Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 735

"I can't tell you this yet." Qiye said lightly, and then reached out to unbutton Judy's gown.

The design of the patient gown is relatively simple. The style on it is close to Tang suit, and there are fewer buttons. You can take it off as long as you unbutton three or four buttons.

For some patients who are paralyzed and have limited mobility, when they need to wipe their bodies, it is not convenient if they have too many buttons, so the hospital gown will be as loose and convenient as possible.

Of course, if it is a mental patient, then their restraints must be as safe and cumbersome as possible.

Qiye untied Judy's gown. Although Judy wanted to keep herself indifferent and calm, her heartbeat still speeded up and reacted naturally.

Under the light green clothes was blue BRA, but Qiye's attention was not here at this time, but the thick bandage wrapped around Judy's abdomen.

It was absolutely uncomfortable to be pierced by two bullets, not to mention breaking three bones, which was enough for Judy to rest for a while.

Qiye raised an index finger, and a faint wind blade appeared on his fingertips. At this time, his fingers also turned into extremely sharp razors, and he stroked the bandage lightly.

The wind blade cut through several layers of bandages on Judy's body, but did not cut Judy's delicate skin. White people have less melanin due to genes, and their skin and hair are lighter. Once the blood flow rate increases, it is easy It can be seen from the skin, for example now.

The average person should have a hole in their belly, the belly button, but Judy now has three, plus two shocking wounds.

Two gunshot wounds through the body, it is impossible for a normal person to heal in one night. Judy is also a normal person. Her wound cannot be healed in a short time. Although the bleeding has been stopped, the wound has been stitched up. , But with any movement, the wound will open.

Judy's wound was indeed cracked, and the wound began to ooze blood, but to a small extent, soon the blood flow would stop under the action of platelets, and what Qiye had to do was to remove the thread.

The wound that the doctor has stitched up for several hours is to be removed by Qiye, and maybe Judy can go and sue Qiye for deliberate murder.

Qiye used the wind blade to cut the suture thread, and then took out the thread left in the muscle one by one. If these things stay in the body, believe me, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Without the help of the thread, the wound that hadn't healed naturally opened up, and blood flowed out. After a few seconds, the ward was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"What is your method of killing?" Judy asked with a light smile, seemingly not worried that he would die from excessive blood loss.

"Please, I can use many simpler methods to kill you." Qiye gave Judy a glance, and then put the thread aside, "Moreover, I have no interest in killing you, before I overthrow you."

Even so, when Qiye cleared all the thread from Judy's body, her blood had already stained the sheets. If she didn't shout again, she would go to see her parents soon.

Qiye took out a small plastic medicine bottle from her arms, opened the lid with her teeth, and sprinkled the white medicine powder inside on Judy's wound.


It is very dangerous to sprinkle medicine casually on an exposed wound, and most medicines can cause severe pain, such as hydrogen peroxide. Pour that thing on the wound can sterilize and clean the wound, reducing the risk of infection, but it will It hurts so much that you want to die.

The powder was sprinkled on the wound. The pain made Judy take a breath. The muscle tissues of the two wounds also spasmed because of the severe pain. Then, the muscles of the wound appeared pinkish white instead of red, and the blood stopped. .

After finally recovering from the pain, Judy looked at Qiye with a smile on her face, and said, "I think you should kill me!"

"No, it would be a shame." Qiye shook his head and said, killing Judy. He couldn't bear it. It was a shame to kill an American girl with such a hot body and a virgin.

A sparkling green light appeared in Qiye’s hand, attached to two of Judy’s wounds. With the nourishment of Palm Fairy, some not so large wounds can heal instantly, even two gunshot wounds that penetrate through the body can heal. However, it will take some time for the deep muscle tissue to heal completely.

Judy looked at the green light in Qiye's hands. In fact, Qiye had already lifted her body by this time, but Judy was in shock and couldn't react.

"This...this is..."

"It's just a trick." Qiye said with a smile. He liked Judy's shocked expression very much, better than a cold look.

