Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 737

Nanaya squeezed Yoko's nose amusedly, and then leaned forward, breathing heat in Yoko's ear, and said: "In fact, I am more looking forward to what Yoko's food tastes than Yoko's cooking."

Yoko's face suddenly flushed like a bottle of Gin, and she pushed Qiye hard.


Chapter 720-Water without mercy!

Nanya and Yoko Okino's relationship has long been made public, so the TV station people didn't think it was weird. They packed their things and turned a blind eye to them flirting here. At this time, Yoko's phone rang.

"Hey, I'm Okino, oh, are you awake?" Yoko whispered to the phone for a while, then looked at Qiye, and said: "Qiyae, I have a friend coming, you go to the restaurant and wait. How am I?"


"Hehe, I can't tell you yet, but it's a big beauty." Yoko Okino said mischievously, "That's all, you go to the restaurant and wait for me first."

Looking at the back of Yoko Okino who had run away, Qiye twitched the corner of her mouth helplessly. Why did even Yoko awaken her talent for pimping?


Since she is a female Qiye, she doesn't care too much. She went to the restaurant of the TV station and ordered a spaghetti and a cup of milk tea, and waited while eating.

The time was good, Qiye leisurely finished the spaghetti with meat sauce, and after drinking the milk tea, Yoko also ran in with her friend.

The pink-purple blouse was draped with a coat, and he was wearing a pair of dark gray trousers with a white belt.The hair is very long, but it is not unraveled, but a ponytail. The highlight of the hairstyle is the bangs, but it may also be said that there are eight dull hairs, dull hairs like cockroach whiskers like Rei Miyamoto. Benli has only two, and she has eight, and they hang down in front of her forehead.

This woman has a pair of very large and energetic eyes, but the corners of her eyes narrowed rapidly, making her eyes look like cat eyes, very beautiful.

"Sorry, Qiye, I kept you waiting." Yoko took her friend to the front of Qiye, and said: "This is the news broadcaster in charge of the evening news, Miss Mizuno Reina."

"Meeting for the first time." According to Japanese tradition, Mizumu Reina bowed slightly.

"Hello, I am Liudao Qiye." Qiye stretched out her hand, and the two shook hands. With this, Qiye could judge that Shui Wuyou is not easy.

Qiye can know it even without the way of sensing breath, because there is a callus on the first knuckle of Mizumi's right index finger.

Calluses are formed by the necrosis of skin epidermal cells caused by long-term friction in the human skin. They mainly appear on the palms and feet. People who often write with a pen will have calluses on the middle finger, such as students from the Celestial Dynasty.

As for the calluses that appear on the first knuckle of the index finger, there is only one kind of person Qiye thinks. People who shoot frequently, because the index finger has to pull the trigger.

"Hey, Rena, hurry up." Yoko stabbed the water with his arm without Reina.

"But, Yoko, do you need to trouble six police officers?"

"It's okay." Yoko Okino jumped over to grab Qiye's arm, and said: "Qiya is the most powerful, he can easily solve any kind of things."

"Hey, don't speak fast, I'm under a lot of pressure." Qiye looked helpless.

Under Yoko's instigation, Mizuno Reina finally said the matter.

"Mischief doorbell?" Qiye looked at Shui Wulian strangely. She would encounter this kind of thing, or is it fake?

The prank doorbell is the kind of prank that people run away after pressing the doorbell, and no one can be seen when the door is opened. Some pranks can really refresh my lower limit of ignorance.

"But... that doesn't sound like an ordinary prank." Yoko frowned and said, obviously worried about her friend.

"What the hell is going on?" Qiye stared at Shui Wulian.

"Well, it's like this..." Shui Wurei had no choice but to start explaining, "This happens every Saturday morning. Before I wanted to catch the prisoner, I waited behind the door when the doorbell rang. I opened the door immediately, but there was no one outside, and since then I have not dared to open the door."

"Hmm..." Qiye squeezed her chin and said, "This is indeed a bit more than a prank."

"Right, Qiye, let's go to Reina's apartment and investigate together."


