Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 730

For an organization as large as the black organization, the transfer of capital mobilization personnel is huge, no matter how careful it is, it is impossible to hide everyone’s eyes and ears, so the black organization will be the FBI Stare.

But the lone ranger like the Demon King is much more concealed than the black organization. After all, one person has a small goal. If the FBI is full of energy to stare at the Demon King, then the United States does not need to do things.

"Gin can remember me, it makes me so touched that I want to... kill you." The Demon King's voice full of madness and weird came again, in this night, colder than the sea breeze on the sea.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the figures in it were revealed. A motorcycle that was much larger and exaggerated than the ordinary one. The rider on it was a tall man wearing a black leather jacket and a demon mask. At this time, Bell Mode is leaning on him, showing a perfect female figure.

"That car...not..." Judy stared at the motorcycle obviously, because she had seen the only motorcycle in the world, and then...


Judy coughed immediately. Although Belmode's two shots avoided Judy's internal organs and large blood vessels, it must still be very uncomfortable to break two ribs and come out through the body. Coughed.

Qiye looked at Judy and knew that she was not fatally injured, but it would be dangerous if she dragged it further. She couldn't help but glared at Belmode through the mask and said, "There is no need to be so cruel."

Although there is no beginning and no end to this sentence, Belmode understood what he meant very well. He couldn't help but hang half-way on Qiye's body, curling up his light blonde hair with his fingers, and gently scratching Qiye's exposure. The ear outside the mask, exhale Ruolan in his ear.

"Why, distressed?" Belmode's sexy purple lips made a charming smile, and said: "That little girl almost killed me?"

The eyes behind Qiye's mask suddenly turned up. What does Judy have to kill Belmode?What international joke are you, if Judy really has that ability, she would be the third silver bullet.(The first one is Shuichi Akai, and the second one is Shinichi Kudo. For Nanaya, it is not suitable for silver bullets, and the black fangs are almost the same)

"Really." Qiye complained in a low voice, but stopped pursuing Belmode, because he didn't say it, but it would hurt the feelings. He reached out to the top of his head and took off the mask on his face.

When Qiye took off the mask to reveal his original perfect face, all the people present except Belmode and Rum who were soy saucers were obviously slightly surprised, and then they were suppressed.

"Hmph, Devil, you are really interested, you will actually run to become a policeman!" Gin Jiu sneered, apparently recognizing the identity of Qiye's face.

"Normally," Qiye dropped the mask aside, "The FBI invited me to join before, but I didn't agree."

"Hmph, I really look forward to what it will be like when you join the FBI." Gin sneered twice. Rarely, he joked with Nanaya, his tone of irony, satirizing Akai Shuichi.

The FBI takes the initiative to recruit people, and the people they want to recruit are actually the super killers they have been hunting down. This is really an ironic thing.

"This is the first time I heard you play a joke, Gin." Qiye looked at Gin jokingly. "Aren't you afraid to kill you too?"

"The same is true for you, Devil, be careful that you are really going to be a devil in hell." The gin boss looked at Qiye coldly.

The sudden appearance of Nanaya changed the pattern. Gin pointed at Nanaya, Nanaya pointed at Akai Hideichi, and Akai Shuichi pointed at Nanaya. The three people formed an infinite loop, and no one could move first. The person who pointed at him would shoot immediately.

And Rum still pointed at Belmode, Belmode pointed at Judy, and Judy stood up and pointed the gun at Rum.

In general, although Shuichi Akai is holding a powerful shotgun, the situation is very unfavorable for him, because Judy can't support it for too long. Once Judy fails, Belmode will immediately hang Lang. Mu, then and Qiye, in a two-to-one situation, it is not good for him and Gin.

"By the way, are we just standing here like this?" Qiye said helplessly, holding up her gun, how could this kind of confrontation again happen, "I want to go home to sleep with Xiaolan, and hide in The Conan children's shoes in the trunk, are you planning to stay there forever?"


Following Qiye's words, the trunk of Judy's car opened and Conan-kun ran out of it.

"So what are you doing with you kid?"

Chapter 714-Blood Moon!(8)

"This kid!" Gin narrowed his eyes when he saw Conan coming out of the carriage.

Gin generally doesn't remember the insignificant person, but Conan is the kid who appeared in the last time he and the demon king, and because of this, Gin remembers him.

"Conan, why are you everywhere?" Qiye smiled helplessly, and sighed, why would there be this kid everywhere?

