Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 741

"Then I'm really disappointed." Qiye didn't care about Judy's tone, just followed her and said, "Today...your bones should be a little bit painful."

After all, the two bones were broken. Even if the broken bones have grown well, there should still be painful sequelae in this cloudy and rainy weather today.

"Humph!" Judy snorted. He didn't answer but didn't deny it. It's acquiescence.

"When the matter is over, I will treat you again and eliminate the sequelae." Qiye said in an unquestionable tone. Even if Judy is awkward with him, he won't let Judy suffer. When it rains on a cloudy day, he will stop. The bones are painful and sore.

Judy fell silent. There was no cold snort this time, just a confused look out of the window. This was when the atmosphere was good, but it was disturbed by a bastard.

"The speed of the car has dropped!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Four-Really Lively!

Little devil, if you interrupt other people's affairs, you will be blown up!Qiye thought viciously in her heart, but since she was still involved in the big beauty Shui Wu Rennai, Qiye had better bear it, and turned her attention away from Judy and placed it on Conan's glasses.

From Conan's glasses, there was the sound of a bug eavesdropping. There was no rain, and I wanted to enter the room, but there was no sound of footsteps. It was very likely that I drove into an indoor underground parking lot.

The underground parking lot is very deserted and quiet, with no ghost calls. A coin dropped in the east corner can be heard from the west, because it is really empty and even echoes.

In this case, plus the quality of the wiretap developed by Dr. A Li, Qiye can clearly hear the sound echoing in the parking lot.

"Huh?" Qiye frowned, because he heard the sound of the second car. "Weird idling noise of unequal length, and the horizontally opposed engine with good jet echo. Damn, it's not like this configuration. Subaru, the old gin car, Porsche A356!"

The biggest advantage of the horizontally opposed engine is that the center of gravity is low, and the front of the car can be designed to be flat and low. At the same time, the horizontally opposed cylinder layout is a symmetrical and stable structure, which makes the engine run smoother than the V-type engine. , The power loss during operation is also minimal.

However, the horizontally opposed structure is more complicated, and problems such as oil lubrication are difficult to solve.The horizontal cylinder will cause oil to flow to the bottom due to gravity, so that one cylinder cannot be sufficiently lubricated.

Lack of lubrication is very troublesome. Failure to get lubrication will increase friction, and increasing friction will increase fuel consumption and danger.

At present, only two car manufacturers, Porsche and Subaru, have solved this problem perfectly. Therefore, most of the horizontally opposed engine Porsche and all subaru cars use this kind of engine. On the other hand, this kind of engine is used. , Basically either Porsche or Subaru.

Speaking of Porsche, it can be regarded as one of the iconic vehicles in the world of Conan, because the car of the gin boss is the black Porsche A356.

"Hey, kid, get your glasses!" Qiye said while looking at Conan in the rearview mirror.

"What do you want to do?!" Conan looked at Qiye coldly and obviously didn't mean to hand over his glasses.

"Long-winded!" Qiye stopped the car on the side of the road, turned around and grabbed Conan's glasses directly, "Anyway, it's not going to be in my hands. Why do you waste so much!"


Qiye was not interested in talking nonsense with this kid, and directly took out a data cable, connected Conan's glasses to his car stereo, and the conversation that was eavesdropped on was immediately played out.

In the underground parking lot of a building, a black Porsche and a silver-white Citroen were parked side by side in the parking space. The windows of the two cars rolled down, and the gin was dangling him as if he would never be pumped far. Cigarette said: "Why are you so slow, Gere, the agreed time is ten o'clock."


The three people in the BMW immediately heard this voice, and the identity and code name of Shui Wuxin have also been determined, Gere!

"Sorry, because a suspicious car was following me, just in case, I dumped it."

"No problem, right?" Gin held a cigarette, with a cold and disdainful smile on his face.

"Well, maybe it's just that I'm worried, so can you take the Beretta you put on the car door back into the holster?" Mizumi raised her head slightly, looked at the gin without any scruples, and then two cat eyes He squinted, became slender and sexy, and said, "If you shoot me with suspicion, there is no way to get rid of DJ."

"Forget it." Gin put away his gun, his face was as indifferent and arrogant as before, and said: "There are our eyeliners within 500 meters of this building. If a suspicious vehicle approaches, it will be spotted immediately. Then, after confirming it again, you repeat it again."

"The time is 13 o'clock and the location is Edie P. I will lead the DJ to that position in charge of the interview."

