Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 761

Tadao Nishiya was a fat man with a round face and a beard on his chin. Conan was reading when he entered his ward.

"What's the matter, kid? Just enter other people's rooms."

"Sorry, I made a mistake in the room, ah!" Conan yelled suddenly, and the lens shifted.

"fall down?"

"Hey, hey."

"Why didn't you fall to death, Lord Earth didn't work too hard." Qiye said with a solemn expression, which immediately caused Shui Wulian to give him a blank look.

After Conan fell, the phone slipped out and fell in front of Seiya Chugo.

"Excuse me, can you help me pick up my phone?"

"Hey, it's really troublesome." Saiya Tadao complained, but he put down the book, because of the acute backache, he couldn't bend over, so he knelt on the ground and picked up the phone, "Hey, my palms are all sweaty. Don't be surprised, I have oily skin."

"Thank you, Ogissan. By the way, do you know how to make a phone call?"

"Although I have the BOSS's email address, I haven't seen the BOSS in person. There are only single digits in the organization who have seen the BOSS in person." Shui Wu Rennai explained.

Several FBI nodded, and Qiye reached out and touched the water's merciless hair.

Then Conan fiddled with the window again, making dust everywhere, Seiya Chugo wanted to sneeze, but he pinched his nose to suppress the sneeze, and finally got angry and blasted Conan out.

"The following is Ludao Kusuda who was hospitalized with a cervical sprain."

Conan opened the door of Kusuda Ludao's ward, and then the camera turned around and captured Conan's hands and the ground. He fell down again.

"I fell in without saying hello," Ludao Kusuda, who seemed to be playing games on the hospital bed, turned his head and looked at Conan. "Who are you?"

"Sorry, I made a mistake in the room. Can you pick that one for me?"

"Is this another trick?" Judy and Shui Wurein twitched their mouths, and said at the same time, they were really not creative.

"TMD, didn't you see that I was hurting my neck?" Nantian Lu said uncomfortably, because he couldn't lower his head because of a sprained neck, so he picked up the phone very stiffly, "Smelly boy, what are you spinning around?!"

"I think you look like someone in profile. By the way, do you know how to make a phone call? I couldn't get through after several calls."

"It's very simple, that's..." Nantian Ludao took the phone and pressed it a few times, then opened the back cover of the phone, "Not even the battery is installed!"

"Ah, I fell once before coming here. It should be that time. You really like drinking canned coffee."

"Well, I drank a can just now."

Ping ping pong... Conan dropped the coffee can to the ground, and the second video ended here.

"Then finally is Taro Shinki with a broken right foot."

Why do I always think of this name as Xinmu Cockroach?Qiye said helplessly in her heart.

Zhang Taro Shinki is not young anymore, with no hair on his head and chin, he looks like a rickety old man.

"Let me pick this up?" Conan was still the same, picking up his mobile phone. "You actually let the old man with a broken leg do this kind of thing."

With a plaster cast on his right foot, Zhang Taro Niki can only kneel down to pick up the phone. Looking at the phone on the ground, Zhang Taro Niki shouted, "Isn't this a phone? Pick it up yourself!"

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Master, I hate bugs and mobile phones the most!!"

"Speaking of bugs... There is something on your right collar, isn't that a spider?!"

"Spider?!" Shinki Zhang Taro immediately stood up and opened his hospital gown. On Conan's right, under his left collarbone, there was a bulging bag.

"Little bastard, someone told you to make a joke about me, right?!!!" Zhang Taro Shinki suddenly reacted, "Get and tell the doctor who sent you. Uncle, my feet have not been cured, and there are no harmful X-rays. Will take it! I just want a medical certificate! Get out of the room if you understand it!!"

"It looks like all three of them played well." Judy thought, squeezing his chin.

"Yeah, it looks like I have been staring at the three of them for a while." This is Black.

And Shui Wuxin, who was sitting on Qiye's shoulders, also showed a thoughtful expression on his face, considering who among the three was the organizer.

"No, there is only one to stare at." Akai Hideyoshi showed a confident smile on his face, "Right, the two behind."


Qiye leaned on the back of the chair somewhat boringly, and at the same time she carried Shui Wurenai into her arms, and said, "The flaw is too obvious, it's really boring."

Seven hundred and forty-fourth chapters-water helpless helplessness!

The sun was shining, and it was evening, and Qiye and them returned to the big room given to them by the hospital.

"Hey, anyone of you can explain to me. You only need to stare at one person. Who is the organizer?" Judy said uncomfortably with his arms folded. Although he said "you", his eyes remained Focused on Qiye alone.

Qiye seems to be playing HIGH too. She really regards Shui Wurenai as his daughter. She is so amused that she can make Shui Wurenai so angry and helpless, but there is nothing to do with him.

"Cough..." Qiye coughed twice, put someone he was amused about to burst into her arms, then looked at Judy, and said: "Of the three people, there is indeed only one who can use mobile phones."

"The people in the organization will lie that they won't, just like Saiya who claims that he doesn't understand digital."

"No, the man who was hospitalized with acute back pain is innocent." Shuichi Akai glanced at Black, and said, "The person who ambushed in this hospital to find out Mizunohashi can't get back pain now."

"That's right." Qiye nodded, her chin hit the top of Shui Wu Nai's head twice, before she wanted to go crazy, said: "If you have a backache, you can't walk around in the hospital, so just think with him. The purpose of seeking water without mercy does not meet the purpose."

"Yeah." Akai nodded, then looked at Conan, and said: "Moreover, when this kid was shaking the curtains to shake up the dust, he pinched his nose to hold back the sneeze, that is to say, he was afraid that he might hurt his body by applying too much force If you sneeze as usual, it will definitely affect your waist."

"I would do the same if I sneeze in front of others," Judy agreed. "But if it's a play..."

"This kid was in the ward at the time, and there was no need to hold back the sneeze." Qiye said with a dead fish eye, "and if he suspects this kid, kick him out before picking up his phone and getting his fingerprints."

"So it means that the organization's accomplices have been pretending to be hospitalized."

"Yes, regardless of whether it is hospitalized or not, it should not be wrong to regard it as a complete cure now."

"That's what you said, that Shinki Taro..." Judy squeezed his chin and said, "She stood up with her right foot supported.

"Well, it seems that the old man's feet are completely healed." Black said, "And Kusuda, who was hospitalized with a sprained neck, should also be healed. It was very natural when he turned his neck around to find Conan who disappeared from the field of vision. If your neck hurts, you should turn your body together."

"He even drank all the canned coffee." Conan, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

"Canned coffee?"

"Think about it. You can't finish drinking the drink in the jar without turning your neck back. But I knocked the canned coffee that the man had drunk on the ground, but it didn't spill out. It means that he drank all of it, and he said that he had just drunk one can, which means it was not because of it."

"There are two people who pretend to be sick like this, but what's the matter with the other person who has nothing to do with the organization?" Judy said puzzledly. Although one has been ruled out, she still can't tell which is the other two. Organized people.

"I think the organizer should be Ludao Kusuda." Shui Wurenai, who had been missing the right to speak in Qiye's arms, said, but when she said the future voice, her mouth twitched.

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