Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Benged Chapter 736

At this time, the sight was aimed at Kevin Brown's upper left eyebrow corner, and the electronic sight showed the distance between the gunner and Kevin Brown, 500yd, which is 500 yards, which is about 457 meters when converted into meters.

Pulling the trigger, he naturally flew out of the barrel.

The distance of more than 400 meters is half a second for a sniper bullet, and the bullet penetrated Kevin Brown's forehead.

Is that solved?In the United States, the candidate for the vice president of the United States, under the protection of a group of FBI, simply hangs up?

Well, politicians must be prepared to be assassinated at any time, let alone a candidate for vice president, even the president of the United States may be assassinated someday, but it's that simple?Under the protection of so many FBIs, the distance of five hundred yards was solved, which was too easy.


A short-haired woman with a sniper rifle said excitedly, orange mushroom head, purple lipstick, and swallowtail butterfly tattoos under her left eyelid. This girl is so spicy!

Immediately, the scene just now disappeared. It looked like the interior of a huge building with many machines underneath. The scene just now was made using these machines.

Using 3D holographic projection to train snipers, I have to say that it is very rich and has many benefits. For example, you can set the distance and objects of the gathering at will, and you don’t have to worry about the danger of being counter-sniped, but use 3D indoors. If the holographic projection trains a sniper, there will be no wind and rain. This will be affected a lot in actual combat. Even if artificial wind and rain are created, it is still different from the real weather.

"500 yards is no problem." The hot female sniper Chianti said confidently holding her sniper rifle, and then looked at a sniper wearing sunglasses and a hat on the other side, and said: "It's your turn. , Cohen!"

The face is very long, unlike Chianti, the expressionless Cohen raised his sniper rifle, and the 3D holographic projection in front of him changed, becoming a lake surrounded by a forest.

There was a small boat on the lake with two people on board, one of whom was Cohen’s sniper target, Kevin Brown.

Kevin Brown was resurrected and fishing on the boat, and Cohen's sniper rifle was aimed at the back of Kevin Brown's head.

The distance shown in the electronic sight is 550 yards, which is 50 yards farther than Chianti.

Pulling the trigger, the bullet accurately penetrated Kevin Brown's head again, and Kevin Brown fell into the lake and led the game again.

The effect of this 3D holographic projection was so good that Chianti had to use a telescope to watch Cohen's sniper. Then Chianti blew a whistle, looked at Cohen, and said, "It really deserves its reputation."

When Chianti picked up her sniper rifle again, two people walked into the training room, gin and rum.

Chianti is holding her sniper rifle, the scene in front of him has become a row of tall buildings, and her sniper target this time is on a moving train, well, this unfortunate sniper target is still Kevin Brown.

Although it was on a moving train, the sniper range was increased to 600 yards, but Chianti still hit the target very accurately with a shot in the middle of the eyebrow.

"600 yards is fine." Chianti raised his gun. "Kevin Brown has died three times." You still have the face to say...

"It's four times." Cohen said lightly, then raised his gun and aimed at Kevin Brown again. Can you change someone?For example, snipe the gin.

"They really have two things, brother." Rum said to the gin, but the gin won't kill him.

At this time, the sniping field became an American football stadium, and Cohen’s sniping target was Kevin Brown in the VIP room at the other end of the stadium. The distance increased to 650 yards.

Cohen aimed at Kevin Brown's chin, pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out. The bullet spun in the air, causing a spiral wave in the air.

Normal bullets do not need this, but sniper bullets, because of the long distance, are greatly affected by wind and gravity, and in order to maintain the speed and kinetic energy of the bullet, most of the sniper bullets will be made into a thread shape, because the rotation The bullet is more stable, less affected by the weather, and easier to maintain speed and destructive power.

650 yards surpassed Cohen’s sniper limit. The bullet penetrated the window of the VIP room and hit the back of the chair behind Kevin Brown. This made Cohen startled and his face was stained with embarrassment. After all, he just said Yes, Kevin Brown is going to die four times, but it doesn't seem to be right now.

Fortunately, this is only a 3D holographic projection, otherwise Cohen and Chianti will be in big trouble.

"Hahahaha..." Chianti let out a sharp laugh, raised his sniper rifle, and said: "It's a pity, I'll do this, I'll win!"

The distance of Chianti's electronic sight also showed 650 yards. Chianti showed a triumphant and arrogant smile on his face and said, "Look at me!"

The bullet flew out, but unfortunately she didn't hit either, but instead hit the popcorn bucket beside Kevin Brown.

