Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 732

"Bye bye, everyone, just enjoy the sea breeze here." Qiye said goodbye serenely, then got into the car and drove away.

"Rum, go!" Gin looked at the feather in his hand, then threw it on the ground, and then greeted Rum to leave with him.

"Yes, boss!"

Hideichi Akai did not stop Gin from leaving because it was unnecessary, and Judy's injury needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. There is no need to smash with Gin.


On the other side, Qiye looked at the car blankly. Zhibo was sitting in the co-pilot and looked at Qiye's expression from time to time. However, the results did not reassure Zhibao because Qiye was completely expressionless at this time.

"Are you angry?" Shiho asked cautiously. In that way, he was clearly a kid who did something wrong. The cute appearance made Belmode laugh, and even Qiye almost didn't stretch his face. .

"No." Qiye said lightly, the expression on his face was the same as that of a dead man.

"I'm just angry!" Shiho puffed up his cheeks and looked at him puffed up. What should be angry is whether she is good or not, doing such a dangerous thing without telling her, that is Ginjiu and Shuichi Akai!I made up my mind to take medicine to come to you, but it turned out to see your dead face?!

The more Zhibao thought about it, the more dissatisfied he was. He snorted coldly, turning his head out of the window like a bun, looking at the changing night outside the window.

The three of them returned home in this atmosphere. Qiye got out of the car and dragged Zhibao down. Looking at her still bulging face, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes, but she still looked like a dead person, saying: "I have to apologize for a while, fool!"


"What a stubborn idiot!" Qiye muttered, and then took Shiho into the house, and in the living room, not surprisingly, saw Miyano Akemi.

"Qiyao, Xiaoai, she... Shiho?!" Mingmei wanted to tell Qiye Xiaoai about her disappearance, but as soon as she raised her head, she saw her sister, Shiho Miyano, she had changed back?

"Zhiho!" Mingmi hugged Shiho immediately, feeling excited, and even tears in her eyes, and said: "Zhiho, where did you go, scared me to death, do you know how worried I am when you suddenly disappeared? what!"

"Sister, I'm sorry."

This sentence slipped out of Zhibao's mouth. She took some medicine before and ran out without telling anyone in the family. It was indeed a lack of consideration. Zhibao did not expect her sister to be so worried, which made her very self-blame.

Shiho raised his head and glanced at Qiye. Did what he meant just now?

Qiye stretched out her hand and pinched Shibo's face, and said, "Idiot, this time you know that you are wrong."

"Humph!" Even if he grew older, Zhibao still retained Xiao Ai's venomous tongue and hard-mouthed personality, and said, "I just apologized to my sister. What's your business, bastard!"

"You damn girl!" Qiye was so angry that she "leaped like thunder", and directly pulled Shiho from Mingmei's side, put it on her shoulders, and said: "The disobedient little girl should be educated!" Go upstairs.

The body of the child used to be carried or held by him, but now, Xiao Ai has become Shiho, and this posture made her feel a huge shame.

"Asshole, let me down quickly!" Zhibao hung on Qiye's body and couldn't use any force, only tapping his back with his hands.


With a crisp sound, Qiye stretched out her hand and struck Shi Bao Qiao's small fragrant butt forcefully, and said: "The disobedient little girl should really be hit!"

"Asshole! Big ass!"

Mingmei looked at Nanaya and Shiho, and had to say that it was strange, and then looked at Belmode next to him with questioning eyes.

"What happened to them?"

Belmode shrugged and said, "You will know tomorrow."



Qiye threw Shiho on the top of her super big bed, then jumped up on her own, pressed on Shiho, and said, "You damned girl, you are getting more and more disobedient. I remember what I said, without me. With permission, you are not allowed to take that antidote indiscriminately!"

"Huh!" Zhi Bao turned his head away in anger, with a little grievance in his eyes. If it weren't for you asshole, I wouldn't have taken that damn antidote. It hurts me to death when I grow older, you asshole. I don't know how to comfort me!

Qiye squeezed Shiho's chin and turned her head around, looking at those ice blue eyes.

Stubborn, unyielding, unruly like a horse.

"It's this look, this damn look!" Qiye said fiercely as she looked at Shiho's eyes, and it was this stubborn look that fascinated him.

"Zhiho, how long is the antidote?"

Chapter 716-Shiho Miyano!

Nanana’s words made Shibo seem to have eaten a yellow lantern. Not only his face, but the whole body was pink, but he is still wearing clothes, so it’s not very obvious. Why is it now?

Shibao turned her face in shame, and her neat brown hair covered her perfect profile, but it was enough for Qiye to see her cute little ears that were already red.

"Probably... about... four... four hours..."

Zhibaotong blushed and said these words. Her temporary antidote can only last about five hours. It took one hour before, and now there are four hours left.

Shiho is very clear about what Nanaya wants to do. In fact, he has been waiting for this day, waiting for her to be no longer Haibara, but a seventeen-year-old girl, Shiho Miyano. In fact, she has always been Looking forward to it.

"Four hours? Although it's a bit shorter, it's still okay." Qiye said with a shy face and a soft smile.

Zhibao understood what he meant, turned his head and stared at him in shame, but then turned his head back because of his embarrassment.

For four hours, it is absolutely impossible for a normal man to hold on for that long, but for Qiye, it is almost just the time to take off.

Qiye said this, which also means that for the next four hours, Shiho will be enjoyed by him...cough cough...

"Hey, Shiho, now I feel that you violated my orders and took the antidote without making me so angry."

"Huh! You are a bastard!"

Qiye hugged Shiho's bumpy body and said, "I am a bastard. This is something everyone knows, but I didn't expect Shiho to have such a good body. It seems that I didn't let you take the antidote earlier. Mistakes."

There is no Shiho’s clothes at home. The clothes she wears now are stolen Mingmei. Mingmei is seven years older than Shiho. She has also become a woman and has a pretty good body. Her clothes and underwear are just right for Shiho. I have to say , This sister is better than her sister in many aspects.

"Asshole, if you want to come, come quickly!" Zhi Bao became angry and said domineering words without thinking, but closed his eyes with shame.

Qiye gently stroked Shibao's red face, and said, "Don't worry, we have four hours left and we can try a lot of postures."

Xiaolan, the first heroine, had long been lost in Qiye's hands, and now, Shiho Miyano, the second heroine, could not escape the clutches.

Zhibo also knew that today's opportunity could not be missed and never come again, because Qiye wouldn't let Shibo keep taking the temporary antidote just for this kind of thing.

Zhibo himself wouldn't, if the antidote is too much, and the body becomes resistant to the drug, the permanent antidote will not become bigger in the future, so where can Zhibo cry?

Qiye began to remove the clothes from Shiho. The clothes were Mingmei's, or Qiye bought Mingmei. Qiye had taken the clothes off Mingmei several times, and this time he was about to replace it with her dear sister.

Shibo was a top scientist when he was in the organization, and he spent the whole day doing research in a blinded laboratory. Compared to his sister who performed tasks outside, Shibo’s skin looked whiter because he was not exposed to the sun all year round. , White makes Qiye feel distressed.

Under the coat, there is Shiho's favorite red underwear. The buttons of the underwear are on the front, which is very convenient to untie. When Qiye pulls the buttons, the pair of babies immediately bounced out.

Zhibao immediately became tense, holding the sheet tightly with his hands, his nails almost grabbed the tough sheet, and the muscles of his whole body were tightened together.

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