"That's it!" The somewhat over-enthusiastic Yoko Okino apparently made Mizuno Rena and Nanya unable to refuse, and the three of them arrogantly set off toward Mizuno Rena's apartment in Cupidou.

Nanaya drove in front, while Yoko sat in the back with Mizuno Rena. Soon after getting in the car, Yoko Okino remembered something and said, "By the way, Nanaya, where's your Lamborghini? I haven't seen you today. You opened it, and I didn't see it in the garage."

"That car fell into the sea to feed the sharks." Qiye said helplessly, and then two thick noodle tears hung on his face immediately, " beloved Lamborghini Kontas."

Xiao Ai's dead girl was too prodigal. She sneaked out of her house that day. Forget it, she stole the most expensive Lamborghini Kontas and ran to the dock.

There are only two Lamborghini seats, and it can’t fit for seven nights. Belmode and Shiho Miyano were three people. The car was left at the dock afterwards. After thinking about it, the car was seized by the FBI. Boss, it’s not ordinary. The car, that's the Lamborghini Kontas limited to the world.

That prodigal girl lost tens of millions of dollars to him all at once, my God~~

"Puff!" Yoko Okino snorted immediately. She has no idea how precious the Lamborghini is. After all, she doesn't like sports cars, but she just thinks that Qiye's face is funny now.

The corners of Mizumi's mouth twitched inconspicuously, Lamborghini Kontas, is that a car that ordinary people can afford?Ordinary people, let alone bought it, the super large displacement of 5.0 horses, the gas cost alone can make the majority of office workers collapse, and the maintenance fee for the top supercar for one year is even more expensive~~

Well, Lamborghini is not the focus of today. The morning peak for work has passed, so the road is not particularly congested. Soon they arrived at the apartment of Shui Wu Ren.

Shui Wu Reina took out the key to open the door, and Qiye looked around, the whole corridor was empty, and there was no place for Tibetans.

Qiye, who was standing at the door with her hands in her pockets, suddenly turned her head and looked at it. His eyes instantly focused on the building opposite the apartment building, and a familiar feeling came from there.


Qiye sensed that someone was watching, so she glanced over it immediately, but she didn't expect that the person she found was his dear Judy.

Judy is indeed in Japan now. After Tobel Mod’s blessing was injured last time, she was blessed by Qiye. The effect of Palm Xianshu and Shengxue Wan was very good, and Judy’s injury was healed in a short time. , The old guy Blake almost wanted to slice Judy to study...just kidding.

After healed from the injury, Judy sneaked back in a few days after returning to the United States to perform a task, and her task was to monitor this woman. Shui had no mercy.

The FBI guys have finally grown a bit, and I no longer need to be led by the nose by me and the organization.

The actions of the black-clothed organizations are very secretive. Most of them have to wait for the organization to take actions before the FBI can have a targeted plan. It is very difficult to obtain information from the organization. After all, even Shuichi Akai has failed, right?

Last time, Qiye even played around with both the organization and the FBI.

This time the FBI finally didn't need to be led by the nose and started to take the initiative. This was great. Of course, it would be even better if Judy could not suffer any harm.

Shui Wu Renai's body really smelled of crows.

Judy obviously did not expect to find Qiye during the mission. After adjusting the focus of the telescope in his hand, Judy's gaze shifted from her surveillance target to Qiye's body.

hateful!Why is this bastard here?!Judy thought viciously, with a bit of gritted teeth, and didn't know how angry she was.

Qiye seemed to be able to feel Judy's changing eyes and moods. Before entering Shui Wu Rena's house, she stretched out her hand and quickly wrote a false sentence in the air, and then aired a kiss. Judy should be able to see clearly.

"Damn bastard!" Judy gritted his teeth while looking at the closed door, and then reached out and touched her hot face, "Will you say these disgusting things?"

My dear Jodie, my dear Jodie.


Qiye walked into Shui Wu Rina's home, which was neatly arranged, very clean and tidy. It was a female home, and it was a single woman, because it was too unpopular.

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