Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 740

"Yeah." The little ghost nodded and said: "The sleeping pills were found in the medicine left by my mother. She used to take that medicine when she was not sleeping well."

"Little brother, what about your mother?" Shui Wu Reina rubbed the child's head, "Secretly taking mother's things to sister, it's wrong to do so."

"Mom..." The child lowered his head, tears streaming down, "Mom died in a car accident a year ago..."

"Little brother, I know you feel very lonely because your mother is gone, but if you hold on to the memory of the past forever, it will only make the mother in heaven worry even more, so be like a man. Don't come here again in the future, and don't worry about the mother in heaven." Shui Wuren said with a smile while pressing the child's shoulder.

The child nodded faintly, then wiped away the tears and ran away.

"It's a poor child." Yoko, who walked out sometime, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said, but because she was still a little unwell, she could only lean against the wall.

Qiye grabbed her hair, rolled her eyes, and said, "I really don't like children, what an annoying kid."

"Don't you have any sympathy for this fellow?" Shui Wureina looked at Qiye slightly angrily.

Qiye buttoned her ears and said nonchalantly: "There is sympathy, but she doesn't like children."

Yoko gave him a blank look, and said, "Xiaolan is about to give birth too, what if you don't like your child?"

"How come, I really like my baby girl."

"What if it's a son?"

"Then chop it up and use it to feed the dog." Qiye said faintly, rolling the eyes of the dead fish, which naturally greeted Yoko Okino's eyes, but the other two felt that Qiye was more than just talking.

Yoko Okino noticed Conan only now, and said, "Ah, Conan, why are you here?"

Chapter 723-Tracking!

"Brother Qiye said he would take me to Dorobica Park to play." Conan said with a smile. I have to say that Conan's acting skills have improved a lot. Such disgusting words can be said. It seems that the acting inherited from You Xizi Has talent started to show?


Qiye knocked Conan unceremoniously and said, "When did I say that, kid who lied, there will be evil spirits to pull your tongue out at night!"

Qiye was not interested in helping Conan Yuan to lie, it was his own business, don't get involved with him.

hateful!Conan held his head and thought viciously in his heart, but did not make any irrational actions this time, because it was useless, not to mention that there was a person next to him who might be an organization, and Conan had to suppress his actions even more. Up.

Since the matter has been settled, Qiye and the others don't have to stay in Shui Wu Rennai, and prepare to leave after saying goodbye to Shui Wu Rennai.

Yoko's new melon was first broken, and the work today was naturally cancelled by Qiye and sent home to rest.

Although Conan wanted to stay and investigate Mizuno mercy, he didn’t have any excuses to stay. What's more, the identity of Conan and Xiao Ai was basically known by the Black Organization and the FBI at the pier last time, but the two sides had no respect for Conan. No attention is paid.

Shinichi Kudo, a high school detective in Kanto, is only a little famous in Kanto. For the black organization and the FBI, reputation is not equal to actual value. The top brain of Shiho Miyano can develop that kind of drug. Scientists are absolutely unattainable. Of course, the FBI wants to find such a scientist, and the black organization does not want its own people to be controlled by the FBI. That would expose the organization's plan, let alone Shirley knows that the organization is not. Few secrets, but also a genius scientist who controls the drug.

The focus of the black organization and the FBI was on Xiao Ai, and Conan was gorgeously ignored, which was his luck.

Although he was dragged away by Qiye, two stickers on Conan's body "accidentally" fell to the ground while leaving.

After sending Yoko home, Qiye continued to drive, while Conan looked at Qiye and said, "That Mizumi is really the organizer?"

Qiye smiled evilly on her face and said, "Don’t believe me, Shinichi Kudo, aren’t you confident in your reasoning ability? If you have the ability, check it out by yourself, but be careful that she will I won’t kill you in one shot, Detective."

Conan's face twitched, but he didn't go on. His intelligence system was too immature compared to Qiye's. Conan's current intelligence can only be leaked by relying on the big actions of the black organization. The sound of the wind, otherwise, there is nothing wrong with it. It is impossible for him to put the bug on the body of the gin. It is a dead end!

Conan, who lacked a common language with Qiye, could only focus on the bug. Soon, there was a sound of excitement and footsteps in Conan's glasses.

According to his thoughts, at least one of the bugs had already got on the soles of the water's helpless shoes.

