Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 744

"I'm not dead, this kid will leave it to you!" Judy threw Conan to Black, and immediately got in the Qiye car.

"I'm actually not fifty years old." Blake explained helplessly when he was hit again, but Judy was completely unaware of him. Blake could only look at Conan beside him helplessly and said: "Get in the car, Shinichi Kudo. "


"What are you going to get?" Judy sat in the car and looked at Qiye.

"Sniper gun." Qiye gave Judy a blank look. "Otherwise, what else can I take."

"Do you want to counter-sniper gin?" Judy looked at Qiye in amazement, and said, "Do you know where they will attack next?"

Counter-sniping is more difficult than sniping. The snipers who arrive first have the opportunity to seize the ground, that is, high places, and those who arrive later are restricted everywhere. If you cannot know the opponent's sniper location in advance, it is very difficult to counter-sniper. There is a master of gin among the enemies.

"I don't know." Qiye said honestly, with a smile on his face, and said: "But there is one place I am sure they will go."


"Yonehuacho 2-chome 22."

"that is not……"

"The next door to Shinichi Kudo's house is Dr. Akas's house." Nanaya explained with a smile.

"But why did Gin go there?" Judy was puzzled. The guy like Gin would never go to find a doctor who was not famous.

"Didn’t I talk about it before? The bug was not brought back. Sooner or later, it was discovered by Gin. The suspicion of Gin must be two people. I and Shinichi Kudo, and Shinichi Kudo has now become For a child, those weird props must have been made by Dr. Aka who has a doctorate in the Faculty of Engineering."

"Then why are you so sure that gin will not go to your house?" Judy asked her doubts and said: "You are also the enemy of gin, and gin might not go to your house to attack."

"That's right, but killing me or killing Kudo Shinichi and Dr. Aka, which is easier?" Qiye turned to look at Judy and said, "With gin and the three people on this mission, for It’s not enough for me, and Gin knows this. If he comes to kill me, it’s an impossible task. It will definitely fail. There is no need for him to do such a foolish thing. And it’s not a loss to kill Shinichi Kudo. After all, he is also a figure who knows the secrets of the organization, and Gin will do it sooner or later."

Judy frowned, realizing that she hadn't come to refute Qiye's words, and could only remain silent.

Qiye rushed back to the Liudao House, took two black boxes out, and then immediately got in the car and rushed to the sniper site.

Qiye chose a twenty-seven-story building, which is also the tallest building in Yonehua Town. On the roof of the building, Qiye began to set up two sniper rifles, RT-20 and TAC-50.

"Are you going to snipe here?" Judy looked at Qiye in shock. It was not that she did not believe in Qiye, but the distance was so far that she couldn't believe it.

From here, Dr. Tou Ari’s home, the straight-line distance is more than 2500 yards. If converted into international units, it is about 2.3 kilometers. This is still a straight-line distance. In fact, sniper bombs cannot fly in a straight line. They are subject to gravity and wind. The impact of rain, the sniper projectile must be a curve, and the longer the distance, the greater the impact, and the longer the sniper projectile will fly.

If you sniper from here, the bullet will fly more than 2.5 kilometers. What a monster.

"Of course it is from here. This is the tallest building in Yonezawa Town. Basically, there is no need to worry about being counter-sniped." Indeed, if you attack from the bottom up, because there are walls blocking it, it will be more difficult than from the top down. many.

"That's not the point, okay?!" Judy yelled, "It's more than two thousand yards from here to Dr. Ari. Can you hit that far?"

"Of course." Qiye showed a confident smile on her face, and then patted the two sniper rifles that had been set up. "It's okay to have these two babies."

Both RT-20 and TAC-50 are ultra-long-range sniper rifles. RT-20 is generally used to destroy aircraft on the enemy's tarmac, hovering helicopters, light armored vehicles, communication vehicles, oil tanks, radars, and monitoring systems. As well as bunkers and airport facilities, they are powerful. The maximum effective range of the standard RT-20 is about 1800 meters.

