Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 747

"Asshole! Take care of your mouth!" Judy scolded with flushing face. After all, she was still a stranger, and Qiye didn't hide her words, making Judy blush.

"Hi, hi~~" Qiye replied helplessly, the woman couldn't make a joke more and more, "Gin, give you a way to get out, do you want to listen?"


"You can let one of you run out first as a bait. You rush down immediately after I fired. I don't think I can hit five people at the same time." Qiye smiled badly, full of evil taste.

And Qiye’s words made the two people a little nervous. Rum and Chianti, among the five here, Rum is the weakest and the lowest in status. Chianti is injured and may be dragged down when running. They are also Obviously the most likely to be the one to die.

After hearing this, Judy couldn't help secretly complaining that he was so evil, and he used this kind of trick!

"Damn bastard!!" Chianti yelled again, her grumpy temper had never been so angry like today.

"Don't be so angry, dear Chianti, if a woman is often angry, it will accelerate aging." Qiye smiled evilly, "Why don't you show me a striptease, so I can let you go, too," Ah! Judy, why are you pinching me again?!"

"Humph!" Judy snorted coldly, jealousy appeared in his heart, face and voice, this bastard actually hit the idea of ​​that kind of woman!

"Women are really troublesome." Qiye whispered, then focused on the gun again, and said: "Gin, how long do you say we will face off like this?"

"Who knows this?" Gin leaned against the wall, lit himself a cigarette, and said, "Who will break the deadlock this time?"

"Then you have to see if Goddess of Luck favors me or you." Nanya smiled, and then the RT-20 that was originally aimed at Akai Shuichi turned around, using the power of the white eyes and the writing wheel eyes to aim and stop at Downstairs, the Viper in Chianti.


Qiye fired a shot, and the special threaded armor-piercing projectile hit the hub of the right rear wheel of the Viper two seconds later, and the armor-piercing projectile that could penetrate the tank directly blasted the entire wheel and hub.

"Good! Hit it!" Qiye smiled excitedly, "Chianti, I gave you another gift. I will definitely... want to kill me!"

"Asshole! What did you do?!" Chianti shouted angrily.

"Just wait for you to see this. Of course, if you can leave alive, ahahahaha..." Qiye laughed arrogantly, and the extremely arrogant laughter made Chianti almost violent!

Qiye's laughter stopped abruptly, and he slammed his head to the side, and at the same time stretched out his hand to pull Judy away, and a bullet flew back through Qiye's cheek.

"It's really gin, can you introduce this guy to me?"


"It turned out to be him." Qiye said suddenly. It turned out to be this guy. Calvados should have died in Belmode's plan, but this guy didn't die because of Qiye's appearance, but now he came to disturb him. Qiye's plan is really karma.

Qiye raised the RT-20 and aimed at the man wearing a hat and sunglasses. Because Qiye has a higher height, he has an advantage.


The bullet flew out of the muzzle, and the distance of 600 yards was really nothing. Calvados was also good. He rolled on the spot the moment Qiye raised the gun, avoiding the first bullet.

"Huh!" Seeing that the first bullet hit the concrete wall bursting, Qiye couldn't help but snorted. The RT-20 with its empty magazine was thrown aside, TAC-50 turned around, his eyes pierced the concrete wall. , Fire another shot at Calvados!

Calvados, who was hiding behind the concrete wall, suddenly felt a strong crisis and immediately threw down his gun and jumped off. However, because he couldn't think that Qiye could actually aim at him behind the concrete wall, his movements were still a little slower, bullets Broke his right leg!


When the gun battle happened over there, Gin didn't hesitate, and immediately raised the gun and aimed at the black box and fired a shot. Now one second later, they might be targeted by a sniper rifle again.

There was no explosion. Goddess of Luck took care of the gin this time. The gin held a gun and said, "Withdraw!"

When Qiye broke Calvados's leg, and then turned the gun head, they could no longer see Gin and the others.

"Cut! Run away!"

Chapter 729-End!

