Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 753

With Qiye's unremitting efforts, he finally broke through the gateway of the CIA and obtained the power that only the CIA boss can enjoy, and began to search the three names of Mizuno Reina, Hondō Eisuke and Hondō Emi.

Half an hour later, Qiye turned off the computer, with a strange smile on his face, and said, "That's it, it's really interesting. That woman, it's really sad to say that she would encounter that kind of thing."

"What are you laughing at, Qiye?" Xiao Lan, who had just put Xiao Mirai to sleep, walked in in a pajamas, looked at Qiye with a smile that couldn't be seen, and asked with anger and doubt.

Qiye turned around, did not answer, but smiled: "Is the girl asleep?"

Xiao Lan's attention was instantly diverted, her face showed a petulant and helpless look, and said: "Yes, it's hard to put the future to sleep."

Qiye walked over, sat on the bed with Xiaolan in her arms, and said, "No way, who told her to be our baby girl?"

"Yeah, I am a mother too." Xiaolan said with a smile, and then gently beat Qiye, and said: "It's all to blame for you, I became a mother before I was an adult."

"What's wrong?" Qiye's big hand gently stroked Xiao Lan's body, and said: "Lan will be a good mother."

"Yeah." Xiaolan said shyly and happily. Then, under Qiye's touch, Xiaolan's breathing gradually became heavier.

Although during pregnancy, the two slept together almost every day, but in that respect, after all, it was still more depressing than usual, especially after giving birth, Qiye quickly recovered Xiaolan’s body and produced a lot of problems. For sexual desire, Xiaolan needs Qiye very much now.

Qiye reached into Xiaolan’s pink pajamas and grasped the smooth firmness. Xiaolan didn’t wear any underwear. After pregnancy, especially after giving birth to the future, Xiaolan’s breasts were getting bigger almost every day. Especially during these three days, the secretion of milk increased, Xiaolan's chest swelled every day, and she couldn't wear her previous underwear.

Qiye lowered her head, leaned on Xiaolan's collarbone and sniffed, and said, "It's so fragrant, Xiaolan has the scent of milk on her body."

"I hate it." Xiao Lan snorted. She naturally understood what he meant. From the day she became pregnant, he probably didn't want to eat her breast milk one day.

"Hehe...No way, Xiaolan is so tempting." Qiye said with a smile, bit the button on the collar of the pajamas with his teeth, and then opened his mouth to hold a red bean that was already moist.

"Oh..." Xiao Lan couldn't help but let out a soft cry. Her body's sensitivity, especially her breasts, was beyond Xiao Lan's expectations. With this bite, she was about to kill her. .

Xiaolan's hands held Qiye's big head tightly, just like when she was holding the future before, she loves him and her, two pure and impure loves.

Qiye is also like the future, her lips and teeth are constantly sucking Xiaolan's nipples, and Xiaolan's milk continuously enters Qiye's mouth, as greedy as a baby.

Qiye and Xiaolan fell on the bed. Qiye told Xiaolan’s pajamas to go out, and then opened her mouth, biting Xiaolan’s milk-scented body recklessly. Since Xiaolan’s milky white body is very Soon there were many lovely strawberry marks. Ever since Xiaolan became pregnant, Qiye has never acted so rudely towards her.

On the smooth lower abdomen, the scar has been smoothed by Qiye, and it is still as smooth and smooth as before, and there is no unsightly stretch marks.

Qiye said that Xiaolan's legs were separated, and she looked at Xiaolan's completely wet holy place, and understood her needs. At this time, if she didn't give it to Xiaolan, she would be hated by Xiaolan.

Xiao Qiye stood upright, pushed aside the wet tender meat, and pushed in forcefully.

"Oh!" Xiao Lan closed her eyes, her long-sleeved neck stretched tight, her head was raised back, and the blue silk was scattered on the bed, her face showing satisfying affection.

Qiye paused, let Xiaolan's empty body adjust to her size, lowered her head, and kissed her nose, hair, cheeks, and her moist lips, and said, "Lan, it's so tight."

Xiaolan's hands were tightly wrapped around Qiye’s back, stroking his sad, masculine inverted triangle. A pair of slender and powerful legs clamped Qiye’s waist tightly, allowing Xiao Qiye to penetrate Xiaolan’s body even more. .

"Qiye...I'm so comfortable..." Xiaolan exhaled Ruolan in Qiye's ear like a dream.

Xiaolan enjoys the gentleness of Qiye very much, but if she is in bed, Xiaolan hopes that Qiye can be rude and powerful, so that this man will possess everything that she has fiercely, and she will be completely transformed into a little woman, by him. Conquer and defeat.

