Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 733

Shiho Miyano should be regarded as the most special girl in the family. Before today, Qiye had seen her body countless times, but that was the body of a seven-year-old child in the state of Aihara.

The two have also done countless things that shouldn't happen to an adult and a little girl, and the two have seen him countless times, but this time Shiho is still nervous.

Nanaya's big hand held Shiho's chest, kneaded it lightly, and said, "Shiho, don't be nervous, relax..."

Maybe it was Nanya's words that worked, or maybe Zhibo was mentally prepared for a long time. Soon, Zhibo relaxed and his body became soft instead of stiff.

Nanaya kissed Shiho's small mouth. He had already possessed these two beautiful lips countless times, but this time the feeling was different because the person he kissed was no longer Aihara Hihara, but Shiho Miyano.

Qiye greedily enjoyed these two fragrant lips, and Shiho also showed the heat that he did not usually have on the bed. He wrapped his arms around Qiye’s neck and kissed him eagerly. Even Mingmei couldn’t think that his sister was there. The bed will be so active.

After a while of kissing, Zhibo's icy blue eyes had turned into aqua blue, and the ice melted. There was no clear light in these beautiful eyes, and they were clearly tainted with erotic desire.

Shiho twisted her body. This pose showed her proud figure and soft waist, which was very charming.

Shiho moved under Qiye like a beautiful snake, and then helped Qiye get rid of the cover of his lower body.

Holding the fiery weapon with her soft little hand, looking at it like this, Zhibo felt a bit thirsty in his throat. She used to be seven years old, so she would not react emotionally, but now she is seventeen. The girl, smelling the scent from the man in this way, was naturally emotional.

As a biochemist, Shiho Miyano studies drugs for the human body, and he has not done less research on human body. She has seen men used for research before, and she will not feel anything when she enters the state of a scientist, but this man It feels so different to her.

Zhibao opened his small mouth, first teased the front end of the weapon with the soft tip of his tongue, and then covered the huge little bit with two soft thin lips.

Because it’s impossible for a seven-year-old child to do that kind of thing, Xiao Ai always uses her mouth and hands to help Qiye vent her mouth and hands. The skills on her mouth and hands have long been so proficient, which brought Qiye great enjoyment. .

Seeing Qiye's expression of enjoyment, Zhibo worked harder. This time she was different from before. Now she can use her proud breast and the tender flesh of her breast to clamp Qiye's weapon.

The pleasure brought by using the chest and the small mouth at the same time is absolutely top-notch, but Qiye is not too intoxicated, because he knows that they have more than three hours left, and there are many things to do, so I can’t just enjoy it. .

Qiya pressed Zhibao on the bed again, which was different from the beautiful body full of girlish vitality and the little girl's body. Qiya pressed Zhibao under her body. At this time, he was not anxious and supported with elbows. Get up and admire the girl underneath.

"Zhiho, do you know how beautiful you are now?" Qiye whispered in a hoarse voice, blushing on her snow-white cheeks, and the ice blue eyes that had been covered by indifference and sadness were also full at this time. Shame and affection have become a sweet spring that nourishes people's hearts. It is so beautiful.

It's a pity that Shiho didn't let Qiye admire these beautiful eyes for too long. She was so ashamed that she had to close her eyes, and pushed her breasts up like her fate, and said, "Don't say it... come... Right..."

"Yes, Aidian." Qiye said with a smirk, and then separated the girl's legs and stabbed it in.


The inevitable pain, Qiye's huge amount of pain brought Zhibao a lot of pain, tears bloomed in an instant, wet her beautiful face, and an unconscious cry of pain in her small mouth.

When people feel severe pain, no matter what is in her mouth, she will bite it down, and it is Qiye's shoulder that is bitten by Zhibao.

Qiye was very willing to bite his body when the girl experienced the first pain so that he could feel the same pain as them.

Qiye felt distressed for Shibo, so she naturally wouldn't attack at this time, gently hugged her trembling body, and patted Shibo's beautiful back with her big hands.

"I am here, Shiho, I have always been here." Qiye whispered over Shiho's head, giving her a sense of security, calming her heart, and making up for her loss and emptiness after the first time.

Although Shiho was still a young bird, with the guidance and guidance of the old bird Qiye, she quickly set off on the road. The corridor became hot and moist, and the legs that clamped Qiyehu’s waist were separated because of the pain. All this is telling Qiye that she can.

