Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 731

"Behemoth, give me something powerful."

"Understood, boss!"

There were seven people on the scene, but the eighth voice sounded, and this voice was obviously never seen before.

Then, in front of Gin, Hideichi Akai and others, a scene that would only appear in science fiction movies was shown.

The mount of Seven Nights, Behemoth, began to become, the red and black body split, and then rotated, recombined in different ways, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into two Green machine guns and a A missile, two muzzles in the middle, and a super mobile fort with mini muzzles below.


Qiye patted Behemoth after his transformation, and said, "How about, my little brother is not bad, he is called Behemoth, he is the largest weapon arsenal in the world. Behemoth, come and send a giant Missile."

"OK, boss!" Behemoth naturally prepared immediately after receiving Qiye's order. The missile loaded on the top slowly rose, aiming at the large container in front of him.

"Giant Missile!!"

Behemoth roared in excitement, and the green cannon body on his back, as well as this cute smiling missile, flew out directly, and then landed in the center of a container.

If you are cute by this cute Hida smile, then you have suffered miserably.


The explosion of the Giant Missile caused a huge roar. As Qiye’s strength increased, Behemoth, the only younger brother of Qiye and who was powered by Qiye’s power, had of course also gained a lot of benefits. Giant Missile The power of Sadogdu is far beyond that of the Sadogdoo who originally possessed this trick.

The power of this giant missile can be said to be only inferior to nuclear bombs and anti-matter weapons. A huge explosion swept over half of the terminal, countless containers were destroyed in the explosion, and the goods inside were wiped from the world. Except, as for how much economic losses this will cause to Japan, it is not within his consideration, it is not his money anyway.

Watching this scene burned out the super fireworks that I don't know how many billions of them, and then looking at the cracking and shocked expressions of Akai Shuichi and Gin Sake, he felt that this plan was perfect.

Belmode was betrayed by the FBI and Conan in front of the black organization. I have to say that it was quite gorgeous, and Qiye revealed Behemoth. One was to shock the black organization and the FBI. Falling half a pier, this power made them have to throw rats.

Although the Black Organization is strong, it is impossible to fight against the entire world. Although they have done a lot of actions, it is basically impossible to control powerful weapons such as intercontinental missiles.

Although the FBI has the largest backstage of the United States, this is Japan. No matter how strong the United States is, it is impossible to throw bombs casually here, so that both the United States and Japan can fight.

Of course, they would definitely want to get Behemoth very much. Qiye wouldn’t worry about this, because without his energy as a power support, Behemoth is just a pile of scrap iron stored in him. All weapons in the body will be scrapped.

After this time, Qiye is ready to be completely targeted by the black organization and the FBI, but it doesn't matter, life can be more fun, right?

"Well, the power is not bad." Qiye looked at the general wharf in front of him, nodded, and smiled with satisfaction. This deterrent should be enough.

Neither the Black Organization nor the FBI will easily smash with Qiye, because they dare not, they all have scruples, but Qiye is an uncontrollable horror guy, if he provokes him and runs to you Who can stand the bombs littered on the site?

"How about it, dear, do you like it?" Qiye smiled with her arms around Belmode.

"It's really beautiful fireworks, I like it very much." Belmode leaned on Qiye's shoulder and smiled very happily. In fact, she prefers the expression of gin and Hideichi Akai.

"This is also a gift for you, gin, Shuichi Akai, hahahahaha..."

Qiye showed his arrogant laugh, but the laugh was halfway, but stopped abruptly, looking at the direction of the highway, the expression on his face could not tell whether it was angry or funny.

Soon, with a steady and powerful engine sound, a dark, domineering sports car appeared in front of everyone.

There are not many cars in Japan, and there is only one in Tokyo. The owner's name is Liudaoqiye, Lamborghini Kontas.


The car door opened, and a young girl got out of the car. She had beautiful short brown hair, as beautiful as her, but always covered with sad, ice-blue eyes.

"This stupid woman!"

Chapter 715-Blood Moon!(9)

Qiye didn't expect Xiao Ai to take medicine to come to this place. This was the only omission in his plan. After all, he didn't know the nightmare Xiao Ai had had.

"Great, you're okay, great..." Xiao Ai, or Zhibo, immediately rushed over and plunged into Qiye’s arms, holding his clothes tightly on his chest with both hands, and his body was shaking. With.

How can I scold her like this?

Qiye thought helplessly in her heart, even though she wanted to teach this disobedient girl a lesson, but with Shiho's so weak appearance, Qiye was really hard-hearted, so she could only reach out and hug her.

"You idiot." Qiye whispered, but there was no anger.

Shiho Miyano is not the cold and arrogant Queen, nor the super scientist who has a smart brain and inherited the research of APTX-4869. She is really a little girl.

Seeing Nanya and Shiho Miyano cuddling together, someone narrowed his eyes slightly and shot directly.


A silver light flashed, Belmode was holding a dagger in his hand, and the bullet hit the dagger and bounced out.

This dagger was given to Belmode by Qiye. It is made of superalloy and is harder than any metal and alloy in the world.

"Gin, this is the first time I saw you so uncomfortable." Belmode smiled and shook her hand. Although it was blocked, the impact of the bullet still made her hand numb.

"Humph!" Gin snorted coldly, and instead of answering Belmode's question, he said: "Belmode, I didn't expect you to protect this kitten."

Belmod flirted with his long blonde hair and said, "People will always change, not to mention I am very grateful to Shirley now."

The reason Belmod hated Shirley before was because she ate the test product of APTX-4869 developed by Shirley and her parents, which allowed her to maintain her appearance and never age.

For the average woman, the appearance is not old, and the permanent youth is the career that they have been pursuing all their lives. Of course, too much will not end well.

Belmode’s ageless face may be the pursuit of all women, but for Belmode, it is not happiness, but a curse.Because her face will not age, she will not have a day of old age, which means that she will always be controlled by the BOSS, which is the reason Belmode hates Xiao Ai.

But now this problem doesn’t exist anymore, because Belmode has betrayed the organization, it doesn’t matter what BOSS is now, what’s more, now because of his immortal appearance, Belmode doesn’t have to worry about stigma with him. A relaxing day, it’s good, isn’t it?

The reason for hatred no longer exists, and Belmode is even a little grateful that Xiao Ai can inherit the research and develop the drug.

Women’s ideas are so complicated...

"Well, Belmode, today's matter has been resolved, we should go back."

"Follow your orders, Lord Demon." Belmode gave Qiye a playful salute, which in return Qiye rolled his eyes.


"Yes, boss!" Behemoth immediately understood the meaning of Qiye, changed the body, and became a four-seater super sports car.

"Idiot, get in the car!"

Qiye dragged Zhibao into the car. Although she couldn't get angry with her, she still had to clean up the girl who didn't listen to her words and stayed at home when she was ill, or she wouldn't fall into trouble.

Zhibao was sitting in the co-pilot, while Belmode was sitting in the back. Qiye was about to get in the car, and suddenly stopped, looking at the five people who remained in place, and said, "These feathers will be given to you as gifts. Keep it safe."

With a wave of Qiye's hand, four purple-black feathers flew out and flew accurately into everyone's hands.Five people, four feathers?Trust me, this is not wrong.

Gin, Rum, Shuichi Akai and Conan each have a feather, but Judy doesn't, because the feather is a sign of his murder.

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