Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 746

"Gin, is what you said is true? It was the detective you didn't kill that installed a bug on the soles of Kiel?" Bourbon asked, sitting in the back seat of the Porsche, "Why wouldn't it be that? Where is the devil?"

"The devil can't play such boring tricks. If he is to draw me out, he doesn't need this kind of kid's method." Gin said coldly, his tone of indifference and anger, because of Bourbon's The phrase "the detective you didn't kill".

The No.1 organized by Tangtang actually killed a little devil without killing it, and now let that little devil destroy this important mission, but Gin is very unhappy.

It turns out that No. 1 of the original organization will sometimes miss... Bourbon thought so, but he didn't dare to say it. After all, not everyone has the ability and strength to use gin to start a gin. of.


Porsche and Viper stopped in front of a building. Gin didn’t choose to attack. That didn’t fit his cautious character. After all, they didn’t have short-range powerful weapons in their hands. The two sniper rifles were simply wasteful at short distances. .

Gin and they arrived at the rooftop of that building, about 400 yards straight from Dr. A Li's home, which was an easy distance for Chianti and Cohen.

Chianti and Cohen's limit sniping distance is about 600 yards, but this distance represents the distance they can headshot. If it exceeds this distance, it is OK to hit the torso, but not headshot.

"LOCK!" The cross star of Qiye's electronic sight locked Chianti's forehead with a wicked smile. Although this girl is a bit wild, she looks pretty good. I don't know if I took her Viper. Would you be mad?

Chianti's strength is also quite different from Gin Wine, and the cross star of Qiye stayed on her forehead for a long time and she didn't notice it, but there was also a reason why Qiye did not show murderous aura.

"Now as long as you lead that Dr. Ari to the window, you can kill him immediately, Chianti, is it okay?" Gin said coldly.

"Of course, just such a distance, guarantee a shot headshot!" Chianti showed a bloodthirsty and excited smile. Today's mission was frustrated everywhere, and now he can finally kill.

The building where Qiye is located is to the east of Dr. Aha's house, and the building where Jinjiu and the others are located is to the northwest, with a straight-line distance of 2,700 yards, which is already on par with the actual sniper record.

"It's really interesting, even if it was the last time I was at the Cuphouse Hotel, dear Chianti." Qiye smiled evilly and pulled the trigger with her finger.

The bullet flew out of the barrel. In order to maintain the stability of the sniper, there was no silencer. However, the speed of the bullet was faster than the speed of sound at such a distance, and the silencer was useless.

The special threaded armor-piercing projectile continued to rotate and accelerate in the air, causing a faint white line to be drawn behind the bullet. Normal people could not see clearly, but Qiye’s eyes could see it, like the effect of a tracer, the trajectory clearly appeared in Qiye before.


The bullet accurately hit the muzzle of the sniper rifle in Chianti’s hand, because Qiye’s gun was an anti-material sniper rifle, and it was two laps larger than Chianti’s. The bullet was also larger than that barrel. It was produced after a 3000-yard acceleration. The huge gas explosion and impact force tore Chianti's sniper rifle to pieces!


With a dull sound, the impact force hit the butt of the gun to Chianti's right shoulder, causing her to fly out and fall to the ground.

"Northeast! One o'clock direction!"

Cohen subconsciously said, and then aimed the gun at the direction where the bullet came, and the distance displayed on the electronic sight almost made Cohen throw the gun out.

"2700 yards?!!!"

"What?!" Gin was shocked and immediately snatched Cohen's sniper rifle. The electron microscope still showed a distance of 2700 yards, "Devil!"

After the bullet smashed Chianti's sniper rifle, Shuichi Akai, who had been aiming at the gin and them, immediately turned the gun head, and the scope locked Nanya's figure.

Nanaya, of course, knew Akai's sight. She still controlled the TAC-50 with her right hand and the RT-20 with her left hand to turn the gun head, and fired at Akai with a single shot.

Akai pierced his brows, almost subconsciously, and rolled on the spot with his sniper rifle, hiding behind the wall, where it was temporarily safe.


Although the distance was closer, it was more than 2,000 yards. The bullet shattered the cement board, and the power made Akai Hideo secretly startled. With the shot just now, if he didn't hide, he would be able to see God.

Does this monster shoot without aiming?!Akai Hideichi thought in shock.

But Hideichi Akai didn't know that Nanaya actually took aim, and has been aiming all the time. Who said that the angle of view is 360°.

