Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 738

"I will help you get slippers."

"Thank you, pity."

Putting on the orange slippers, Qiye turned to look at the door and said, "Speaking of which, there are too many locks in your house."

Three ordinary locks plus one padlock, four locks are indeed a little more.

"Living alone always feels unsafe." Shui Wu Reina explained with a smile.

Qiye almost had the urge to roll her eyes. With this woman's strength, she would still be afraid of insecurity?Things or people that can make her feel insecure are not blocked by a few locks.

However, Mizuno Rena's words were approved by Yoko. Yoko nodded and said, "It is true. I used to feel unsafe when I lived alone. I wish I could fill the door with all locks."

Qiye grabbed his hair and said, "With so many locks on, what should I do if something happens, such as when a fire is on, before I can escape?"

"Idiot! Don't talk about such unlucky things!"

"Uuuuu... so fierce..."

"Hey, the relationship is really good."

Chapter 721-Untitled!

After laughing for a while, the three of them finally got to the point. Mizuno Rena and Nanaya and Yoko prepared juice and coffee.

"The incident of ringing the doorbell started two months ago?"

"Well, since then, it will happen every Saturday morning at 6:30."

"Did anything special happen those two months ago?"

"In terms of what happened, I switched to Sunday's evening news from seven in the morning, but I am not an anchor on either side."

Mizuno Reina specially emphasized that she is not an anchor, because if it is career jealousy, of course, the anchor of a show is the most jealous, not her, and Good Morning 7:00 is in Yoko's [Okino Yoko cooks in four minutes] The morning news before.

"Rena and I met on the Good Morning show at 7 o'clock, because we were both hosts on February, April and June."

"So the prank really started two months ago."

"Well, because I used to go out at 4 o'clock in the morning when I was doing Good Morning, and I didn't encounter this situation at that time."

"So has there been this kind of prank in these two months?"

"Well, every Saturday, but... not once. I went abroad for interviews from Monday to Friday two weeks ago. I didn't encounter this situation on Saturday. There is also a Tuesday in October. , Only that time there was a prank on Tuesday, and there were strange things at the door."

"weird stuff?"

"Well, it's a glass bottle containing some pills that I don't know what they are. I asked a doctor friend who I know to check it, and the result told me it was a sleeping pill."

"Sleeping pills? This is indeed beyond the scope of a prank." Qiye said while pinching his chin. If he just presses the doorbell, it would be a prank at best, but putting sleeping pills on can be considered a malicious crime.

"Nanayo, you'll catch that person, right?" Yoko Okino pulled Qiye's sleeve with some fear, and said expectantly.

"Of course." Qiye stroked Yoko's little head, then looked at Mizumi, and said: "There are two ways now. First, I will go back to the surveillance equipment, and then go to the opposite building to monitor the entrance. Will there be any strange people in tomorrow morning? Second, Yoko and I will live here tonight, and we will rush out when someone rings the doorbell tomorrow morning."

I said that I would choose the first method. No one would believe it... It was probably because Yoko Okino was there, so Mizuno Rene didn't have any defenses, so he agreed.

"But... I only have one room in my house."


At night, after taking a shower, Yoko Okino, who put on a pink pajamas, came out of the bathroom. While wiping her wet hair, she saw Mizumi who was kneeling at the entrance and tidying up her things. She said, "Really, I will Help you organize it."

"Okay." Because he was also a good friend, Mizuno Reina was not polite with Yoko.

"Speaking of tomorrow, it is also resource recovery day." Yoko knelt on the ground and said while helping Mizuno to organize the newspapers and magazines.

"Yes, so we have to organize all these old newspapers and magazines." Shui Wu Rennai stacked up all the old newspapers and magazines for this week. Because of the relationship between a reporter and a news broadcaster, Shui Wu Renai needs it every week. I read many newspapers and magazines, although it is only a week, but the amount is still a lot.

"It's really too much." Qiye, who was watching TV in the living room, also came over. After seeing one of the books with a purple cover and gold lettering, he picked it up and said, "Dr. It's nostalgic."

The habit of reading in Qiye was developed after he came to this world. When he was idle, he would take two books out and flip through it. However, he would not read some books with a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. He only read some sins, horrors, and blood. Books, such as this "Dr. Incarnation".

