Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 750

"Although I am embarrassed, I am not feeling well and need to rest for a while, don't I? Thank you so much."


Qiye closed Shui Wu Ren's flip phone, then threw it to Black, and said, "This will be solved, it's boring."

Black scratched his head and said, "It's really an amazing ability to change voice."

"It's not that I am strong, but you are too weak." Qiye complained, and then walked out of the ward, "Bye, I'm going to accompany my wife and daughter."

"Judy, I think, how about you consider marrying that guy?"

"Blake! You immortal, get out of my mother!!"


The third check-up report came out relatively quickly. Looking at the face of her daughter displayed on the 4D color Doppler ultrasound, Xiaolan's heart also settled down. Her baby is much healthier than any other baby. There is nothing. Congenital problems, at least, this will be a healthy baby, which is more important than anything else.

A few more days passed like this. It was a good day again, and something pretty good happened. Dear Chianti was discharged from the hospital.

The organization wants to develop the magical medicine of APTX-4869. Naturally, there are many hospitals and pharmaceutical companies affiliated to the organization. Chianti was treated in one of the hospitals under the organization and was discharged today.

Chianti wore a coat, his right shoulder had an inconspicuous bulge, his shoulder was cast in plaster, and he was temporarily unable to move, and his hands were also bandaged. Simply, after taking out the gun fragments, those fragments It didn't hurt the tendons and nerves of Chianti's hand. As long as she recovered well, her original flexibility would not be affected, and her life would be saved.

After being sent back to where she lives by a lower member of the organization, Chianti immediately turned on her laptop and began to tap, but because her right hand could not move and her left hand was still bandaged, the typing speed was a bit slow.

"Damn devil, my old lady must kill you with her own hands!" Chianti said fiercely. The injury on her hand no longer needs to worry too much. Now it is impossible to go on a mission. Chianti has concentrated all his energy on that injury. The man who made himself so miserable, the devil's body.

The identity of the Demon King Qiye has been revealed by himself, so Chianti directly searched for Qiye's real name, and of course he could find a lot of things.

"Cut! That devil turned out to be a pervert, hum!" Chianti smiled coldly. This may be used. "It turns out that he still has a woman pregnant. He will definitely not leave her alone. ,huh huh huh huh……"

Chianti kept thinking about her revenge plan. During non-mission hours, members of the organization could do their own things, but all of this would have to wait until her injury recovered.


An email came from Chianti's mailbox, which puzzled her.

"Who sent an email to my old lady?" Chianti said uncomfortably, and at the same time very strange. Her mailbox is basically only known to the top of the organization. If Gin has a task to find her, you can either speak face to face or call her. Phone, so it is Cohen who usually emails her, but the name of the sender is wrong.

Chianti also seemed to have confidence in the anti-virus software developed by the organization, and opened the email directly. There were a few pictures in it, but after a glance, Chianti almost smashed the computer!

"Damn devil! I must tear you apart!!"

The photo was sent by Qiye. In order to find Chianti's email address, Behemoth took a lot of effort.And the content of the photo is the photo of Qiye sitting on the Viper in Chianti, and the other is sitting on the hood, purely to anger this wild girl who is already going to be angry.

The other party sent a video communication request. Chianti was angry and accepted it directly, and those red eyes appeared on Chianti's screen.

"Well, my shooting skills are not bad, dear Chianti."

Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Two-The Hall Yingyou!

"You bastard!!" The furious Chianti immediately grabbed his computer, almost sticking a face to the computer screen, "Give me my old lady's car!!"

"That's not okay." Qiye looked at Chianti's angry and distorted face with a playful smile, and said: "I really like that Viper, and it's not yours anymore, it's mine. Viper."

"Damn it! My old lady must break your body into pieces!!!"

"Hahahaha..." Qiye smiled wildly, and said, "A lot of people have said this before, but they all fell apart by me. Do you know why, Chianti?"

I didn’t get Chianti’s response. This is normal. Qiye smiled and said, “Because they are all male, hehe, Chianti, if you have a good figure, give me a striptease. The Viper is back to you."


With Chianti's roar, that expensive laptop turned into a pile of fragments.