The maximum effective range of 1800 meters does not mean that the bullet cannot hit a target beyond 1800 meters, but if it exceeds 1800 meters, the power of the bullet will be weakened due to air resistance, and the stability of the sniper will begin to be out of control. Has the RT-20 hit a target 2.3 kilometers away?

And TAC-50, in the real world, has created the longest sniper record, the current record is 2475 meters, of course it is a kill rather than a headshot.

At 2475 meters, after the threaded sniper shell accelerates through this distance, even an armored vehicle can hit a cross, let alone a headshot, even if it hits the stomach without hitting any vital points, the terrifying impact can also make you Separate up and down and break into two pieces.

"Dear gin, show up quickly, I can't wait." Qiye looked through the electronic scope and looked at Dr. Ari's house, and smiled coldly.


"Before sixteen o'clock," Gin's cold voice sounded, "DJ's car will pass the bridge, and there is the location of the assassination. This time Chianti and Cohen are responsible for cover."

"What, cover?!" Chianti said very uncomfortably. She, a semi-mad woman, wanted to blow DJ's head with a shot.

"I want to snipe." Cohen also faintly expressed his wishes.

"Well, don't say that." Rum laughed a few times and said: "That guy's car is a special bullet-proof car. It's not as easy to start as in the park. Even if your bullet penetrates the bullet-proof glass, Most of the impact will be absorbed, and with his two bodyguards on the left and right, you will not be able to hit him."

"So, what should I do?" Chianti looked upset. As a sniper, he couldn't shoot. "Are you going to take off your clothes on the bridge and ask the DJ to let us ride for free?!"

"Now, we have a good plan." There was a sound of motorcycle brakes.

"Yo, Gere, what are your plans? Are you undressing yourself in front of his car? That might be successful."

"Your kind of plan doesn't suit me." Keir, who is Shui Wu Rennai, said lightly. "At that time I will drive to his car and pretend to have an accident, and then lure him out of the car, and his two bodyguards I want to call you and Cohen to solve it."

Bourbon, who was sitting in the car, opened the door and said, "After that, I will come from behind and kill him!"

"But will that guy get out of the car so easily? And, Gere, you are a host. Will you show your face on the street?"

"Hehehehe... it will be revealed by then, but this face." Keir opened the helmet's windshield.

"Oh, it's Toshishima Tongzi who participated in the meeting, it seems that Bourbon's makeup techniques have improved."

"I'm not far behind." Bourbon said helplessly while lying on the gin's car. "This human skin mask has been made long ago. I only need to remove a little blood. If you want to talk about makeup techniques Belmode is still the strongest. Alas, why is she betraying the organization at this time, so I have to come back to work."

"Okay, let's start preparing."

"Gin, which bridge is the attack location?"

"Vain B!"

"Vain B?" Conan frowned when he heard the code name of this newly appeared location, and said: "They said that, now only the sound of the engine."

"Vain B, what is this place? If you don't know the location, there is no way to prevent their assassination." Black sighed and said: "If it's not for the FBI's identity, Japan can't be disclosed, otherwise you can just ask. The congressman has taken his line. If Vain B cannot be untied, this unfavorable wind direction cannot be reversed."

"Wind direction?" Blake's words made the light bulb in Conan's mind light up, "By the way! I understand, the place Vain B is pointing to!"

"What, you know?!"

"Yeah!" Conan nodded, with a confident look on his face, and said: "Vain can be written as Vane, which is a weather vane or fan blade, or it can be understood as the meaning of arrow rain, plus the direction of their driving, the location is only One, that is Toya Ohashi!!"

Chapter 727-Transaction!

"I have no problem here, how about you, Cohen?!"

"See it clearly."

"Well, everyone is a militant." Bourbon said reluctantly, "Gin, I've also arrived at the scheduled location."

"Very good, now Zizi...Just wait for Zizi...Kiel will do." Rum smiled excitedly while holding the phone.

"Hey, Rum, what's going on over there, there has been noise since just now."

"Noise?" Rum asked suspiciously, "We are not in the basement now, why is there noise?"

"Noise?" The suspicious and sensitive Gin's eyes shrank, astonishment appeared on his face.

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