Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 752

"The baby is so cute." Xiao Lan showed a warm smile, hugging her child, and leaning in his arms, Xiao Lan felt that she had the world.

"Yeah, this is our baby." A smile appeared on Qiye's face. This is his first daughter.

Little girl’s face is five-point like Xiaolan, but she has an extra evil nature that Xiaolan doesn’t have. This is inherited from Qiye, with a small nose, big eyes, and thin lips. These are Xiaolan's characteristics, while her golden hair and red eyes are inherited from Qiye.

Don't spit me about what a newborn child is like. This is the second dimension world. When Naruto was born, didn't the golden retriever also grow out?Do you want me to say that this girl hasn't opened yet, she looks like a monkey?(The newborn child is indeed like a monkey cub)

"Now, Qiye, have you figured out the baby's name?" Xiaolan raised her head and looked at Qiye. If the baby hasn't grown up, she can still call it that way, but what if she waits for kindergarten?Is it called Liu Dao Bao?

"The future, okay?"

"In the future, is the six futures?" Xiaolan raised the little girl, "Little future, do you like it?"

"Chuck chuck..." Xiao Miku couldn't speak yet, but he giggled, his red eyes were out of sight, and he looked very happy.

"It seems that Xiao Mirai likes this name very much." Xiao Lan smiled and took Xiao Mirai back to her arms, stretched out her fingers, and her beautifully manicured pale pink nails gently scratched Xiao Mirai's nose, "So cute. It."

"Wow..." Being teased with his little nose made Xiao Mirai feel a little uncomfortable, and started crying with a wow.

"Don't cry, don't cry... Little Future won't cry anymore." Seeing her baby girl crying, Xiao Lan immediately hurriedly comforted her. Xiao Lan's angelic smile is extremely lethal to the child, but here it is. My daughter seemed to be useless, Xiao Mirai still kept crying.

"I'll give it a try." Qiye took her daughter from Xiaolan, "Well, Xiao Mirai don't cry, otherwise Dad won't like you."

The future is listening to Qiye. After being held by Qiye, she stopped crying and made a lovely laugh in her small mouth.

"Little girl..." Qiye looked at her daughter amusedly. Just like Xiaolan, she stretched out her fingers to tease Miku's little nose, but this time she didn't cry in the future, instead she opened her mouth and took a bite. Lived Qiye's fingers.

Xiao Miku's teeth haven't grown yet, but it still makes Qiye itchy.

And Xiao Mirai's different attitudes towards Qiye and Xiaolan made Xiaolan pouted a little jealously. Doesn't this girl like to be close to me?

"Little girl, call Dad." Qiye squeezed Mirai's nose slightly, and said childishly.

"Really, she will be so young in the future, how can she talk." Xiaolan gave Qiye a white look, how can she learn to talk for the newborn child.

However, beyond Xiaolan's expectation, the future stretched out two fleshy, standard baby fat little hands towards Qiye.

"Dad...Dad, Dad...Dad..."

Although the teeth leaked because the teeth hadn't grown, but he could still tell that he was called Dad. This was the first sentence I learned in the future.

"Hey, this is my daughter." Qiye smiled triumphantly.

Xiaolan immediately hugged her daughter in a somewhat unconvinced manner, and wanted to teach her to call her mother. After teaching two or three times, she will also learn how to mother in the future. This made Xiaolan very happy, but looking at Qiye, she couldn't help being white. He glanced.

After a while, Mirai suddenly started crying again. This time it was not uncomfortable, but hungry.

Xiaolan first glanced at someone who didn't mean to avoid it at all, and then she could only untie her collar in front of Qiye and nurse the baby.

Qiye is not going to grab this bite from the future. The mother's colostrum is also extremely important to the baby. Qiye will not hungry her daughter for "gluttony", not to mention that it is not bad for Qiye to take milk on this day, anyway. If he wanted, Xiao Lan couldn't help it.

Xiao Lan lowered her head and looked at her daughter's gluttonous appearance. There was love and motherhood in her eyes, as well as a hint of amusement. At this glance, she knew that it was his daughter. Her gluttonous appearance was exactly the same.

Xiaolan was looking at the future, Qiye was looking at Xiaolan, her arms were tightly clasped, and said: "Lan, you are so beautiful."


The addition of a baby in the family is definitely a big event, not to mention the first real child in the family. Although the daughters in the family have long wanted to see what the baby looks like, they also know that they should not disturb Qiye and Xiaolan. During the couple's time, they stay at home and wait for them to come back.

