if you don't need to look at it, if someone is pointed at with a gun at such a close distance, he would have died long ago if he couldn't find it.

Belmode's strength is not even so close that Gin Wine can't find it, not to mention Belmode does not want to hide it at all.

Gin didn't turn his head, still holding the cigarette in his mouth, and said coldly: "Belmod, are you going to betray the organization?"

Hearing the gin, Rum immediately turned his head and aimed his gun at Belmode. Rum can become a gin's subordinate after the death of vodka. Although his head is not good, his marksmanship and skill are still good.

And Rum is still very good as a little brother. The most important point is that he is very obedient and does not refute the order of Gin.

Now it was Belmode pointing to the gin, the gin pointing to Akai Shuichi, Akai pointing to the gin, Rum pointing to Belmode, the injured Judy could only be soy sauce.

Although Belmode is alone now, Shuichi Akai's situation is the worst in comparison, after all, he still has an oil bottle over there.

Although there are rums staring at Belmode, the gin actually doesn't have any expectation about whether rum can fully stare at Belmode. After all, the combat awareness, marksmanship, and skill of the two are not of the same level.

"Belmod, betray the organization, are you ready to be hunted down by the organization?" Gin smiled coldly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Chasing? Chuck..." Belmode laughed, her long pale blonde hair and proud chest trembled with her chuckle, but the hand holding the gun was extremely stable. Master.

"I only hope that the NO.1 organization will have the energy to chase me down." Belmode said with one hand in his waist, very proud.

Although it was facing his back, Gin still noticed Belmode's arrogance that he didn't put the organization in his eyes at all, frowned inconspicuously, and then turned into that Hell Nine Netherworld again.

"Hmph, Belmode, it seems that you have found a fairly stable backing."

"I can't say anything about patrons, but he is indeed a very reliable man."

A person?

This sentence made Ginjiu and Hideichi Akai frowned. A person, what kind of person can make Belmode determined to betray the organization with their own efforts?Who can fight the organization on their own?

"Speaking of which, that person and you are old acquaintances, Gin."

"Hmph, then I really want to see him!"

"Then he..."

"Come!" A loud roar came from the air. While everyone was staring at their target, they also stared at the sky from the corner of their eyes. They saw a huge black shadow that divided the moon into two. The shadow is growing rapidly.


Gin shouted all his life, and immediately jumped away from Rum, following the downward trend of the dark shadow. If he doesn't escape, he might be affected, which is not good.

While the gin and rum jumped away, Shuichi Akai immediately moved, and instantly clipped the shotgun under his armpit, and then reached out and pulled Judy who was difficult to move on the ground and "Sai" in the car, and also moved to the side. Jump away.

Among all the people, the only thing that didn’t move was Belmode, and the smile on her face became even more nasty.



The sound of a heavy object falling, followed by a roar, and a huge smoke and dust engulfed Belmode and the object that had just fallen. Accompanied by it, there was a huge engine roar, which can be heard by ears. Know the power of that horsepower.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

There was a strange laugh from the smoke, the voice was rough and hoarse, and accompanied by a weird gloom, it looked very scary, and people could not help but get goose bumps.

"It's been a long time, Gin." In the smoke, the face behind the mask gave a terrifying smile and said, "I miss you!"

As soon as this sentence is said, if Gin doesn't know who this person is, then he can almost get it.

"Huh, the devil, it's you!" Gin said with a cold snort. He didn't expect that the person on Belmode's hook was the devil who had suffered him repeatedly. Now, Gin somewhat believed in Bell. Mode can not be afraid of the organization's pursuit.

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