Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 759



Everyone came to Shui Wu Rina's ward. As always, Shui Wu Rina was lying on the bed, wearing a breathing mask, showing no signs of waking up, as it had been for several months.

The dean of the Beihu Central Hospital walked in, stretched out his hand and pressed the water-free toenail firmly, sighed, and said: "If you press the toe nail so hard to apply painful stimulation, you will wake up if you are awake. Or frowning, so it seems that she is still in a state of lethargy.

"is it?"

"If you immediately implement the brainwave examination that was originally scheduled for three days, you can get a more accurate understanding."

"No, it's all right, Dean, I'm really sorry for asking you to come here specially, I want to confirm anyway."

"Originally, I wanted to ask the reason." The dean walked to the door, looked at Black, and said, "But I believe you who rescued me from the gangsters in Los Angeles before."

After the fat dean with glasses left, Qiye looked at Black jokingly and said, "I'm not dead, I didn't expect you to do good deeds."

"Uh..." Black choked and said, "I'm also the FBI. Is it weird to do good?"

"Yeah, it's weird for the FBI to do good things, and it's weird for me as a killer to do good things, so I'll go back first, bye.


Seven nights naturally ushered in Judy's iron fist punishment!!

"Stupid! Stop playing, now you are doing business!"

"Hi hi~~~"

Shuichi Akai looked at the water on the bed without mercy, and said: "It's a blessing in misfortune, she is still asleep, even if they smell this ward, it would be quite a risk to take unconscious people outside. thing."

"No! Avoid them from finding this ward 100%!" Black said solemnly. He is the person in charge of the FBI. If Shui Wuren has been harmed by them, he would not be easy to explain to the CIA.

"The question is, how can someone pretend to be a patient and enter the organization of this hospital to find him out of those three people?" Judy said, squeezing his chin. The biggest problem now is those three people.

"The three of them could have been transferred to another hospital for a good inquiry..." Akai said helplessly, with a slight uncomfortable tone in his tone.

"But this is Japan." Nanya glanced at Akai and said: "Your search seems to have not been approved by the Japanese police. Even the FBI can't do that, let alone two of them are ordinary people. "

"That said," Judy said with a sad expression on his face, "If we rashly approached the three people, the crow would probably realize that we are the FBI, and her affairs in this hospital might be exposed."

"Then let this kid go." Qiye picked up Conan, and said: "Let this kid go to investigate. Anyway, he is Shinichi Kudo. Not everyone knows. Faced with a kid My child, the crow’s vigilance will also be reduced. Besides, Conan should want to go too, right, Conan?"

"Hehe, yeah." Conan sneered at Qiye.

"Okay, that's it." Qiye threw Conan on the ground with his hand, then sat on the bed and said, "The next step is how to wake up the sleeping princess."

Chapter 742-Awakening!

"What are you going to do?" Judy looked at Qiye with some expectation. Although this bastard ran the train all day long and didn't speak a word of seriousness, he never failed in what he had to do. This impression has already been impressed by Judy Di's mind came to mind.

"It's easy." Qiye lifted the quilt, and then clasped Shui Wu Rennai's wrist. Before Judy was about to go crazy, she said: "Eikai, please get up quickly."

As soon as Qiye spoke these words, Judy's anger just now turned into a speechless look, and that's how it works with you.

"If you can't get up anymore, I will throw your brother Eiyo Hondō directly into the meat grinder and minced meat, then mix some soy sauce with green onion, ginger, garlic, and then insert your esophagus and pour your brother's meat into you. Go inside."

"Ahem..." In fact, Shui Wu Reina, who had already woken up, coughed twice. He couldn't pretend to be any longer. When he did it, he looked at Qiye helplessly with a pair of cat eyes, and said, "There is no need to be so cruel."

"Simple and practical, isn't it?" Qiye shrugged, let go of Shui Wuren's hand, and then gave Judy a victory sign.

Judy glared at Qiye and said, "Did you know that she is awake?!"

"That's not known for a long time, but only when I first came in." Qiye spread her hand and said, whether it is true or not, if it is true, Judy has to clean up.