"Damn!!" Chianti ran off, seeing his car, and suddenly rushed to his brain again!

Chianti likes this Viper very much. It was only given to her by the organization last month. For her reward for her mission in the recent period, her butt hadn't been warmed up yet, and a wheel was broken!

Damn the devil!The old lady must crush you by herself!!!!Chianti shouted angrily in her heart.

"Chianti! Get in the car!" Gin said coldly.

The cold voice of the gin made Chianti barely calmed down, and he looked at the Viper who had become a three-legged cat unwillingly, and then looked resentfully in the direction of Qiye, then gave a cold snort and got on the gin. classic cars.

Compared with the modern car, the classic Gin car is designed to be smaller. If it sits with four people, it's nothing, but it's really crowded with five people.

Rum has the lowest status and must be driving, and Gin must also be the co-pilot. Chianti, Cohn and Bourbon are crowded in the narrow recoil, although Cohn and Bourbon have tried their best to stay away from Chianti. Now, but such a narrow position is still unavoidable, especially when cornering, Chianti has to take a cold breath!

"Damn it! Cohn! Bourbon! You two bastards leave the old lady away!!" Chianti couldn't stand it anymore, and he roared out!

Sitting in the middle, Bourbon spread his hands helplessly, and said, "I can't help it, Chianti, there's just such a spot in the car."

"Damn! Damn!!! Damn!!!" Chianti also knew that it was impossible to kick Bourbon off the car, and in the end he could only growl three times to vent his anger.

Too frustrated!It is too frustrated!

Chianti is also the top sniper in the organization. When was he so suffocated? If the mission failed, I didn’t say anything. I changed a place to start again. I was told to change the target. I finally ambushed. I was ready to shoot. A counter-sniper was taken, and even the gun was beaten up.

A gun is the second life for a sniper. Without a gun, a sniper rifle is like a tiger pulling out its teeth and claws. It is no longer threatening.

For a sniper, it is absolutely a huge shame that his gun was shattered by the opponent!The shame that must be washed away with blood!

As a result, he finally ran away. The other party broke a wheel of his car and turned into a three-legged cat. As a result, he had to huddle with these two bastards. Chianti's anger was almost burning. Skyrim is out!

"Chianti, how is your injury?" The gin sitting in front asked coldly, don't get me wrong, people like gin are not so kind, he is purely worried about Chianti.

Although it sounds strange, Gin really cares about Chianti's sniper ability!

Cultivating a good sniper is very difficult and takes a lot of time. Snipers like Chianti and Cohen are also rare in the organization. This time Chianti injured his arm. If he can’t restore his previous sniper ability, Gin doesn't mind breaking her here!

Chianti heard the sound of the gin, his body trembled slightly, snorted, and said, "Don't worry! The gin, it's just a broken bone!"

"Yeah." Gin answered faintly and didn't say anything.

Chianti leaned his head on the car window and looked out the window, with hatred in his eyes and a trace of worry.

She knows best how the organization is doing. If she can't show her abilities, the organization will wipe herself out without mercy.

Chianti put his left hand on his right shoulder and broke a bone. It was really just a minor injury, not to mention her. The five people in this car who have never been broken bones are even the piano. Liquor dare not say it, but Chianti is more worried about her hands, especially her right hand.

Her sniper rifle was smashed, and the pieces that flew out were her hands. Now Chianti's hands are still stuck with a lot of sniper rifle fragments, and there is no time to deal with it. It looks terrifying and terrifying.

What Chianti is worried about is whether the fragments have hurt the tendons of her hands. If not, it will be fine. She will break a bone and rest for a few months at most. However, if she is injured, she will recover from the injury. Surely his hands will not be as flexible as before, and his hands are not flexible anymore. What about sniping?!

Chianti is now the most worried about her hands. These hands are now her life, and because of this, the hatred for that demon king is raised again!

Everyone in the car could feel Chianti's gloomy and tyrannical hatred and murderous intent. This time she didn't even speak with the gin. Chianti is now in a state of dying. Whoever speaks is unlucky.


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