Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 757

"You." Qiye squeezed Mirai's nose helplessly, "You damn girl really bother me."

Since the birth of the future, there has been an unwritten rule in the family. Whoever makes the future cry will be punished. Even Qiye and Xiaolan are no exceptions. As for the punishment items, the family The Resolution Committee" met to make a decision.



Xiaolan knows a person who is a loyal fan of Shui Wu Renai, and has recorded a lot of shows about Shui Wu Renai, so everyone plans to find that person first.

Since the road is not far, she just walked over, and Judy has been winking at Qiye.

"Lan, Judy and I have something to say. You can hold the future first."

"Okay." Xiaolan smiled and took the future from Qiye, but the future narrowed her mouth and looked at Qiye with eyesight.

"Dad..." Mirai cried pitifully, like a small animal abandoned by his owner, arousing love.

"Alright," Qiye squeezed Future's face, and said, "It's not that I don't want you anymore. Let my mother report it first, and my father will hug you later, okay?"

"That...retractor..." Mirai lifted his little thumb, like a little finger like a radish head, and the red eyes showed the meaning of "If Dad doesn't pull the hook with Mirai, Mirai will cry".

Qiye had nothing to do with her own daughter, so she stretched out her little finger, hooked her, and said, "That's all right, my dear little princess."

"Hehehe..." Mirai said with a mischievous smile.

"Really," Xiao Lan also squeezed Future's face, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, and said, "Is it so bad to be held by my mother?"

"Mom is also very good."

"I'm not as good as my father, right?" Xiaolan gave the future a blank look. The girl's words were as unreliable as Qiye's words.

"Hey hey..." Mirai touched his little head and smiled sly.


Xiaolan and Hondō Eiyu walked in front, while Qiye and Judy were behind. As for Conan, of course he also went to Qiye to eavesdrop.

"Is he really the younger brother of Mizuno Reina?" Judy asked bluntly. Mizuno Reina's identity has been determined to be the CIA, but the main hall Eiyu has to check it carefully, although the information that Black has checked is indeed I mentioned that Mizuno Reina has a younger brother named Hondō Eiyu, but you have to make sure whether this Hondō Eiyu is real.

"So far I haven't found any flaws." Qiye shrugged and said: "What he said just now is all true, and their eyes are exactly the same, but the possibility of plastic surgery or makeup is not ruled out."

Judy nodded. After all, Shui Wu Reina is the CIA. Although it is not a department, as the FBI, she can't treat Shui Wu Reina's safety as a trifle. Otherwise, it will not be easy to explain to the CIA in the future. Before the identity of Hondō Eiyu, Judy would not tell him about Mizumi.

"How is that Mizuno Reina now?" Conan asked. Of course, he also knew that Eiyu Hondō could not be heard, so he lowered his voice.

Judy looked at Conan and said, "Because of the trauma, I'm still in a coma, and I don't know when I will wake up."

It is indeed a big trouble that Shui Wu Renai has not woken up. After all, if it takes too long, Shui Wu Ren is very likely to be found by the organizers, and if Shui Wu Renai wakes up, the FBI can also use that organization. Cooperating with the CIA and exchanging some known information is a good thing for both parties, but the premise of that is that Shui Wuyou has to wake up before talking.

Although Conan doesn’t know that Mizuno Reina is the CIA, he also knows that it’s definitely a trouble if Mizumo Reina stays in a coma. He can’t help but frown. The reason why he got on line with Hondō Eiyu is because he accidentally watched it. When Eiyu arrived at the main hall, the face that looked extremely similar to Mizuna Reina immediately attracted Conan's attention.

"Really, that woman hasn't been awake for so long, so I didn't even have a chance to soak her." Qiye said helplessly with her hands around her head.

Reina Mizuno's ward is guarded by FBI staff 24 hours a day. Sometimes Judy and Shuichi Akai will guard it, making Qiye unable to do something bad.

Judy immediately gave him a blank look and said, "Can't you guys think about normal things?"

"It's normal for men to have beautiful women."

"Forget it, I can't tell you." Judy rolled her eyes and said, "The main question now is to determine whether this hall Eiyu is real."

"There is a simpler way." Qiye scratched his hair and said, "I will try to get some of his hair and dander or blood. Take it with Shui Wu Nai and check his DNA."

"Hehe, since you proposed it, then this task is left to you." Judy said with a smile, DNA testing is the easiest and most accurate method.

Judy and the others won’t go to Eyoyo Hondō’s house to look for hair, because that’s not accurate. If Eyoyo Hondō is fake, then he can put the real Eyoyo Hondō’s hair on the comb, floor To confuse the audience, it is more accurate to remove the hair directly from Eiyu Hontang.

"What you said is so simple." Qiye said helplessly, "How can he take his hair so short, and there is blood, what do you want me to do, just cut him?"

Judy spread his hands and said, "That's your task, Lord Demon."

"What the hell!"


"Miss Xiaolan, is this your daughter?" Hontang Yingyou looked at Xiaolan who was his age with some surprise. It was hard to imagine that she was already a mother.

"Yes." Xiaolan held the future with joy. Mothers like to show off their children, especially when their children are very cute. "It's cute, she calls the future."

"Yes, what a cute baby."

Xiao Miku was originally lying on Xiaolan's soft chest. He turned his head when I heard Hontang Yingyou's voice, and his beautiful big eyes blinked twice.

"Sister, you are so beautiful..."

Hondō Eiyu instantly petrified gorgeously...

Chapter 740-Bloodline!

"Gluck..." Xiaolan couldn't help but laugh, and explained with the smile: "Sorry...chuck...she will be too naughty in the future..."

In the future, what Qiye will inherit from Qiye is not only hair color and eye color, but also the ability to choke people to death.

"It's okay." Hontang Yingyou is not angry. At this point, like his sister, he has a good temper and is not easy to get angry.

"Mom...what's the matter?" Mirai looked at Xiaolan strangely, and paused in the middle when she said these words. She still needs some time to organize her few vocabulary to express her meaning.

Judy at the back also heard the previous conversation, and looked at Qiye without amusement, and said, "It's really your daughter, her mouth is as bad as you."

"Of course." Qiye said triumphantly, ignoring the irony in Judy's words.

Judy gave him a blank look, and said, "You two are also the same in one thing. People can't help but want to pinch!"

This time it was Qiye's turn to roll Judy's eyes. Although it was all pinching, but Qiye was pinched because of cuteness, and Qiye was pinched because of hate.

Conan's face twitched. He was one of the few people who would not like the future. After all, it was Xiao Lan's daughter, but his father was not him.

Anyway, just walking along this way, Judy and Qiye quarreled in the back, and the future in front added some jokes from time to time. Everyone soon came to the home of a person named Anye that Xiaolan said. To be precise His mother's home, because Anye's phone number could not be reached.

After explaining her intentions, Anye's mother looked at the people in front of them in surprise and said, "What, my son has moved?"

"Yeah, I just called, and the number seems to be wrong." Xiaolan said to this Obasan, and she returned to Qiye's arms in the future.

"It's weird, I just called. He said that he had a bit of a cold since yesterday, and his voice was a bit weird, so this Thursday and Friday travel plan was also cancelled." Obasan took this age. The woman's unique way of speaking is exaggerated, saying: "By the way, he said that the phone was broken yesterday and the number was changed."

"But I'm calling from his house."

"Well, you are Miss Liudaolan, can you please wait a moment to talk about this, because I am going to the bank soon."

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