Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 743

"I said, Gin, hasn't Kiel brought anyone? I'm almost boring." Chianti said very uncomfortably. With her temperamental character, she can actually become an excellent sniper. Not to mention a miracle.

"Wait a minute, she is now taking the DJ over." Gin took the walkie-talkie and commanded calmly, "Don't kill me because it's too boring, Cohen, so do you."

"It's really hard to be the boss." Bourbon sat in the back seat and continued to play his game. With such a fascinating look, it was hard to tell that he was also a cold-blooded killer.

"Bourbon, put away your game console, now give me concentration!"



Qiye's BMW arrived at Beihu Park in time, and the three of them got out of the car and immediately began searching for Kanghui Tumen in the park.

"Thank you for accepting our exclusive interview, Mr. Tumen."

"Where, pick this place to visit, is it okay?"

"Of course, this is a very nice park."

"Yes," Kanghui Tumen looked around and said, "I used to like to run in this park, but since I became a member of the Diet, my bodyguard stopped me from showing up like this at will, ha Haha..." Just listen selectively to the congressmen's words.

"Haha, Mr. Tumen, it's not convenient to speak while standing. Let's sit down and talk." Shui Wu Rennai nodded his chin and looked around and said, "Then...just here on the bench."

"Bench? Hahaha...this is not bad too."

"Yes, that's it, let's close it soon, Mr. Tumen." Rum looked at Tumen Kanghui who had fallen into a trap in the surveillance screen, and couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"Ah! Isn't that Mr. Tumen?" The man among a couple walking in the park suddenly cried.

"It's a real person! Mr. Tumen, I am your supporter, please shake your hand with me!" The woman also followed the man's gaze and smiled excitedly.

Tumen's bodyguard immediately blocked the woman, preventing her from contacting Tumen Kanghui.

"It's okay." Tumen Kang Hui gently pushed away the bodyguard, and shook hands with the woman.

Gin looked at the surveillance screen, his face twitched. Who would have thought that a woman would suddenly appear at this time?!

"The target has been aimed, can you shoot?" Cohen said coldly, his personality is the opposite of Chianti, and he couldn't break a fart for a long time.

"Not yet time, Cohen, there are too many lambs getting in the way." Gin said coldly, with a colder voice than usual, "Wait until DJ sits on the bench before doing it!"

"Roger that!"

"I found Tumen Kanghui, but how can I hide him in a safe place?" Judy said helplessly while looking at Tumen Kanghui.

"How about knocking him out and dragging him away?"

"You would directly trigger a gunfight like that!"

"Well, I'm just talking about it casually." Qiye curled her lips and scanned the entire Mugido Park. This park is one of the largest parks in Tokyo, and in this densely vegetation park, there is one thing that you absolutely cannot Lack of.

"Hey, Judy!"


"Cohen, are you okay?" Chianti was still lying on the roof, aiming his sniper rifle at Tumen Kanghui's head, and said: "I'll be the head, you'll be the back!"

"It's better for me to start."

"Uh... OK, whatever you want!"

Gin held the intercom in his hand and said, "What's the matter, Gere? Let DJ sit down!"

Shui Wu Reina responded in a low voice, then walked to the front of Tumen Kang Hui, and said, "Mr. Tumen, I think we can start the interview now."

"Yeah, all right." Tumen Kanghui started walking towards the bench, and the staff began to evacuate the crowd.

The crow started to act, and Judy did not hesitate. The pistol that screwed on the silencer interrupted the valve of the automatic sprinkler. The water column immediately rushed up, and Qiye also flew out two throwing knives, accurately interrupting two sprinklers. The device is another two jets of water.

The sound of guns turning on the silencer, the sound of a flying knife cutting through the air, and the sound of a sprinkler breaking. These small sounds did not attract anyone's attention at all, except for Shui Wuren.

Sprinkler... That's it!Shui Wu Rina breathed a sigh of relief, but it was okay.

Qiye and Judy interrupted more than a dozen sprinklers, and the water jet rushed into the sky, and then turned into drops of water and fell down, as if it were raining. According to Qiye’s expectations, everyone, including the bodyguards of the Tumen, all Opened the umbrella.

"Gin, DJ is a dark blue umbrella, can you shoot?"

"Wait a minute, if you use the umbrella, the hit rate will decrease."

"But it's so strange, there is no rain here." Rum stretched out his hand out of the window when a drop of rain fell on his hand, "Damn it, it's down here too!"

Qiye and Judy ran under the tree, Judy stretched out her hand and said, "This is really timely rain."

"That's right." Qiye agreed with Judy, "Now my dear Lamborghini will return to my arms, hahahahaha..."

"Do you think about this?"

"Otherwise, what am I thinking?!"

Shui Wu Reina seemed to look at Qiye's direction intentionally or unintentionally, her lips squirming twice...Thank you...


"Chianti, Kiel, Cohen, stop temporarily, see you in the same place in an hour."

Rum drove away, and Bourbon, who was sitting in the back seat, had two thick noodle tears on his face at this time, and he looked at the sky sadly.

" vacation..."

Chapter 726-Counter Sniper!

"Gin and they went to the old place to meet!" Conan said solemnly with glasses. Although the sniping was stopped, they obviously wouldn't just give up Gin.

"Really, wouldn't they just give up and just give up? They have to rush to other places. It's really troublesome." Qiye said helplessly, rolling her eyes. Why did Gin and the others have the perseverance so they just gave up the task. Then, his Lamborghini can also return.

"Let's talk about it! Come over to my old lady!" The sturdy eldest sister Judy shouted directly, dragging Qiye towards the car.

At this time, there was another car beside Qiye's car. Standing beside him was a man with gray hair and a mustache. It was Judy's boss, James Black.

"Interrupting the sprinkler to make others think it is raining, causing the target mission and the surrounding people to open their umbrellas, thereby preventing sniping. It's an excellent performance."

"Don't wear a high hat for me, I'm not dead!" Qiye looked at James Black fiercely, and said: "I'll get Lao Tzu's car ready, or it will kill you!"

"Uh...Yes." Black wiped the cold sweat from his head and said helplessly, obviously he had nothing to do with this moody guy.

"Cut!" Qiye made a disdainful cut, then looked at Judy, and said, "Since the FBI is here, I'll leave it to you to track Gin and them. I'll go back and get something."

Seven nights has always been fast, and after speaking, he got into his own BMW.

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