Three days later, Xiaolan and Qiye returned home with Xiaowei. Future naturally became the center of the family. A group of girls and women all came over to look at this Xiaowei.

Although I saw so many people at once, the future soon showed her different mortal side. She was not afraid, but giggled and made everyone very happy.

The family is full of festive meaning because of the birth of this little guy. The whole family is very happy. Apart from going to work and school, the biggest fun is to come home and amuse the little future.

And Qiye they are very happy, of course some people are not happy, for example...Dear Chianti...

In the same indoor training room as it appeared last time, Chianti was holding a sniper rifle, aiming at Qiye's forehead created by 3D holographic projection, and the electron microscope showed a distance of 650 yards.

This distance is beyond Chianti’s sniper limit. She has only 600 yards of ability. If she exceeds it, she can only hit her body and can’t get a headshot. Chianti looked at the face in the electron microscope with an unprecedented indifference in her eyes. No longer the almost madness when sniping in the past.

Chianti's spirit was highly concentrated at this moment, and the heart that had been unable to settle down before was forcibly suppressed by hatred, bursting out unprecedented concentration.


Chianti pulled the trigger, and then the bullet hit Qiye's forehead accurately, and the scene in front of her disappeared again.

Chianti exhaled, put down the gun, and retired from the sniper state, the restless killing intent in her heart surged again, which made the butterfly wing in her left eye look like a killer.

"It seems that 650 yards is okay." Cohen still said blankly, "You have fired ten shots, and now you have to rest for an hour."

"I got it! Long-winded!" Chianti said in a harsh tone, dropped the sniper rifle and walked off the sniper platform, picked up the kettle on the ground, and poured water.

Cohen knew that Chianti was in a bad mood, even worse than when he came to his aunt, so he just pushed his sunglasses and walked off the platform.

In more than two months, Chianti’s injury has basically healed, but the fracture of the right shoulder is a little troublesome. Now Chianti can’t sustain the recoil of the sniper rifle continuously, and can withstand up to three rounds a day, otherwise it’s not complete. The long bones may crack again.

And because the obsession with revenge is too heavy, Chianti's concentration has also improved compared to the past. This time of injury, instead of reducing her sniper ability, it has grown to 650 yards, which exceeds Cohen.

This was originally a thing to be happy about, but Chianti is not in that mood. Now she just wants revenge, revenge desperately!

The gun Chianti currently uses is a fake gun, which has a certain degree of recoil, but it is not as strong as the real gun. It is specially used for recovery training for some injured snipers. It has a not strong recoil. It will not cause the injury to worsen, but it can also keep the hand feeling undiminished.

I wonder if you can maintain this kind of concentration when you really face him?Cohen looked at Chianti with a twisted look of hatred, and thought with some worry in his heart.

Although Chianti's sniper range has increased to 650 yards, this is just training. Although the target is Qiye, it is just a dummy made by 3D holographic projection. When Chianti really faces the demon king, can he maintain his original position? Heart?

Cohen hardly had any hope of this, a sniper lost his heart, it was waste.

Devil!My mother must kill you by herself!Chianti thought angrily in his heart, and then tightened his wrist, squeezed a kettle again, and walked to the physical training room next door.

Chapter 735-Warm Day!

Crackling crackling crackling...

Qiye sat at the table and kept tapping on his computer. The headlights in the room had been turned off, and only two bedside lamps were left, emitting dim yellow lights.

The white light of the computer screen shone on Qiye's face, exuding a weird look, and her scarlet eyes were so weird in this silent night.

Qiye had a look of interest on her face, her eyes and corners of her mouth had a look of interest, as if a child had just gotten an interesting toy, she held it in her hand and played with it reluctantly.

"Hmph, the CIA gateway is a bit interesting, just to play with them." Qiye said with a smile, tapping the keyboard faster in his hand as he was attacking the American CIA computer.

The FBI, the FBI, the CIA, and the Central Intelligence Agency. The existence of these two departments is just like the military system and the central system under Chiang Kai-shek. Because they write too much for fear of being checked by the water meter, they don’t write too much detail. Up.

The CIA, where the intelligence is collected, does not know how many ugly things are gathered in the supercomputer, so the CIA's protection system is probably stronger than the FBI's. It is really difficult for Qiye to penetrate in without being discovered.

Qiye will attack the CIA's computer, not because he has nothing to do, but because he wants to check the details of Mizumi and Eyomoto Hondō. Those two people are definitely not ordinary people. In addition to the smell of crows, Mizumi There was a strange smell, similar to Judy and the others, but not the same, and after not finding it on the FBI, Qiye put his idea to the CIA.

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