Judy snorted after hearing what he said, and didn't worry about this issue anymore. Obviously, women are all hearing animals. Believe it or not, the ears are fine.

Shui Wu Lina looked at several people in the ward, and said, "Since you didn't mean to point a gun at me, it seems that you know my identity."

Although Shui Wu Rennai does not want to be caught by the FBI, it is not a big problem to catch her. After all, she is the CIA. As long as she can prove her identity, she will not be in danger, but she is worried about whether it will be within the FBI. There are ghosts.

Everyone nodded, but Conan yelled out and said, "Wait a minute, what identity?!"

He thought that Shui Wu Reina was just a crow, but the words Shui Wu Reina just said were enough to prove that there was something else, and everyone else knew it, only he didn't.

"Don't you know?" Qiye looked at Conan in "surprise", and said: "This woman is an agent of the CIA. Am I still telling you? It seems I am really old."

With Qiye's flamboyant acting skills, no one can tell that he is talking nonsense, but he can't help it.

Shui Wu Reina rubbed his brows, resisted the urge to complain about the blond man, and said, "How did you find out about me and my brother?"

Shui Wu Rennai is very clear about the organization's style of work. Her previous information has long been covered up perfectly. No matter how she searches, it is blank. It is even more difficult to find out that she is actually a CIA agent.

"We didn't find it precisely." Qiye spread out her hands and said, "In fact, your brother ran to the Metropolitan Police Department. Please ask me to find you."

"Uh..." The expression on Shui Wurenai's face stiffened, and then he covered his forehead with a wry smile. After a long time, he was killed by his brother. The two pairs of eyes that were exactly the same as her and his brother were the people they saw. Will link them together.

"As for the identity of your CIA, it is thanks to this bastard!" Judy walked over and slammed Qiye on the top of the head, dragging him away from the hospital bed. "This guy hacked into your CIA computer. , I found your information."

"Huh?" Shui Wu Renai's cat's eyes were surprised and looked at Qiye in shock, apparently just like everyone else, surprised that he could break into the CIA computer.

The Central Intelligence Agency, if the defense is not tight enough, the information collected there hasn't leaked out, it will have to make the world chaotic.

"It's just a small case." Qiye said indifferently, and then broke away from Judy's restraint, and ran to Shui Wuren's side again, "Gin and the others are looking for you now, and the organizers have already lurked in this hospital. Now, have you seen these three people." Qiye took out the three photos of Blake and gave Shui Wulian.

"Hey?" Black was taken aback, and quickly touched his body, "When did he steal it?!"

Nobody or Blake, Shui Wu Reina looked at the three people in the three photos, shook his head, and said, "No, I don't know."

Gin and the others currently only know that Mizuno Reina is in a hospital in Tokyo, but they are not sure which one, so they can only use the most traditional method to spread the subordinates of their organization to every hospital for investigation.

And because of this, the organization members that can be dispatched are definitely very low-level ones. After all, with so many hospitals in Tokyo, they can't come up with dozens or hundreds of bourbon or gin.

Shui Wu Renai is also very capable, and his status in the organization is also very high. Otherwise, Gin’s first mission should not be to rescue Shui Wu Ren, but to kill Shui Wu Ren, who is in a high position. It is impossible to know so many low-level members of the organization.

"Don't know? Forget it," Qiye waved her hand and said, "I didn't expect anything from you anyway."

Shui Wu Renai's face twitched, blood rushed toward her forehead, and two blue veins bulged, indicating that this woman was in a bad mood now.

"Has he always been like this?" Shui Wureina asked Qiye and pointed her finger at Judy.

Judy shrugged her shoulders with her arms in her arms, and curled her lips secretly in her heart. This bastard, if he is stubborn with a woman, he must be interested in her!

"Ahem..." Black coughed twice, and brought back the gradual deviation of the rhythm, and said: "The main problem now is to determine which of the three people is the organizer."

Since Shui Wu Renai couldn't recognize who was in the organization, he still asked them to check it out. As for Conan... to be honest, if it wasn't for the time, Blake didn't want to rely on a child.

Qiye drew out her pistol, smiled like an evil demon, and said, "Three bullets, one by one, it's simple and simple!"

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