Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Benged Chapter 758

Afterwards, things were more spoof. Someone pretended to be Obasan’s son and called her, trying to swindle her money, and was then found out by dear Conan. Finally, Judy kicked the liar down, the liar and His accomplices were also thrown into prison.

I personally feel that this case is very involved. Obviously, it has entered a very important long series of collisions between red and black. The organization, FBI, Shuichi Akai, and Conan will have fierce collisions, but this is what happened at the beginning. I don't know how to complain about a small fraud case.

This small case has been skipped, and now the more important thing is about Shui Wuyou.

After catching the two scammers, Qiye and the others also successfully found the loyal fan of Mizuno Reina, Anye.

Anno is an ordinary Japanese office worker in his thirties who wears glasses and does not seem to have any characteristics. The only thing that can be regarded as special is that there are many photos of Mizuno Reina on the wall of his home, most of them are The look in the show.

Qiye twitched at the corners of her mouth and looked at the pictures all over the world, and whispered in Judy's ear, "Judy, I think the pictures of this guy are more complete than the information you collected."

"Hehe, I think so." Judy's mouth twitched slightly. Without seeing it with her own eyes, she would not be able to understand how powerful these loyal fans are.

"We came to you specially." As a spokesperson, Conan took out the photo of Eiyu Hontang, and said, "Please take a look at the photo of Miss Mizuno Reina when she was young."

Anye looked at the photo for a long time, and said, "No matter what angle you look at, it is a photo of Miss Reina when she was young."

"That said, Ms. Reina is really the sister of this hall."

"Huh? You are Miss Mizumi's younger brother?!" Anye was surprised for a while. After all, anyone who suddenly saw his idol's relatives would be surprised.

"That said, the eyes are indeed exactly the same. Can you ask for an autograph for me?"

Yingyou Hontang waved his hand and said, "But I think the host named Shui Wu Renna is not the same person as my sister. The person in the photo is my sister who ran away from home."

"Then it must be the same person, as a loyal fan, I can guarantee it!" Anye said categorically, "By the way, Ms. Mizumu Rena's hairstyle was almost like this when she first debuted. You can see how she just debuted. The video of that time, this is the news report that made her popular."

The news is about a sudden explosion of a chemical plant, and the broadcaster of the news is Shui Wurenai. The Shui Wurenai in the video looks younger than it is now. It was probably a video from a few years ago. At that time, Shui Wurenai was still with The high ponytail in the photo also looks younger than it is now.

"Hey, I think you can recruit this person into the FBI, and let him be responsible for the investigation of Shui Wu Ren." Qiye whispered to Judy, "He must be very willing."

"I have this idea too." Judy said helplessly, covering his forehead. This kind of video and television station may not be able to find out. Regarding the information about Mizuno Reina, to be honest, their FBI is not as good as this one.

In the video, Shui Wurenai was also injured by the explosion, but there was a lack of AB blood at the scene. Shui Wurenai immediately put down the microphone and went for a blood transfusion. Later, she fainted due to anemia. He was indeed a very gentle person, but Eiyou Hondō Therefore, it is determined that this person is not his sister.

After leaving Anye's house, everyone walked out of the apartment building, but the bewildered Hondō Eiyu fell down because he accidentally stepped on a stone.

"Hey, kid, be careful, okay." Qiye said helplessly. How could Shui Wulanai have such a younger brother?

"Yes, I'm sorry." Hondō Eiyu stood up and touched his head, but because he hit his nose when he fell, he started to have a nosebleed.

Judy's eyes flashed, and he immediately took out his handkerchief and said, "Wipe it quickly."

"Thanks, thank you." Hondō Eiyu gratefully took the handkerchief and wiped his nose. The light blue handkerchief was immediately covered with blood. "Sorry, your handkerchief is dirty. I will wash it again. Give it back to you."

"It's okay, I'll wash it myself." Judy said with a smile, and then took the handkerchief back, kidding, how could this collected blood sample be let go?

After Hontang Yingyou left, Mirai suddenly touched her stomach and said, "Dad, I'm hungry."

"Hungry things like this should be called mother." Qiye's eyes instantly turned into dead fish eyes, and she squeezed Future's face and taught, and then handed her to Xiaolan, saying: "This girl will be handed over to you. Up."

Xiaolan looked at Qiye with a blushing face and said, "This girl is only willing to get off you when she is hungry."

"It's not my problem again." Qiye stalled his hands, then pointed to a KFC across the street, and said: "Let's go there. It happens that we also have something to eat."


