Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 745

"What's the matter, brother?" Rum asked strangely.

"Don't make a sound!" Gin told Rum to shut up, then turned the back seat, the clothes that Keir had left on his car after changing.

"Hmm, hum..." Gin laughed coldly as he looked at the bug attached to the bottom of the shoe, "It's really capable, Devil, or, that kid?!"


"What, terminate the mission?!" Chianti leaned against her beloved Viper, in shock, "It's all here, do you want me to stop now?!"

"Yes, I just got the permission of that one." Gin said coldly. Now he is a poisonous snake, hungry, and a poisonous snake who needs blood. "Our goal has changed."


"Change goal?" Bourbon held the phone and wanted to scold his mother, "Gin, where are we going this time? I can wait to finish the mission quickly so I can go on vacation."

"The location is No. 22, Yonehuacho 2-chome!"

Sure enough, they have seen through the organization's plan.Shui Wurenai thought so in her heart. She had just received a communication from Gin and immediately changed her goal. This was enough to destroy the positive mission.

Mizumi, who was just about to rush to Mihua Town, found that her way was blocked. There was a car on the front and the back, and a car was blocked on the right, blocking her completely.

"I'm sorry, I have something I want to ask." The guy who looked like a good old man drove the car in one hand and held the gun in the other hand, aiming at the water without mercy, "Can you please stop?"

I'm sorry, but I have no plans to be caught here!Shui Wu Reina thought so in his heart, and then slammed the accelerator hard, the front wheel of the motorcycle was raised, and with the horsepower of the motorcycle, he jumped directly onto the roof of the car in front.

Very aggressive driving skills!

When Shui Wu Reina was about to escape, a football rolled into the middle of the road. It didn't matter, but immediately, a little boy ran out of the road to pick up his football.

The car below Shui Wu Reina immediately slammed on the brakes, and the whole car slammed into it. Shui Wu Reina could have used this opportunity to increase the throttle and run away, but she did not, but let her inertia. He threw it out with the motorcycle.


The motorcycle smashed heavily on the ground, the fuel tank caught fire and exploded, and Shui Wuren also made a close contact with the ground and lost consciousness.


"Hey, immortal, what's the matter?" Judy answered Black's call and said unceremoniously, "What?!...Oh, I got it!"

"Hey, Qiye." Judy hung up the phone and looked at Qiye.

"Shui Wurenai was fainted in a car accident, and now I was rescued in the hospital, I heard it all." Qiye is still with his dear sniper rifle, his left eye has opened the form of white eye and writing wheel eye, yes, one eye Open two pupil techniques at the same time.

The white eyes can make Qiye clearly see the situation two kilometers away, and with the dynamic vision of the writing wheel eye, Qiye does not have to worry about the target running away.

"Huh! How about it, your big beauty Shui Wurenai is now being rescued in the hospital, are you very sad?" Judy snorted, watching Qiye deliberately ask, obviously she still has some resentment because of what happened before. .

"There is no sadness, as long as she is not dead, it is better for her to lie down in the intensive care unit for ten and a half months without waking up, then I can take the opportunity to do something interesting with her, such as the creation of human beings. What."

Judy's forehead was beating fiercely, this bastard could think of anything good, and could think of anything like that.


No matter if Judy is still holding that important sniper rifle in Qiye, she walks over and gives him a fist. This bastard, definitely owe it!

"Pain!" Qiye moved her attention away from the sniper rifle, holding her head and wailing, "You dead woman! So violent, it's no wonder that you are almost thirty years old and still a virgin!"

"What are you talking about?!" Judy glared at Qiye, her face flushed with anger and shyness. When she was thinking about whether to pass another fist, Black called again.

"What's the matter, you're not dead?!" Judy was very angry now, and her tone was more aggressive than a flat ruler.

Black on the phone wiped the cold sweat from his head, thinking about what gunshot Judy had taken, and then said a few seconds later: "Um...Judy, please let Liudao listen to the phone."

"It's for you!"

Qiye answered the phone and said, "Hey, what's the matter?"

I'm actually not fifty years old, isn't it very old?Blake wanted to say that, but he resisted it, said the business, and said: "Mr. Liudao, Gin and they have discovered the bug, and now they seem to be going to Mihua Town to snipe a man named Dr. Aka."

"Really?" Qiye was not surprised at all, and said: "I already knew this."

"What, you know?!"

"Nonsense, otherwise what do you think I am doing now? I'm just waiting for the gin to appear in my scope."

Qiye’s voice was a bit loud, so Conan who was next to Blake could also hear him. Conan snatched Blake’s phone and said, "Six Daoqiye! You must protect Dr. Ari, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, how are you?!" Qiye's expression and tone became cold, and said: "Bad son! What do you think you are, talk to Lao Tzu carefully!"

Conan is still the same at this point, thinking that he won't be able to turn if the earth is missing, everyone should listen to him, get rid of it!

"Black! Call me over!" Qiye yelled directly into the phone regardless of what Conan thought.

Blake wiped the cold sweat from his head again, and said, "Well, what's the matter?"

"Blake, I remember our previous agreement was that you return the Lamborghini to me, and I will help you disrupt the organization of this mission, right?"


"The mission of the organization this time is to assassinate Kang Hui of Tumen, which means that other people's life and death have nothing to do with me, right?" Qiye grinned, showing a wicked smile.

"Uh..." Black froze, looking at Conan with an ugly face, he could only say: "Yes, but..."

"It's okay. It's okay to ask me to protect the one named A Li, but you have to give me another sports car."

"It's okay." Black breathed a sigh of relief. It is a good thing to have a discussion, and a thing that can be solved with money is a small thing. Although the FBI cannot allocate funds to buy a sports car because of this matter, the FBI has learned from terrorists over the years There were also a lot of sports cars seized by various organizations. It is still okay to drive one out and "reimburse" Qiye.

"Hmph, don't even fool me with some rubbish, if the car doesn't satisfy me, I will break you!"

"Hi, hi~~" Black said repeatedly, and then hung up.

"You are really real." Judy said with contempt looking at Qiye.

"Please." Qiye set up his sniper rifle again, and said: "I am a killer, why should I waste my bullets for no reason? I have to come up with appropriate rewards for tasks. I am ranked number one in the world. Killer, two sports cars, one of which is my own. It’s already very cheap to do so much for you, not to mention I’m helping the FBI."

"You dare to say it!" Judy glared at Qiye, but there was nothing Conan's naive idea of ​​throwing Qiye into jail. The first was unrealistic, and the second was unnecessary.

The FBI cannot kill all the killers in this world. Even if they have the ability, they will not do it. Even if they have not read Asuka, Lianggizang, but the truth is still understood, if the world There are no crimes, and their FBI can dismiss all of them.

What's more, the FBI sometimes has to use the power of a killer to do things that they are not suitable or unable to do. For example, this time, because of the shortage of manpower in Japan, they have to cooperate with Nanaya and pay two sports cars as a reward. As for Qiye’s killing of a large number of American politicians, they were temporarily ignored.

Holding a sniper rifle, Qiye constantly scanned the streets near Dr. A Li's house. Finally, ten minutes later, a Porsche 356A and a Dodge Viper finally entered the scope of Qiye.

By the way, this Viper is also good...

Chapter 728-Sniper War!

Qiye glanced at Gin with a scope and then moved away. People like Gin, even if they are two kilometers away, will definitely notice if they are kept staring at them. If he is cautious, I'm afraid they will leave immediately. That would be no fun.

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