"Hahahaha..." Qiye looked at the computer's hacked screen and laughed. Chianti was so angry with Qiye this time. He was smashed with a gun and robbed of his beloved sports car. It's really fun.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the sniper, sometimes during some training, a sniper is required to lie on a sniper spot for several hours or even a day or two, and then suddenly issue an order. The sniper must shoot within three seconds, otherwise I just lost my mind.

It is impossible for a sniper to know when to issue an order, so he must always maintain a high level of concentration and inner stability. When a sniper is sniping, he can be said to be the person with the least inner fluctuation in the world, because once there is any fluctuation in his heart, it will It is conveyed to the fingers and sniper rifle, and then fired out by bullets. After flying several hundred yards or even thousands of yards, once there is a slight deviation, the final target will be far behind.

The slightest loss, a thousand miles away, can definitely describe a sniper.

If Chianti couldn't keep her heart, her sniper ability would be the same as if she was abolished, at least in front of Qiya.

Qiye turned off the computer and walked upstairs while muttering.

"Sleep to sleep, really. It's time to go to work tomorrow. I have been skipping work for a long time. I don't know if Miwako will be choked to death when I go back tomorrow. Should I buy an urn first?"


The next day, Qiye came to the Metropolitan Police Department like a thief. He didn't even remember how long he had been off work. From Xiaolan's pregnancy to the present, the birth check, wedding, honeymoon, and return check again, and then the organization and FBI. Qiye has been busy for a few months, and the time spent in the Metropolitan Police Department adds up to less than two weeks.

Qiye shrank her neck and sneaked into the office like a thief. Even if he asked him to steal the White House, he wouldn't be so careful. But this time, it seemed that the floor of the Metropolitan Police Department was all jumping Like landmines.

"Ahhhhhhhh, it seems that Miwako is not here today." Qiye glanced around the office, and his dear Miwako Sato didn't seem to be here except for two or three dragon sets. "Is it a mission, huh~~~~~

"What's okay, dear Mr. Liudao Qiye?" With a burst of sweet laughter, a soft hand was placed on Qiye's shoulder, making Qiye's goose bumps all over her body.

Qiye stiffened all over, turned around like a robot, and looked at Mikako Sato who was smiling beautifully at him. He had never seen Mikako smile so beautifully, and never thought that he would be like this. .

"Um, Miheko, good morning, haha..." Qiye beat haha, constantly thinking about how to "escape" from Miheko's "Jade Hand".

"Yes, good morning." Miwako smiled and said hello to Qiye, but his eyes flashed fiercely, and said: "Dear Mr. Liudao Qiye, what do you want to say about you not coming to work for so many days? ?"

"That one……"

"Baga!! Are you a bastard looking for a fight?!!!" Mikako Sato suddenly yelled, grabbing Qiye by the shoulder and shaking him up, doing circular motions constantly, and she and Yumi researched it out. Of Yufu.


After half an hour, Qiye, who had been cleansed by Meihezi and had a swollen nose, finally returned to the embrace of the earth and sat in his place.

"Please, Mikako, you don't have to fight so hard." Qiye looked at the smug-faced Mikako Sato helplessly. She was very happy with the meal just now.

"Huh, thanks to someone who didn't come to work for several months in a row." Mi and Zijiao Sato snorted, as if she didn't want to admit her mistake at all, but looking at Qiye's swollen nose, she wanted to laugh at the same time. Also a little distressed.

"Senior, don't be angry." The well-behaved Asami Nakaoka leaned over and wiped the scars on Qiye's face with a paper towel soaked in water, and said: "Sister Miwazi is only so angry because she hasn't seen you for a long time. , She missed you too much."

"Mami! What are you talking nonsense, who would worry about this idiot!" Mikako's face turned red, and she stared at Mami Nakaoka in shame, and blamed her for talking nonsense.

And just when Mikako Sato was at a loss, a police officer showed up at the Metropolitan Metropolitan Police Department with a handsome boy, "Mr. Liudao, Miss Sato, this boy wants to report the crime."

In one case, Qiye and Miwako couldn't play anymore. Qiye's hand ran across her face and all the scars disappeared immediately. After seeing it, Miwako glared at him, but this time he didn't beat him again.

Nakaoka Mami pulled a chair over and let the boy sit down, and Nanaya looked at the beautiful girl-like boy in front of him, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth because of his cat eyes.

What does this guy have to do with Mizumi?Qiye thought so in her heart, and it seemed that she had to check it carefully when she went back.

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