Everyone walked into the KFC and ordered something, while Xiaolan went into the toilet holding the future. After all, she was not too embarrassed to breastfeed in front of outsiders.

Conan looked at Qiye and tried to keep himself from thinking about Xiaolan and the future, and said, "That main hall Eiyu is not Shui Wuren's younger brother, right."

Qiye quickly ate a hamburger, then looked at Conan with interest, and said, "Oh, how do you say it?"

"Eiyou Hontang said that his sister said that his blood can be distributed to anyone. It must be blood type 0, but Shui Wuren is blood type AB, and blood type O can only accept blood type O, otherwise it will Life-threatening, isn't it?"

"It's a reasonable analysis, but it's almost." As Qiye said, she stuffed a chicken wing into her mouth, and then vomited the whole bone out. "What if I say that Yingyou Hontang has had leukemia before. ?"


Judy and Conan were taken aback at the same time. They both understood the meaning of Qiye, leukemia, and the only treatment currently available is bone marrow transplantation.

Although human blood type is determined by genes, it is actually determined by hematopoietic stem cells. Transplanting bone marrow is also transplanting hematopoietic stem cells. If the operation is successful, the leukemia patient will be cured, and his blood type will also become The blood type of the person who donated the bone marrow, but this change cannot be inherited.

Qiye shrugged and said, "If the serious injury that Eiyou Hontang said when he was a child was actually leukemia, then there is a quarter chance that his sister matches his bone marrow, and he might be transplanted to him. , Then the blood type of the main hall Yingyou will also change."

"This is indeed a possibility." Judy nodded, "but no matter what, since he has got his blood, it can be confirmed by DNA testing."

Chapter 741-Sleeping Princess!

"What happened, Judy?"

Qiye was called by Judy to the hospital, saying that the DNA test result came out, and at the same time, Conan was of course also here.

"The platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood have all been tested. The DNA test results are exactly the same as the blood analysis taken by Mizumi Wu Nai. It seems you are right." Judy looked at Qiye with one hand on her hips. .

"Oh, as expected." Qiye smiled, not surprised at all.

The test of the two blood samples is exactly the same. There are two possibilities. One is that the two blood samples belong to the same person, and the second is that they have had a bone marrow transplant.

People who have undergone bone marrow transplantation are not only blood types. The DNA of blood cells in the blood will be exactly the same as the DNA of bone marrow donors, because that is blood produced by the same hematopoietic stem cells, which means that if a person undergoes DNA testing, it may be Two different DNA results will be measured.

"However, even if he has undergone bone marrow transplantation, his own DNA can be detected from the plasma, right." Conan opened his eyes and looked at Judy.

"Yes, it's from the plasma." Judy nodded, and said, "The male DNA was detected from the plasma. It has a very close relationship with Mizumi's DNA. They should be relatives. ."

"Then let their siblings meet next?"


Nanya, Judy, Conan, and Shuichi Akai who had been leaning against the wall without speaking all turned a glance at Black who had just spoken.

"Really, a person who looks so much like Shui Wurenai came in, and then went into the ward for an hour or two and didn't come out. Isn't this telling the organization that Shui Wurenai is here?" Qiye rolled her eyes and said, It is not an easy task to let the brother and sister meet.

After being despised, Black coughed twice, took out a few photos from his arms, and said: "The data of the people admitted from the 18th to the 21st have been collected. They are neither seriously injured nor seriously ill, but they are also male. Now the scope is reduced to these three people."

The organizers had already sneaked into various hospitals and began to search Shui Wushou, including this one, the Beihu Central Hospital.

Blake put the three photos in his hand on the table one by one, saying: "One is Taro Shinki who was admitted to the hospital with a fracture of his right foot on the 18th, and the second was Ludao Kusuda who was admitted to the hospital because of a cervical sprain. The third It was Tadao Nishiya who was admitted to the hospital for acute low back pain on the 21st. I heard that all three of them have applied for a private room, and no one came to visit."

"So it seems that Mizumi lives here, and the fact that we are hiding here has not been exposed." Akai Hidei said in a deep voice, his always low voice.

"Correct, you are hiding here. I was only called by Judy. I will go home to hold my daughter in a while." Qiye said with a smile.


Judy immediately gave Qiye an elbow, and then said: "If it is exposed, they should know the configuration and number of our personnel, and they should pretend to be friends or people who come to visit. Send a few more people to sneak here."

"Anyway, you must tell the guards of the Shui Wu Renai ward about this matter, and let them remember the faces of these three people!"

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