Qiye's heart burned impulsively, and the woman he had been caring for for months was severely devastated by him again, reaching the peak again and again.

Two hours later, Xiaolan went seven times, completely defeated.

As always, Xiaolan lay on Qiye's chest, breathing a sweet scent. This time, she was more satisfied than ever.

"Lan, are you satisfied?"

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded gently, opened a pair of soft eyes, looked at Qiye, and said: "Qiyae, I am so comfortable."

"What you said makes me very proud," Qiye said with a smile."You said that if you grow up in the future, what should you do if you have to sleep between the two of us?"

Only a few days after birth in the future, of course I still sleep in a crib, but when I grow up a little bit?Want to sleep between mom and dad?This is probably a problem that all families will encounter.

"What else can I do, I can't bear to drive her out." Xiaolan said helplessly and lovingly. The daughter born in nine months of pregnancy, the little guy who has been in her body for nine months, where is Xiaolan She is willing to be a little wronged.

"And I will let you and Mirai sleep well at that time, anyway, that girl just likes to stick to you." Xiaolan pouted slightly at this point, with a trace of unobvious acidity.

"Why, Xiao Lan, are you eating your husband's jealousy?" Qiye said cutely, looking at Xiao Lan amused.

"It was originally, who told that girl to be so sticky to you, she has inflicted on me for several months." Xiao Lan pouted angrily and said.

The characteristics of Qiye’s daughter sticking to him have been manifested in the past few days. Compared with Xiaolan, the future obviously likes to be with Qiye. When she is held by Qiye, the future has not had any awkwardness. I have cried and never made trouble, unless it is when I am hungry, this makes Xiaolan quite shocked.

"Then I will help you spank her ass when I grow up a little bit in the future, and teach this stinky girl who doesn't consider her mother." Qiye said with a smile, but these words...slapped his daughter, he might not bear it.

"Hey, Qiye, don't break the future, or I won't forgive you." Xiaolan looked at Qiye forcefully and immediately turned into a good mother who protects her daughter.

"Come on, Xiao Lan, didn't you just say that the girl had caused you to suffer for a few months." Qiye looked at Xiao Lan helplessly, the speed of her face change was too fast.

"People are just joking." Xiao Lan pursed her lips, then clenched her fists, and said, "If anyone dares to hurt my daughter, I will kill him!"

Qiye smiled and nodded, feeling happy for Xiaolan's words, protecting her children, that is the instinct of parents.

"Okay, Lan, even I won't let anything happen in the future. Let's go to sleep." Qiye smiled, "I have to take care of that girl tomorrow."



The weather today is very good. The sun is already shining at 7 o'clock in the morning, but after the sunlight penetrates the curtain box windows of this house, it is greatly weakened, ensuring that the room is well lit and not letting the sunlight entering the room. It was too dazzling and disturbed the little angel on the bed.

She has a porcelain baby face that anyone can't wait to see and give her a hard kiss, so tender that people are afraid of hurting her if touched.

The little angel bit his finger, doing a sucking motion, and fell asleep peacefully. I don't know how long it took before he slowly opened his eyes, with beautiful and unique scarlet eyes.

What catches the eye are two familiar faces, father and mother, her favorite people.The little angel pointed at the person with blond hair like him, stretched out his soft hands, a lovely smile on his face, and said coquettishly: "Dad... hug..."

"Yeah!" Qiye seemed to shout excitedly, and picked up her daughter, while Xiaolan's face was a little disappointed.

"Lan, I won."

"Humph!" Xiao Lan snorted angrily, stretched out her hand and gently poked Mirai's face, "Mom really hurt you for nothing."

"Mom..." Xiao Mirai sat on Qiye's arms and stretched out his hands towards his mother, "Kiss..."

Xiao Lan leaned over her face happily, letting this girl leave a drool mark on her face, and that was how a good day began.

Seven hundred and thirty-sixth chapter-I like you!

Qiye and Xiaolan bet that after the future wakes up, the two of them will appear in front of the future at the same time, whether they will let Qiye hug or Xiaolan in the future. Obviously, the future chooses Qiye, which is really boring and not bad. bet.

Qiye had planned to skip work again today to stay at home with Xiao Miku, but Judy called.

"Hey, Judy, what's the matter?" Qiye leaned on the corridor and said helplessly. Forget it before, now Judy's identity as an FBI investigator has been exposed. Judy will call him, and 90% of them are bad thing.

"where are you now?"

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