Although the gunshot wound is serious and fatal, the wound from a pistol is generally not too big, so it is relatively simple to heal. Anyway, it is only superficial. Take your time for the deep ones.

This situation is limited to ordinary pistol bullets. If it is a ricochet, sniper, armor-piercing or dum bullet, it would be strange if it doesn't explode to pieces.

The skin on Judy's stomach became soft and smooth in Qiye's hands. Of course, it was still stained with blood.

Qiye took out two more pills, handed them to Judy's mouth, and said, "Hey, take the medicine."

Qiye feels like a magic stick now. It was medicine powder just now, but now it is a pill.

Judy just looked at Qiye lightly, without any reaction.

"Well, I gave up." Qiye said helplessly, then threw two pills into her mouth, and kissed Judy's slightly flustered eyes.

"Do not……"

Qiye is definitely a magic stick. He took the opportunity to take advantage of Judy. Qiye used his tongue to push the pill down to Judy, and Judy wanted to use his tongue to push the pill and Qiye’s big tongue out, and so on. It's really deep French kissing.

The two pills melted between Qiye and Judy's tongue, and then all went into Judy's belly as Qiye needed, but Qiye did not leave, he chose to enjoy Judy's kiss again.

"What did you eat for me?" Judy blushed, feeling her slightly accelerated blood flow and rising body temperature, and looked at Qiye and asked. After all, this reaction was very similar to...

"Ann, I didn't give you aphrodisiac." Qiye waved her hand and said, "A simple task like pushing you down doesn't require me to use that kind of thing."

Simple task?!Judy’s forehead popped out with two # characters. Does this mean she is not worth money?Is she still a virgin, and she has the cherishment of virgins that Americans do not have.

Qiye leaned over and kissed Judy's lips. Judy didn't resist this time. She had kissed like that in depth just now. What is this, should she panic and scream like a little girl?Judy can't do it.

"That is my special blood-producing pill, which can help you produce a lot of fresh blood within a few minutes." Said Qiye is more like a magic stick selling fake drugs, and took out a plastic pouch from his pocket.

"There are ten Shengxue Pills and five Life Pills in it. They are for you to save your life. As long as you are still taking the Life Pills, it will be fine."

"I do not want!"

"Please, don't be awkward like a kid, or you will burst your chrysanthemum!" Qiye said disgustingly without paying attention, and then under Judy's "I really want to complain about you" eyes, she stuffed the medicine to Ju Di's hands.

Judy took the plastic bag and looked at Qiye with complicated eyes, and said, "Are you not afraid that I will give this medicine to others?"

"You won't." Qiye said confidently, then kissed Judy's red lips again and turned to leave.

"It feels good, dear Judy." Before going out, Qiye turned her head and said something like this to Judy with a smirk on her face.

"Damn bastard!"

After Qiye left, Judy clutched her chest, and gritted his teeth where Qiye had just grabbed her.

Now it seems that there is a momentary feeling left on it, and I can feel the magnanimity and strength of that big hand.

Looking at the plastic bag, Judy lost consciousness for a long time, and finally sighed and put the bag away without telling anyone.

Chapter 719-Sniper!

United States……

"Gentlemen and ladies, I’ve been waiting for a long time, and it’s an honor to introduce you to Kevin Brown, the vice presidential candidate from Motown! Let us welcome him with warm applause!"

With a round of enthusiastic applause, everyone should understand what this is doing. The election of the US Vice President, and this is the activity of this Kevin Brown to get votes. This is normal.

Kevin Brown walked out in a green suit. Kevin Brown was a man in his fifties with gray hair. After all, he was a candidate for vice president, and he was well maintained.

Along with the appearance of Kevin Brown, his supporters also cheered, chanting Kevin Brown's name continuously.

Kevin Brown stepped onto the podium, and there was no need to express his routine speeches afterwards. Politicians, fooling the voters, said that the result is not the same.

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