"It seems that 600 yards is already the limit."

"That's it." The gin boss turned around handsomely, and his long pale blonde hair flicked.

Although Cohen and Chianti are excellent snipers in the organization, they are not enough to see here in Gin. Both of them have a sniper limit of about 600 yards, but Gin can target targets beyond 700 yards in a short time. The gap between the younger brother and the boss.

"Gin, wait a minute! Let me try again!" Chianti said unconvincingly.

"It's not necessary," Gin said coldly, "This time the prey is about two to three hundred yards away."

"Hey, then..." Chianti showed joy on his face. Is there a task finally?

"Chianti, Cohen." Gin turned around, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "It's time to act!"


At the same time, in Liudaozhai...

"Qiyae, will you accompany me to record a show tomorrow?" Yoko Okino, wearing a cute bear pajamas, knelt on the sofa, watching Qiye eagerly.

Qiye turned her head, looked at Yoko Okino's cute look, squeezed her nose funny, and said, "How can I say no when you look at me like this?"

"Then you agreed?" Yoko Okino looked at Qiye in surprise.

"Yeah, idiot."

"Yeah! Great! I love you to death!" Yoko Okino said happily, then hugged Nanaya and kissed his face hard, which made Hoshino Terumi shook his head helplessly.

After the original ladies of the Earth team, Yoko Okino, Terumi Hoshino, Kaoru Kusano, and Yue Yexue disbanded, the four continued to make their way in the show business. Terumi Hoshino, Kaoru Kusano and Yukino Yue all became actors and did everything Not bad, and Yoko Okino is the busiest of the four, movies, TV shows, music, host, movie and TV song three-seater star.

After Yoko Okino and Terumi Hoshino came to this home, they also met their idols, including Kiko and Belmode, or Sharon Wynyard to be precise, both of whom are Oscar-winning super actresses, opposing Okino. For Yoko and Hoshino Terumi, they are definitely seniors.

You Xizi is a talented actress, her debut work shocked the world, and Belmode is not a general, 50 years old, so that her experience is more abundant than You Xizi, and as a killer, Belmode dressed as many people, Killed many people, so many years of pretending experience, Belmode's number of times is still in the single digits, think about it, you know how superb Belmode's acting skills.

Coupled with the talented liar Mine Fujiko, the faculty lineup can be said to be very strong. After being continuously trained by the three of them, the acting skills of Yoko Okino and Terumi Hoshino have also improved a lot. Recently, they have received two new plays. This makes them very happy.

Being absent from work for seven nights has long been a habit, and the next day, he went to the TV station to record the show with Yoko Okino.

[Yoko Okino cooks for four minutes], a cooking program, at 7 o'clock in the morning, for four minutes, it is about the same as the daily diet hosted by Liu Yiwei. Of course, a big beauty is better than a wretched middle-aged man. Much more pleasing to the eye.

As a special guest, Nanya doesn't actually need to do too much, just eat the food made by Okino Yoko in the envy and hatred of the countless male livestock fans of Yoko Okino.

By the way, Okino Yoko people are all Qiye, and eating this jade girl is just a matter of morning and evening. Why are those guys so excited after a meal?If they knew that Nanaya could eat Okino Yoko's breasts anytime, what would happen to them?

Fortunately, Yoko Okino really has real ingredients. The dishes made are very delicious, and Nanya is also very good. If it was made by Fei Yingri, then Nanya should be prepared and ready to use it anytime. Shenwei, after all, that super S grade poison...

"Today's [Yoko Okino, cook for four minutes] What do you think?" Yoko Okino wears a green shirt and apron, with her friendly smile on her face, "Thank you for our special guest today, Police Officer Liudao Qiye , Then, see you again at the same time next week."

"Okay, OK!" The director is very satisfied with today's recording, and Yoko Okino's performance today is better than ever.

"Huh~~" Yoko Okino breathed a sigh of relief, and cut out a four-minute program, which only took more than half an hour to record, but she has never been so tired.

"Now, Nanya." Yoko Okino propped his hands on the table, propped his head, looking at Nanya, and said: "How does it taste?"

Yoko Okino often helps with cooking at home, but like this, it is the first time for Nanya to eat what she made alone. Yoko Okino is looking forward to Nanya's evaluation.

"Yoko's omelet rice is very good, but there is still a gap compared with the level of Koko, so continue to work hard."

"I see, I have been learning from Tsuneko." Yoko Okino narrowed her mouth, obviously disappointed, but Tsuneko's cooking level is recognized as the best in her family, and there is no way.

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