Ai Harahara, Shiho Miyano, is definitely one of Nanya’s favorite characters, not just in this world, but the same in all animes. This girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, strong on the outside and soft on the inside, has a different heart in Nanya’s heart. Status.

The sky thunder shook the fire, and Shiho Miyano finally gave herself to the beloved man on this day. Although she had been reluctant to admit her feelings for him, her body had answered honestly.

Forty minutes later, Zhibao reached the limit, his arms were tightly wrapped around Qiye, his nails caught ten marks on Qiye's wide back, his slender legs were raised high in the air, his whole body was stretched and his insteps Tightened, forming a perfect curve with the calf, ten lovely round toes stretched unconsciously, then tightened, and finally trembled twice before losing all strength.

After Zhibao lost her strength, Qiao's face was dripping with sweat, her beautiful eyes closed tightly, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she couldn't tell whether it was happiness or pain, but she was beautiful.

"How long will it take?" Zhibao asked this question to the man who was pressing on him before he fully recovered.

Qiye looked at the alarm clock beside the bed and said, "About three hours."

Zhibao opened his eyes, looked at the man on him softly, and said, "Come on again."

Qiye stroked Zhibao's pretty face and said, "Can you still stand it?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Shiho couldn't harden his mouth anymore. He reached out and stroked Qiye's handsome face, and said: "If you miss today, I don't know when the next time it will be. Come on, Qiye, Possession Me."

It was impossible for Qiye to refuse such a request from Shiho, and before the peak of the previous wave had fallen, he took Shiho to a higher peak.

One night of love, one night of madness...

This was also the only night Qiye didn't spend with her from pregnancy to childbirth.

Chapter 717-Hospital!

As a result... it changed back...

Early in the morning, Xiao Ai looked at her little hand, thinking about it in her heart, but then...

Xiao Ai looked at the man sleeping next to her, her face blushing, and her heart was filled with unprecedented sweetness.

Xiao Ai stretched her hand into the quilt and stroked the position of her lower abdomen. Although it became smaller, the pain was still there, which proved that she had bid farewell to the girl.

The seven-year-old girl has already lost that layer of film. I have to say that this is really...

He is so handsome, even when he is asleep...

Looking at Qiye’s sleep, Xiao Ai thought so in her heart, and then because of her shameless thoughts, and the heat of last night, her face burned so badly that she got into the quilt, but her face It was a sweet smile.

Because Xiao Ai remembered one thing. Last night, he didn't go to accompany the pregnant Xiao Lan. He stayed with her all night. At least, last night, he belonged to her only. This made Xiao Ai feel that joy.

Xiao Ai's movements naturally made Qiye wake up from her dream, looking at the small human figure formed by the quilt beside her, she couldn't help but smile, lifted the quilt, and saw the slab body of a little Lolita, and the next one A plum that shouldn't exist.

"Good morning, Aichan." Qiye scraped Xiaoai's nose gently. After the events of last night, she now sees Xiaoai and feels even more lovely.

After getting smaller, Xiao Ai's awkward character will become obvious, even if she already has that relationship.

Xiao Ai opened her mouth and bit Qiye's finger with her neat white teeth, like an angry kitten.

Qiye took out her finger, and then kissed Xiao Ai's mouth. Obviously, this felt different from last night.

"Aijiang's mouth is so sweet." After the hot kiss, Qiye smiled and looked at Xiao Ai with a flushed face, her immature face had the charm that shouldn't be at this age.

"Huh!" Xiao Ai pursed her lips and snorted coldly, her awkward temper came back again.

Qiye holding Xiaoai, the dry body of the seven-year-old girl is too small for the tall stature of Qiye 1.9 meters.

Looking at the trace of the plum blossom on the bed sheet, Qiye turned her head to look at Xiao Ai, and said with a smirk: "Ai Chen is really a bad girl. She lost her virgin at the age of seven."

Xiao Ai looked at Qiye coldly, and said, "That's really thanks to you being a ghost animal and perverted."

"That's right." Qiye smiled, stretched out her finger to press on Xiao Ai's belly, and said: "Xiao Ai, what do you say if you are pregnant?"

Xiao Ai was taken aback, then the expression on her face became wonderful.

After becoming Huiyuanai for so long, Xiaoai has forgotten her menstrual period a long time ago, and she is not sure if it was her dangerous period yesterday. If so, she might be pregnant, but she is in this body. What to do if pregnant?

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