By the way, isn’t this also your calculation?

The case on the ship has now been resolved by Conan and Hattori Heiji's double acting. Nanaya and Belmode already know this, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, the case on the ship is just a small case, not to worry about.

Qiye's original calculation was to use that case to attract Conan to this side. Although it sounds strange, it was to use Conan's detective nose born that day.

The letter clearly told Conan that there would be a case at the banquet, and Conan would easily think that Qiye must have some other conspiracy. The case on the boat was just bait, used to catch Conan this fish, attracting him. Here.

And now the "little mourning" next to Akai Hideichi is also a bait, used to catch the two big fish Judy and Akai Hideichi. Facts have proved that this is very effective. Until now, no one except Nanya and Belmode Know that it is fake.

Akai Hideichi also became Nanya's bait this time. His bait was used to catch gin. After all, attracting Akai Hideichi was also one of the main tasks of Gin this time. They all fell into the calculation of Nanya.

"What's the matter, Demon Lord, is this your reinforcement?" Akai Shuichi looked at Qiye lightly. Of course, there was still a trace of hostility in the plain tone. After all, Miyano Akimi...

"Stop telling jokes, Akai Hideichi." Qiye rolled his eyes directly at Akai Hideichi, and said: "It is more practical to expect this kid to help me than to expect a meteorite to drop you to death."

Qiye was not at all polite to talk to Akai Hideichi, his tone was like two hurting friends, but who would have thought of the tense atmosphere.

"By the way, Conan, how does it feel to find Hattori Heiji to pretend to be you?" Nanaya continued to hold her pistol, putting her mental power on Akai Shuichi and Ginshu at the same time, telling them that he was still paying attention to them and let them Don't move, look at Conan with a playful smile.

Conan can’t act rashly now. He also sees the current form clearly. Six people and two triangles remain relatively stable, but as long as any one of these six corners is missing, it will immediately trigger a gun battle, unless he can simultaneously Get these six, but obviously impossible.

"How do you know?" Conan frowned and looked at Qiye.

"Can't you think of such a simple question?" Qiye rolled her eyes helplessly, and said: "You didn't go to get the antidote. If you want to get on the boat, you can only find someone to pretend to be you. It's impossible for Dr. Ari. You can Heiji Hattori, Shinichi Kudo, is the only one to find."

"Humph!" Conan snorted coldly, seeming to be angry at Qiye saying his name, and then said: "Then what about you? How do you take Shirley away from the FBI?"


Gin and Shuichi Akai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of Shuichi Akai glanced at the indifferent girl next to her, she really was...

"Oh, did you say that?" Qiyekuang pointed a finger at "Sao Ai" beside Akai Shuichi, then laughed out loud and said, "I didn't expect that a dummy would fool you all. , I am so fulfilled."


This sentence is the voice of gin, Shuichi Akai and Judy, but Conan helped them to say it, the living, talking and moving dummy?It's too fake.

"Don't believe it? That's it."


Qiye snapped his fingers, and then with a bang, the "Little Sorrow" next to Akai Hideichi turned into a cloud of white smoke, just a shadow.

Appreciating the unobviously shocked look of Gin and Shuichi Akai, Nanaya felt very satisfied. After all, it was very rare for these two to show such an expression.

"Well, my "little sorrow" is not bad, a dummy has brought you all here." Qiye said with a smile, very proud in her tone, after all, he organized the black clothes so simply, Both the FBI and the original protagonist of this world got here, and only two shadow clones and two letters were used.

"My dear, how do I think you are showing off?" Belmode hung on Qiye and laughed softly.

"Is there?" Qiye turned to look at Belmode. Under the latter's playful gaze, he once again acknowledged and said, "Well, I'm really showing off."

"What then?" Hideichi Akai looked at Qiye faintly, and said, "What did you do to bring us all here?"

"In fact, it's not a big deal, just something to announce." Qiye put her arm around Belmode's scented shoulders, and said: "This woman has withdrawn from the organization today, Gin, I'm afraid you have to find any tasks in the future. Someone else."

"Oh?" Gin looked at Qiye, raised his eyebrows, then spit out the cigarette from his mouth, and said, "Devil, I thought I looked at you very highly, but I didn't expect you to be so courageous!"

"Hehe, gin, you will know immediately that I am not only brave." Qiye smiled faintly, got out of the car with Belmode, then moved his hand from Belmode's incense shoulder and snapped his fingers. , And then put it back immediately.

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