Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 760


Of course Qiye was crushed by Judy, and Judy roared in his ear: "Give my old lady away your dangerous thoughts!!!"

What's a joke, if it's in the United States, it's fine, if you kill casually in Japan, even if Qiye is a killer, then things will be pushed to their FBI's head, and they will go back and get punished.

"Please, I'm a killer. It's normal to have this kind of thought." Qiye said helplessly, holding his head. Judy seemed to be getting more and more violent after being pushed by him.

"Killer?" Shui Wu Rina was taken aback, it seemed that she still didn't know Qiye's identity.

"Ahem, introduce yourself formally, my devil." Qiye coughed twice and introduced her code name very formally.

"The devil...cough cough..." This time I changed to Shui Wu Reina and was choked. Demon King, even if that was not the part of the CIA, Shui Wu Reina had heard of this guy's murderous name, such a killer cooperating with the FBI, Is this the rhythm of a mouse serving a cat as a bridesmaid?

"The chat will be changed to the next time!" Judy reached out and strangled Qiye's neck. "What we are going to discuss now is how to check the three guys!"

"Uh... Judy, I'm going to die..."

"Hmph, don't worry, my old lady will prepare a cemetery for you!"

"It's not the problem... uh... can I change the way of death?"

"Change what?"

"Can you smother me to death with your breasts?"

"Humph, what do you think?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!"

Chapter 743-Daughter!

After fixing the seven-night meal "as usual", Judy finally calmed down, and the rhythm that had been running off the track finally returned to the right path.

Looking at the two of them, if you say that they have nothing to do, I don’t believe it if you kill...Shui Wurei helplessly thought that Qiye and Judy’s pairing almost completely broke her previous treatment of killers and FBI The idea of ​​combination, mice fall in love with cats, is really absurd and bizarre, but surprisingly so harmonious.

The next plan was simpler. Conan put on a miniature video camera to test the three suspects, and Shui Wuyou was more troublesome.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you anymore." Shui Wulian smiled while sitting on the hospital bed.

What happened to her waking up cannot be exposed. If she goes out and is seen by people from the organization lurking in this hospital, Gin will come in a short time, which is very troublesome.

"I don't think it's totally impossible." Qiye pinched a handprint, not afraid of shocking the world, and directly separated a wooden clone in front of everyone. Then the wooden clone pinched a handprint and turned into water by using the transformation technique. Looks helpless.

"That's it." Qiye pointed her finger at the wooden avatar who had turned into a waterless figure. "This guy can last for decades as long as he doesn't receive a fatal attack."

This clone is indistinguishable from the deity of Mizumu Reina. Although the transformation technique is simple, it can be seen that a ninja is strong or weak. If it is too bad, the transformation will be different from the deity in appearance, but Nanaya’s Transformation does not, he observes beautiful women very carefully.

Judy has seen Qiye’s most unreasonable ability, so she adapts first, and points to Shui Wurenai who is lying on the bed, and said, "Then what should she do?"

Even if there is a substitute who is exactly the same, you have to think about how to take such a big living person like Shui Wu Renai out without knowing it.

"Well..." Qiye walked to the bed, Kieyin again, and put her hand on Shui Wurenai's head, "Combination Transformation Technique!"


Mizuno Reina was transformed by Qiye using the combined transformation technique used by Naruto and Toad Wentai. Qiye came to help Mizuno Rena to seal the seal and provide chakras.

When the white smoke was gone, Judy saw the situation clearly, and had the urge to hit her head to death, so that she would not change, why did she become her.

Shui Wu Lina didn't know what was going on. He raised his head and looked at Qi Ye. For some reason, Shui Wu Lina felt that Qi Ye suddenly became a lot taller.

"What happened?" Shui Wu Reina asked suspiciously. She felt that something was wrong when she opened her mouth. It was clearly not her voice.

I used to hear it in the past, and I may not be able to describe what my voice is like, but this change has completely changed it, soft and waxy, clearly a very immature voice.

"What's going on?" Shui Wu Rena asked in surprise, subconsciously reaching out to touch the position of his vocal cords. The tentacles felt different from his own skin. Compared to his smooth and firm skin, now She feels soft and fleshy, not like her body at all.

"My hand..." Shui Wureina looked at her little hand with a helpless look. I wonder if she can pick up an egg's little hand. Is it really her?

"Why did you make her look like the future?!" Judy glared at Qiye, and Shui Wurenai's current appearance is clearly Qiye's baby daughter, Liudao Future.

"Future?" Shui Wu Reina raised his head and looked at Judy.

Judy pointed at Qiye, and said, "This guy's daughter...but my mother is not me!" The reason for Judy to add the second half of the sentence was Shui Wu Ren's strange look.

"That's good." Qiye squeezed her chin, looked at Shui Wurenai with satisfaction at this time, and said: "If this is the case, she can go out."

"But it doesn't need to be like the future." Judy said helplessly.

"If one more adult walks out, it may also arouse suspicion. A baby is easier to be ignored." Qiye explained with a smile, and then stretched out her hand and hugged Shui Wuyou.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

"Please, miss." Qiye looked at Shui Wulian helplessly, and said, "You are a one-month-old child now. Please be normal, okay?"

"Can the girl in the future be considered normal?" Judy said with a twitching corner of her mouth, and then looked at Shui Wurenai's cry for help, pressed her brow, and said: "You still accept your fate, the girl in the future only likes to let him hold , Be careful to expose the flaw."

"Hey..." Shui Wu Rina looked depressed, she was already 27, okay?Now it suddenly became a one-month-old baby. This rejuvenation is more thorough than Conan, so why not just become an embryo.

"When can I change back?" Shui Wu Reina looked at Qiye and asked. Since I can't resist, it's better to care about something practical. When can I change back, if it has always been like this, she will kill herself.

"An La An La, this is very simple, as long as you receive severe damage, it will disappear." Qiye smiled and smiled with Shui Wu Rena, "But when the time comes, I will help you relieve it, otherwise if it is to let the future If that girl sees you, her tears will turn into a doomsday flood, and I will be very sad."

Then don't make me look like her...Shui Wu Renai curled his lips, thinking like this in his heart, but his mind has undergone some changes...

Father and daughter... The gentleness that Qi Ye Na showed when he mentioned the future made Shui Wu Ren a little bit surprised, thinking of his father, Ethan Hontang, who was willing to die in order to protect himself.

Forget it, let me be a daughter again and feel the feeling of a father.


Outside the Beihu Central Hospital, on a white van, everyone was gathered here. Conan also completed his task and took a video of the three suspects.

"First of all, Nishiya was hospitalized with acute back pain."

Connect the mini-camera to the laptop computer, and the first video was played.

Shui Wu Renai is also very concerned about who of the three people is in the organization. He craned his neck to see the video clearly, but because his body is too small now, his sight is completely blocked by the person in front, so he can't see it.

Qiye noticed her behavior and dragged her higher and put it on her shoulder.

Shui Wu Reina was stunned for a moment, turned his head, looked at Qiye's smile close at hand, squirmed his lips twice, and silently said thank you.

I'm your father, so you don't need to say thank you.Qiye also spoke to her with her lips.

Shui Wu Renai's face was slightly hot, and her crystal-clear and jade-run face turned red. He turned his head in a panic and looked at the computer screen.

Although Shui Wu Renai has become a baby now, this shrinkage is different from that of Xiao Ai. Conan and the others' shrinkage is different. The shrinkage caused by the transformation technique can only be regarded as a blinding technique. Shui Wu Renai's body is actually one. 27-year-old mature woman.

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