"Yes..." A Dodge Viper sports car parked next to the waterless Citroen, and at the same time an arrogant and arrogant female voice rang, "I'm waiting for you, Gere!"

Shui Wu Reina turned his head and saw the woman who was more like a lunatic than a normal person.

"You have to bring the prey into the center of my field of vision, and let our blood boil, ah ha ha ha..." Chianti held a sight in his hand and opened the eye with swallowtail butterfly wings under his eyelid, carrying evil. Said funny and crazy.

"Why, Chianti, Cohn, you guys are here, too." Shui Wu Rennai looked at the two on the Dodge Viper, with cat eyes full of fun, "Then there is nothing wrong."

"Then I beg you." Shui Wu Reina lay on the steering wheel and said, "Although our efforts are unknown, if we fail, they will be spread immediately."

"Huh! No matter success or failure, you can't leak the news!" Gin said coldly: "This is how the organization does things!"

In addition to removing the betrayers like Shirley and Belmode, Gin's intentions are also his killing targets, such as Pisco.


"Alaahla, I said, the time is almost here, you guys should finish the matter as soon as possible. It's better not to let me have a chance to play?" Sitting behind the gin, a man with short light blond hair and brown skin said in a tone. He said briskly, it is really rare to have such a person in the black organization.

"Bourbon, you are really impatient."

"Please, it would be very uncomfortable for anyone to be called back to work during vacation." Bourbon said with a grievance. "Why did Belmode betray the organization during my vacation? I haven't offended her before. what."

"Ahahahaha... Bourbon, you deserve to be unlucky!"

"Woo...Belmod, I'll draw a circle to curse you..." Bourbon pressed his face to the window with a sad expression, and circled the window with his fingers.

Bourbon’s role in the organization and Belmode is mainly responsible for gathering intelligence, but because of the level of disguise, Belmode’s ability is stronger than Bourbon, and it is the main source of organizing some important intelligence.

Belmode's betrayal had a big impact on the organization. One of them was intelligence. In order to make up for this vacancy, the BOSS had to summon Bourbon who was on vacation. This is why Bourbon had such a deep resentment.

Chianti, a crazy woman, doesn't do anything to comfort people, but makes no secret of her ridicule of Bourbon and the betrayal of Belmode.

In the original book, Richianti hated Belmode. It was because of Belmode’s plan, that is, the incident at the dock. Belmode called Calvados, who was obsessed with her, for her plan. As a result, Calvados Suichi Akai broke his legs and committed suicide before being arrested. It can be said that Calvados' death and Belmode have a big reason. This is also the reason why Chianti and Cohen hated Belmode.

This is not to say how good the relationship between Chianti and Calvados is, but as a sniper, Chianti cannot accept this kind of thing and hates Belmode.

But the plan here is different from the original book. Belmode doesn't need Calvados anymore, and the life of the hapless ghost is also saved, so Chianti and Cohen didn't feel much about Belmode's defect.

Moreover, Chianti and Cohen were still a little happy that the gin was rinsed by Belmod once, after all, who called the gin always pulled like two to eighty thousand.

"Okay, Chianti," Gin said coldly, preventing Chianti from continuing to use Bourbon to start drinking. "The problem now is the rain outside."

Rain has a great impact on the sniper. Wind and rain will seriously affect the accuracy of the sniper shell, and rain will also hinder the line of sight. Water drops will stick to the scope and affect the line of sight. On rainy days, there may be an umbrella. An umbrella is also an umbrella. Huge trouble.

"It doesn't matter, the weather forecast says the rain will stop before noon."

The conversation ended here. Qiye took off his glasses and threw them to Conan. Then he stretched out in the driver's seat and said, "It's really lively now. So many people popped up all at once."

"And you will feel lively!" Judy glared at Qiye, with deep concern in his eyes. "Kiel can be sure that it is Mizuno mercy, but what happened to Chianti, Cohen and Bourbon? How come so many crows come out all at once?!"

Qiye leaned on the car window and buttoned her ears, and said, "I don't know much about Bourbon, but I know Chianti and Cohen."

"What?" Conan and Judy both looked at Qiye in surprise, and Judy said directly: "Hurry up and tell me who they are?!"

"Ah~~" Qiye yawned lazily, looked at Judy, and said, "Sister, did you make a mistake? You are the FBI and I am the killer. Why should I give you information for no reason? what."

Judy's face twitched, and immediately wanted to kill the bastard, but he restrained the thought and said, "What benefits do you want?!"

"Hehe, talking to you is a joy." Qiye smiled and said: "Kiss me, and Chianti and Cohen's information will be given to you."

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