That is a new type of bug that was newly developed by Dr. A Li. Like stickers, it is easy to stick to others and not easy to be found. It also has the effect of a tracker, but because it is relatively small, the power and signal are relatively weak, and the distance It is useless if it is too far or too long.

Of course, Qiye also wanted to know what Mizuno Reina's crow was going to do, and this time naturally accompanied Conan to play his detective game.

The sky began to rain steadily. Shui Wureina, wearing a green professional uniform, turned on his mobile phone, accompanied by the music of the seven little crows.

"Hey, I'm sorry, there was some minor situation before, so I turned my hand off, no problem, the matter is not serious, I have just sent a text message to that person to report the matter."

Conan heard the sound coming from his glasses, his face was full of excitement.

"Well, no problem, as originally planned, we will meet at ten o'clock... Gin."

"Nani?" This suddenly heard the name of gin, which obviously made Conan stunned. Although he knew that Shui Wu Ren was a crow, the shock was not small this time.

"Oh, gin?" Qiye drove the car with a smile on his face. It seemed that this Shui Wu Rennai was not only a crow, but also not a low level. The black organization is so big, God knows how many members there are, gin. They are also the core members. Most of the low-level members are not qualified to talk to Gin, and the tone of Shui Wu Rennai is not the same as that of rum and vodka. It seems that Shui Wu Ren's status is not low. .


"Why did you meet you in such a place?" Qiye stopped the car on the side of the road, rolled down the window, and looked at the blond woman holding an umbrella on the roadside, said helplessly.

"I should ask you this." Judy stared at Qiye and said, "Why are you here?"

"I'm stalking a big beauty." Qiye said with a smirk, and then looking at Judy's slightly awkward face, she immediately added, "Stop narcissism, it's not about you."

The corners of Judy's eyes twitched fiercely, her previous thoughts were correct, this guy is a bastard!

This time Judy was really wronged Qiye, after all, he was really following a big beauty, and this big beauty is Shui Wurenai instead of Judy, Qiye really didn't lie.

"Quickly follow up, the signal is almost beyond the receiving range!" Conan shouted anxiously, after all, the signal receiving range is not large, if you can't keep up, you will run out of sight.

"What happened?" Judy obviously noticed the difference and asked Qiye seriously.

Qiye pointed to Conan, and said, "Play a detective game with this kid, and follow a guy named Shui Wu Ren."

"Get in the car!" Judy grasped the point at once, and was about to open the door of the back seat to get into the car. Qiye directly pulled Conan in the passenger seat and threw him behind, with a bad face. Looking at Judy with a smile.

Judy gave him a blank look, and immediately understood what he meant, but moved his steps and got into the co-pilot.

"What the hell is going on, why did you follow Shui Wu Ren?" Judy asked eagerly as soon as he got in the car.

"This issue is quite complicated. Reina Mizuno asked me to solve a case, but when I contacted her, I found that she was a crow, so I notified the kid and installed a bug on her."

It's really complicated... Judy wanted to spit on him so much, but knowing that the focus is not here, he put away his spitting mind, and said: "How are you sure she is the crow?"

"Aura." Qiye said lightly while driving the car, "Everyone has a unique aura, and the FBI who has been trained like you all have a similar aura, and the people in the organization have the same aura. You can tell the breath at a glance, and there is a callus on the first knuckle of the index finger of the woman's right hand. You should know why that is."

"So that's the case." Judy squeezed her chin and said, "That water without mercy is also our key suspicion target this time, because when the woman from Belmode pretended to be Shimei Chiaki frequently came and went to the clinic. The task is to monitor her." After that, Judy glared at Qiye.

"Hey, why are you glaring at me? I asked Belmode to pretend to be Chi Ming, and I didn't make the black organization." Qiye said helplessly while looking at Judy.

"Humph!" Judy snorted coldly, and said, "Thanks to someone's perfect plan last time, the old lady was completely tricked by someone, and the woman had two holes in her belly!"

Resentment... Qiye looked at Judy, who was full of black resentment all over her body, and seemed to be blackened at any time. I wonder if Judy is blackened with a kitchen knife or a hatchet?

"Speaking of which, didn't you just return to the United States not long ago, so soon you are on the mission again, your injury is healed?"

"Sorry for letting you down, my injury has been healed." Judy said awkwardly, obviously because of the mention of Belmode just now, Judy was resentful.

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