"Dr. Incarnation" is about the wealthy Dr. Henry Jage who drank a potion he invented, then turned into the evil Edward Hyde at night, committing crimes everywhere.

Different from ordinary personality splits, ordinary personality splits, such as Twenty-Four Billy. Generally speaking, the master personality does not know the existence of the split personality, but Henry Jage knows Edward Hyde The presence.

He knew that he was committing crimes everywhere, wandering between good and evil, struggling, his inner spiritual guilt and the pleasure of crime continued to clash, causing him to suffer.

Qiye likes this book very much. He likes to see a person struggling and sinking between good and evil, black and white, righteousness and evil.

In Qiye’s view, Henry Jage and Edward Hyde are the same people. They have both good and evil sides. Unlike our great Conan, Conan is no longer in the realm of humans. Where can people be like Conan? .

Any normal person, no matter how kind, is good. He has the desire and impulse to commit crime. This is innate, but he is bound by law and morality, and the evil side is restrained, but , When morality and law still collapse, so what?

For example, in the apocalyptic scene of "Apocalypse", the world is in darkness, and morality and law no longer exist. At this time, whoever cares about your bullshit justice, without the shackles of the law, reveals the dark and evil side of human nature. At this time, everything is done.

There is good and evil, and sometimes goodness has the upper hand, then this person is a good person, and sometimes evil defeats goodness, then this person is an evil person, and this is a person.One stroke and one stroke are just one good and one evil. Such talents are complete.

As for Conan, he has nothing but a touch. His goodness is too strong, so strong that evil is almost non-existent. This kind of person cannot exist in the three-dimensional, only in this world born of human fantasy. Only this half of the person exists.

Conan's personality is incomplete. He is only half. In comparison, Conan is considered a personality defect, while Henry Judge is a complete person. He has both good and evil.

In other words, it is not so much that the potion caused Henry Jage to split the new personality of Edward Hyde, but it is more that the potion that caused Henry Jage to cut off the shackles of morality and law. In part, the evil side of the human nature is revealed.

This can show why absolute power leads to absolute corruption, because for high-ranking officials with strong hands, the binding force of the law on them is really limited. Without the strong shackles of the law, the power of morality is hard to say. Up.

The law is like a strong prison. Everyone in the world is locked in. One person and one room. The configuration of all rooms is the same. And morality is in this cell, where you can draw the ground with chalk. , You can’t go out to see yourself, but even if you go out, the law won’t take you out.

And when some people dig a hole in the cell of the law with a shovel of power, the less they escape from prison, there is no rigid bondage. It's just that the painting on the ground is a prison. Whether it works or not depends on each person.

The above is purely to express my feelings, it doesn't matter if you don't read it... By the way, I'll get the express delivery...

There are a lot of books and newspapers by Shui Wu Reina, all of which have been sorted out, and they have been tied up in three bundles, which add up to 20 or 30 catties.

Physical work, of course, is all given to men. Of course, Qiye took out all the books and newspapers of twenty or thirty kilograms and put them at the door. In this way, they will not forget to take them to the garbage collection point tomorrow.

"Sorry, I really troubled you." Mizumi looked at Qiye with embarrassment. After all, she is very familiar with Yoko, but the relationship with Qiye is not particularly close.

"Ann, it's just a small matter." Qiye waved her hand, and then smiled: "I think a man, if no woman is willing to ask him for help, it would be sad."

Shui Wu Reina was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "That's what I said, but I'm sorry, Qiye, I don't have any pajamas for you in my house."

I think it would be troublesome if you have pajamas that suit me.Nanya thought in his heart that Nanaya and Yoko were temporarily staying at Mizuno Reina’s house. Of course, they wouldn’t bring pajamas. Yoko could also wear Mizuno Reina’s pajamas, but Nanaya would not be possible. , The fortress went into the pajamas of Shui Wu Nai... Actually, the fortress was also stuffed in.

If Shui Wu Rennai's house really has pajamas that Qiye can wear, that would be a lot of trouble, and Qiye wouldn't mind solving that trouble.

"It's okay, I usually sleep naked anyway." Qiye clenched her fist, with flames burning in her eyes, and said something that was not serious at all. Isn't it possible that she is still wearing clothes during the man-made sports at home in the middle of the night?

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