Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 751

This guy has an aura that is similar to that of Mizuno Rena. It's not like Judy and Shuichi Akai, but a similar bloodline. Qiye can be sure that the beautiful boy in front of me is related to Mizuno Rena, but he doesn't. The smell of the crow had another strange smell, Qiye was a little unsure of this guy's origin.

"Mr. Liudao, my name is Yingyou Hontang." Qingxiu introduced herself, and then took out a photo, "I want to ask Mr. Liudao to help me find someone, that's my sister, Yinghai Hontang."

Chapter 733-Daughter!

"Ahhhhhhhhhh? Isn't this the host of the TV station Mizuno Reina?" Nakaoka Asami approached like a curious baby, looking at the woman in the photo, she was clearly Mizuno Reina?

"You guys think it's very similar, too." Hondō Eiyu said excitedly, "My sister has been away from home for ten years. I saw the TV station's Mizunoya on TV before and thought she was very similar to my sister, so I just wanted to ask Liu Dao police officer to check it for me."

"Ten years..." Nakaoka Asami and Sato Mikako looked at each other. The ten-year disappearance case is really difficult to investigate. After all, there is too little information. Of course, the easiest way is to bring Mizunai. It’s easy and convenient to do each paternity test with Eiyou Hontang.

Qiye put the photo on the table, did not say to check or not to check, but looked at the main hall Yingyou, and said: "This kind of case, why would you think of coming to me instead of a private detective?"

Small cases such as finding missing persons have never come to Qiye. Such low-level cases are usually solved by rookies and private investigators, unless the missing is an important task, such as the prime minister of Japan. Either it has evolved into a vicious case like kidnapping, murder and concealment of corpses, or if the individual is lost, Qiye will be sent out.

If it is a private entrustment of Qiye, it depends on whether Qiye is in the mood or how much money he has given. If it is a woman who entrusts it, it depends on how well the other party is doing. It is also possible to pay for the debt.

"Because I went to the TV station two days ago to check if Ms. Shui Wu Rennai is my sister, but I was told that she took a long vacation, and the TV station told me that she met you last, so I wanted to ask Do you know where she is now, can you find her?"

Of course I know where she is, and I asked for her fake.Qiye thought helplessly in her heart, but she wouldn't say this. Even if this main hall Eiyu might be Mizuno Reina's younger brother, Qiye wouldn't be so simple to tell the hospital where Mizuno Reina is now, otherwise. , Judy may have killed Qiye with one shot.

"I was only asked by Shui Wuyou to do her a favor that day. I left after solving it. I didn't see her after that, so I don't know where she is now."

Qiye opened her eyes and said nonsense, and sent away the disappointed Hontang Eiyu, and it was impossible for Qiye to tell where Shui Wurenna was at this time.

"Senior, don't you really help him?" Asami Nakaoka said unbearably. It was indeed very hard to find her sister for ten years.

"How can I help?" Qiye said helplessly, "Although Shui Wurenai and his sister Yinghai are indeed the same, but you can't just go to check Shui Wurenai, is it because he said they look alike Just go to check Shui Wu's home? The search warrant can't be issued, right."

Although I went to Shui Wu Ren's home and found some Shui Wu Ren's hair and so on, the method of DNA comparison is very simple, but Shui Wu Ren is not a prisoner after all, and the Metropolitan Police Department will not approve searches for this kind of thing. Ling, let them search the home of Shui Wu Lian.

"Little girl, I told you before, we are the police, not Superman, don't take everything to yourself, you don't have that great ability, Mami."

"I see."

"Really." Qiye took Mamilou into her arms and said: "Besides, what should I do for a man, why don't I help me with cute little Mami."

Nakaoka Mami's still cute pretty face showed two blushes, and said, "What can I do for you?"

"Of course it helped my Mami become a mother." Qiye said with a smile, the hardened weapon was placed between Mami's legs, the girl's holy land.

"Woo...Senior, you are bad..." Nakaoka Mami was ashamed. Although she has been married for countless times, Nakaoka Mami still has a tender face and is so cute.

Nakaoka Mami's already outstanding pretty face was full of blushing, and her original crisp and moving voice became tender and tender, with shame and anger, soft and waxy, which made Qiye's heart cringe.

"Mikako, I will go out with Mami." Nanaya said so, and Nakaoka Mami, who was blushing, ran out of the office.

Mikako Sato, the first goddess of the Metropolitan Police Department, helped her forehead and said, "This guy..."

Qiye pulled Asami Nakaoka to the toilet, put a sign at the door that was being cleaned, and then walked in, locked the door of the toilet, and immediately pushed Asami Nakaoka against the wall.

"Senior, you are here again..." Asami Nakaoka looked at Qiye shyly, her blue eyes already condensed with an incomparable water.

Although they are all icy blue eyes, Xiao Ai's eyes convey cold arrogance, while Nakaoka Asami's eyes are the girl's clarity and agility, but at this time it is already emotional.

"Yes, Mami, isn't it exciting?" Qiye looked at Asami Nakaoka with a smirk, like an evil wolf. "Mami, turn around and reach out to support the wall and cock her ass."

"Senior is a big bad guy!" Nakaoka Mami pursed her small mouth, and snorted, but she never objected to Qiye, obediently, turned around, held her small hand on the wall, and gave her little ass* Cocked up.

Nanaya's big hand was placed on Asami Nakaoka's little butt, her fingers pressed in the middle, and she began to move.

Asami Nakaoka's mouth immediately wafted with a moving moan*, and her petite and lovely body began to twist, as if her whole body was itchy and uncomfortable.

