Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 754

"At home, don't tell me what's the matter?" Qiye said helplessly, "I have to stay with my daughter at home."

"Stop wordy! Get the old lady to the hospital!!" Judy yelled directly while holding the phone, her tone extremely unhappy.

"Can you not go?" Qiye asked tentatively. To be honest, he did not want to leave his daughter when he was a new father, but Judy's feelings couldn't be ignored, so he could try to make a profit by the way.

"What do you mean?" Judy asked through gritted teeth, this bastard, could you just be more silly?

"Well, I'll go over now, but you have to kiss me at that time." Qiyeyun said lightly, and made his request by the way.

Damn bastard!In the hospital, Judy, who was holding the phone, blushed and roared, "Enough! Get out of here for the old lady!"

"Hi!" Qiye responded, and then immediately hung up.


After Judy hung up the phone, he smashed the wall of the hospital fiercely, with irritation and a hint of shyness in his eyes. Does this bastard think of anything other than taking advantage?


When Qiye arrived at the hospital, I saw three Judy, Shuichi Akai and Black standing at the door of Mizuno Rena's ward.

"What are you all doing here? Don't say it's Shui Wuren who woke up."

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong." Judy looked at Qiye with her arms folded. "She is a consciousness disorder caused by trauma. Generally, she can recover in one month, but since it has been more than two months, the attending doctor said I am afraid More time is needed."

"This is troublesome." Black's old face, which is older than his already, showed worries that made him look older. "The longer the time is, the more dangerous the organization will find out. Big."

"It's better to transfer to another hospital, or even to the United States."

"Come on, it's more noticeable that it's so laborious, and it's in the arms of the organization." Qiye said with annoying eyes, it is such an easy thing to transfer a big living person.


"I think he was right." Shuichi Akai agreed with Nanaya's statement, and said, "Since this is already the case, just use her as the best bait to attract those guys to the bait, how about?"

"Before talking about this, have you investigated Shui Wu Ren's resume? Uh...not including you, Mr. Liu Dao." Blake added the following sentence in a cold sweat.

"Well... before she joined the Japanese TV station, her resume was cleverly forged, and she didn't even know where she was born and raised."

"Well, that means I don't even know if she has any family members."

"As far as the family is concerned, she may also have a younger brother." Qiye said suddenly, which immediately attracted the attention of the three.

"Did you find anything?" Judy stared at Qiye closely. She knew very well the importance of intelligence to a killer, and she wouldn't be surprised if Qiye could find anything.

"It's not a check, it's the one delivered by yourself." Qiye pinched her chin and said, "About two months ago, a boy named Hontang Yingyou came to the Metropolitan Police Department to find me and said Please ask me to find his sister Yinghai Bentang, who has been away from home for ten years, and that Yinghai Bentang looks exactly the same as the one lying inside."

"Two months..." Judy's forehead pulsed fiercely, and then slammed Qiye, "Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Two months, can this guy not be more reliable?Such important news dragged on for two months.

Judy thought viciously in her heart, but she seemed to have forgotten one thing too, Qiye is a killer, it seems that there is no need to send information to the FBI for free.

"I'm old, I forgot it." Qiye said helplessly, holding his head. Judy is getting more and more violent. Could it be that menopause has come, "Hey, there is some information, do you want to listen?"

"Quickly tell my old lady!"

"Hi~~" Qiye said weakly, then pointed at the door of the ward and said, "The one lying inside is the CIA."

Qiye's intelligence is not small, and even Akai Shuichi's face has a shocked expression.

"CIA?!" Judy looked at Qiye in shock, and said, "Qiyae, are you true?"

"Why lie to you?" Qiye rolled her eyes and said: "Just look at the messy name of Shui Wu Rena, right? If you don't, you can agree with 0. Rena is the same as 07. This low IQ riddle is really true. bored."

"I'm sorry for not seeing through this low IQ riddle!" Judy said in a gloomy tone, and then strangled Qiye's neck for an instant, "You bastard! Wouldn't you give me a good talk?!!!"