When Qiye collapsed Shuichi Akai's shot one by one, Gin and the others immediately hid behind the rooftop fence as a cover for the time being like Shuichi Akai.

"Damn it!!" Chianti said fiercely, leaning against the wall, with strong hatred and shock in his eyes, but he stubbornly did not cry out of pain.

Fortunately, although the bullet was powerful, the trajectory was changed after hitting the sniper rifle. The bullet did not directly hit Chianti, otherwise she might have died now.

The right shoulder was comminuted and fractured by the impact of the butt, and the entire right arm was drooping. It must be useless. His hands were bloodied by the sniper rifle fragments, especially the right hand. But these None will be fatal.

"Really hit?!" Judy saw Qiye's sniper effect through the electronic telescope, and she was shocked. She wouldn't think that Qiye shot Chianti's sniper rifle after aiming at another place.At 2700 yards, after hitting the barrel, Judy felt that her head was not enough.

"Behemoth, give them that thing!"

"OK, boss!" Behemoth, who was still parked in the six-door house, responded to Qiye, and then immediately sent out a radio wave. A remote-controlled helicopter flew up quickly, and then landed in front of Ginjiu and the others, with one hanging below. Little black box.

Gin and Bourbon drew their guns instantly and aimed at the remote control helicopter, but they didn't shoot immediately. What if there were explosives inside?!

"Hehehehe... Gin, how about my marksmanship, let's comment!" Qiye's characteristic crazy voice as the devil resounded in the black box.

"Devil!" Gin said coldly, suppressing the shock in his voice and face with his usual indifference, "I really underestimated you!"

"Hum hum ...... ah ha ha ha ha ha ...... gin, which I can understand as you praise me?! I'm so happy !!"

"Gin! How did you get into such a monster, 2700 yards?!" Bourbon said in shock, "You haven't died for so many years?!"

"Huh!" Gin snorted coldly, and didn't care about Bourbon. With an enemy with a sniper ability of more than 2,700 yards, it would be a good thing to have not died for so many years.

"Hey hum hum... kid, pay attention to your attitude, otherwise... you will die!" Qiye smiled coldly, "How about it, Chianti, it's not bad as a gift from the hotel last time?! "

"Damn bastard!! The old lady should have just collapsed you last time!!" Chianti shouted angrily at the black box, trying to rush out several times and smash the black box, but it was all caused by Cohen and Bo. Ben pressed it down.

"You have a good ambition, but you don't have the ability!" Qiye smiled triumphantly, "Now, Gin, how many times have we faced off like this?"

"the fifth time!"

"Oh, so you remember it, you really miss it. After all, gin, you seem to have never profited from me, this time, gin? Do you think about what you should write in your epitaph Yet?"

"Hmph! Devil, do you think you are determined to win?!"

"I don't dare to say that I won, but..." Qiye took a long tone and laughed again, and said, "What are you going to do, Gin? My bullet can reach that rooftop in two seconds. And there is a three-second distance from you to the door, and, do you dare to run over?"

The black box of Qiye was stopped between Gin Jiu and the others and the entrance to go downstairs, Gin Jiu and the others would never run past it!

At this point, Qiye took advantage of the suspicion of gin, because the black box had nothing special except for the phone.

Qiye who was in a good mood suddenly became serious and said, "Hey, Judy, my shoulders are sore, come and help me rub it twice!"

"Asshole! What did you say?!" Judy looked at Qiye furiously. If it wasn't for this guy to snipe the gin and them, she would push this asshole from her head now!

"I said my shoulders are sore." Qiye grinned completely and said, "It doesn't matter to me if my arm becomes numb and the bullet becomes crooked."

"Damn bastard!" Judy's forehead jumped, and the bastard threatened her...the fists were clenched and released several times, and finally reason overwhelmed the anger and walked over, putting soft hands on Qiye's shoulders. Slowly knead it.

"Well, not bad, not bad, very comfortable." Qiye showed a look of enjoyment, making Judy really want to strangle him but was afraid of affecting the sniper, so she could only endure it.

"Humph!" Gin sneered twice and said, "Devil, I didn't expect you to be with the FBI!"

"It's too exaggerated to say that we are together, Gin." Qiye also sneered coldly, "It's just a deal, two sports cars, get you guys! But it's true that Judy and I got together, ah! Judy! Why are you pinching me?!"

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