Although they are all policemen, not all policemen have to wear police uniforms. Generally, only policemen who are on duty every day need to wear uniforms. For example, traffic policemen like Miyamoto Yumi, and Nanya, Mikako, and Asami criminal policemen, The usual clothes are similar to those of ordinary white-collar workers.

Nanaya pushed up the dark blue short skirt of Nakaoka Asami. Although it was not plump, but the beautiful buttocks appeared in front of Nanaya. Asami Nakaoka's figure is not very good, but because it is Police, so keep a high level of exercise, body proportions are still very good, buttocks muscles are also very flexible.

Qiye released her weapon and squeezed the egg-sized head in half, then reached out and unbuttoned Mami's top and shirt, and grabbed the two round little buns through the bra, and said: "Mami , I am coming in."

"Well, come on now, senior." Asami Nakaoka was already emotional, twisting her small fragrant hip, and said eagerly.

Qiye pushed hard and puffed, and the entire Xiaoqiye entered Nakaoka Asami's body. Nakaoka Mami kept yelling "Senior", and Nanaya also galloped hard on Nakaoka Mami's body. In the toilet of the Metropolitan Police Department, he performed this bold move until Asami Nakaoka couldn't stand on her legs, and Qiye fired her own ammunition.


Time hastened. More than two months have passed. During this time, the organization seems to have ceased. There is no major action, just a little jockeying, which is nothing to worry about. It made the FBI a little boring. Up.

Shui Wurenai has also been in a coma and has not regained consciousness. The FBI has to send someone to guard Shui Wurenai every day to prevent her from waking up suddenly and escape, but there is no movement on the organization side, making them very depressed. .

Qiye is happy and leisurely. Anyway, Shui Wu Lian, as long as he does not die, there is no big problem. There is no action on the organization side, and Qiye also saves a lot of worry. You can accompany Xiaolan, watching Xiaolan's belly grow bigger day by day, and wake up every morning. Listening to the baby's voice is also very good.

Xiaolan is now eight and a half months pregnant, and it finally ushered in the moment she became a mother. Xiaolan had contractions this morning, so she was sent to the hospital immediately.

The way of delivery is simple, there are two types: normal delivery and caesarean section. Medically, the pain is divided into 12 grades, the lowest is mosquito bites, which is grade 1, and the highest grade 12 is natural childbirth for women.Americans also like to express everything in numbers, and so do pain. They came up with a pain index ranging from 1 to 10. They took a utility knife and split their middle finger into two from the middle, exposing the bone. The pain index is 9.2, ten fingers connected to the heart, let alone exposing the bones.The female childbirth pain is 9.7 to 9.8, no matter what kind of division, childbirth is a severe pain with full marks.

(I watched the news the day before yesterday and said that there was a husband who was with my wife during childbirth, but because his wife was crying and screaming during childbirth, the husband could not comfort his wife and started beating his wife. Here I want to say that you have no ability to do a good job with the child Don't go in, and have the ability to beat your wife. If you are really capable, take a utility knife and cut your middle finger from the middle to expose the bones. If you can hold back the call, then you are qualified to beat your wife. But if you can't do it, then you get out!)

Qiye didn't want Xiaolan to bear this kind of pain. Although Xiaolan wanted to have a smooth delivery, Qiye still chose a cesarean section. Qiyehe accompanied her into the operating room.

"Lan." Qiye was by the operating bed, holding Xiaolan's hand tightly, and said: "Don't be afraid, I am here."

"Yeah." Xiaolan shook Qiye's hand, with excitement, tenderness, happiness, and some panic in her eyes. After all, the crystallization of her love was about to be born.

"Sir, you may not be able to accept the situation for a while, do you really want to accompany your wife here?" the doctor in charge kindly reminded.

She has met a lot of husbands who are going to give birth before, and she said she was ready before, but many of them were frightened by the scene. Whether it was a normal delivery or a C-section, it was impossible to get bloody, such a scene. Not everyone can bear it.

"It's okay, I want to stay with my wife here." Qiye held Xiaolan tightly, and didn't seem to leave at all. He was here to bring Xiaolan the greatest sense of security, no matter how strong Xiaolan was. It can't hide the fact that she is only 17 years old now, she needs to rely on.

"Yeah." The surgeon nodded and started the operation.

The speed of C-section delivery is much faster than that of normal delivery. This is one of the reasons why modern people choose C-section. With the crisp cry of the doctor, Qiye’s first daughter is finally born.

Chapter 734-The Future!The growth of Chianti!

"Qiye, let me see the child."

Xiao Lan was wearing a hospital gown lying on the soft bed in the special ward, with some pink on her face, but her expression was slightly weak, she said to the blond man beside her.

Now it has been two hours since Xiaolan gave birth. After the birth, Xiaolan was sent to take a bath and came here after putting on a clean medical gown. She hadn't seen her daughter yet.

According to our Chinese tradition, a woman has to confinement after giving birth. It is definitely not acceptable to go to the bath. You can't touch water, but this is not the case in foreign countries. Some people even lie in bed and eat ice cream after giving birth. This is probably incomprehensible at home.

How about ice cream, but it’s okay to take a shower after production. After all, there was a lot of blood and dirt on the body during production. Those things have been on the body. It feels uncomfortable and unhealthy. At least you have to take a towel. Dip it in hot water and wipe it again. Just be careful of the scars and undersides on your stomach.

Qiye sat on the bed with her baby in her arms, and passed the little girl in her arms.

Xiao Lan couldn't wait, and took her baby carefully. Qiye also sat down, holding Xiaolan's shoulders and letting her lean against her chest.

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