"Uh...Murder your husband..."

Blake and Akai shook their heads, and then walked away without disturbing the two unique ways of getting along. Blake also took out his mobile phone. If Mizumi is the CIA, he'd better call the CIA too. Check it out.

Judy also noticed the departure of Black and Shuichi Akai, snorted coldly, let go of Nanya’s neck, and then took his hand to the rooftop of the hospital. There are not many people in this place, let alone it’s early in the morning. Who would run to the rooftop if it's okay?

Judy looked at Qiye with scorching eyes, and said coldly: "Qiyao, you made it clear to me, how many things are you hiding from me?!"

Qiye touched the neck that was almost severed just now, and said honestly: "There are many more, what do you want to know?"

Judy didn't speak, but stared at Qiye closely, her eyes terrifying.

Alas... Qiye sighed impenetrably, looked at Judy helplessly, and said: "Judy, you should know that I can't tell you everything."

"It's like Belmode thing?" Judy looked at Qiye coldly. That incident was always a thorn in her heart. The man she liked was with her father-killing enemy. She was still stupid. Knowing that this thing has always been lingering in Judy's heart and it is difficult to remove.

"Well, I admit that it was my fault." Qiye reached out her arm around Judy, looked at her stubborn and weak face, and said: "Judy, I like you."

Chapter 737-Lack of inspiration~~

There were two red clouds on Judy's pretty face. She was always strong. At this time, she staggered Qiye's gaze and said, "Asshole, I won't believe you!"

Judy has lost her father and mother since she was a child, and she has been alone for 20 years. This makes Judy feel insecure about everything around him, afraid of losing it again. With the training of the FBI, Judy has long been used to hiding her true self. .

This insecurity is also the reason why Judy is still a virgin at the age of 30, she doesn't dare to hand over herself so easily.

"Really don't believe it?" Qiye lowered her head slightly, smelling the wild and pure fragrance of Judy, "but what I said this time is sincere."

Judy's heart trembled, and he pushed Qiye's shoulders with both hands and said, "Enough! Let go of me!"

"Are you afraid?" Qiye asked in a low voice, with a playful smile at the corner of her mouth, and said, "It's not like you, Judy."

"Asshole! Who said I was scared?!!!" Judy stubbornly stood up and said, the strength of struggling also began to grow, and the aggressive method was also useful for this girl.

Although Judy was struggling hard, she was pushing Qiye's shoulders, and there was no strong attack. Just imagine that if someone else dared to hold Judy, she would have passed by with her legs.

Qiye knew that what happened at the dock last time made him and Judy a little bit apart, and the reason was because of Belmode, but Judy still couldn't deal with him completely, so she just struggled instead of attacking. , Thinking about it this way, Qiye got a little better.

"Judy, your body smells so good." Qiye smelled the scent of Judy's body, her face was intoxicated, "The virgin smell is really rare."

hateful!Judy was embarrassed and more red rose on her face. This is how men and women attack and defend. You advance and I retreat. Judy’s weakness makes Qiye take the opportunity to make progress. Qiye will never miss such a good opportunity. of.

Judy stared at Qiye fiercely, but Qiye was already so drunk that she closed her eyes. Judy looked at him with a hateful look, her heart was fierce, and she opened her mouth and bit on Qiye's shoulder.

The teeth, covered with the hardest material enamel layer in the body, can definitely be used as weapons. Mizumi was caught after mixing into the tissues, and finally managed to escape by biting the opponent's wrist with his teeth.

Qiye relaxed her muscles, and also reduced the strength of her body and clothes, so that Judy would not break her teeth. The pain in her shoulder did not make Qiye care about it. Instead, Qiye took the opportunity to hug Judy tightly with her hands in her arms. She stroked her back.

Qiye also deliberately controlled her body to shed some blood, which flowed into Judy's mouth.

Judy was taken aback by the salty taste on the tip of his tongue, and the masseter muscles unconsciously relaxed. Looking at the wound on Qiye's shoulder, a trace of distress flashed through her eyes.

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