Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 762

"Why? That Shinki Zhang Taro also pretended to be sick, and that phone didn't even touch it. That's weird." Judy looked at Mizuno Reina suspiciously, but the corners of her mouth looked like this at this time. One pump.

"The wound protruding from under the collarbone on the left of Zhang Taro Shinki should be the surgical scar of the implantation of a pacemaker." Mizuno Renai explained, "If a pacemaker is installed, it should be a mobile phone that releases radiation. He will die if he gets closer."

"So that's the case, since it is impossible for Shinki Taro to use a mobile phone, Kusuda Ludao is the only thing left.

Qiye looked at Judy's chest and said, "Judy, it seems that your nutrition is concentrated on the chest."

"Asshole!" Judy immediately furious, and hit Qiye with a fist.

Qiye immediately lifted the water in his arms without mercy and stood in front of Judy.

"Uh..." Judy's face twitched twice, even if he knew that the one in front of him was Shui Wu Nai, he put down his fist in a jealousy, and then gave Qiye a vicious look.

In fact, Judy was the only one who twitched. Shui Wurenai was speechless, turned his head, looked at Qiye, and said, "Can you not use me as a shield?"

"It's okay." Qiye smiled and said nonchalantly, "Anyway, you're not my daughter, and you won't feel bad if you break it."

"I (*&%%……%" Shui Wu Ren had the urge to curse directly.

Qiye shrugged, continued to hold Shui Wu Rennai, looked at Judy and the others, and said, "I will leave it to you to monitor Nantian Ludao, and I won't try to mix it up."

"Aren't you going?" Shui Wu Reina looked at Qiye in surprise. She thought that Qiye had already formally cooperated with the FBI, and it didn't seem to be the same.

"What am I going to do? I seem to only take on assassination missions, and it's just that kind of little person, I'm not interested in monitoring him, let alone not a beauty."

"The last sentence is your truth, right." Judy and Shui Wuren complain about him at the same time.

In any case, Qiye wouldn't monitor that Kusu Tian Ludao, it would be more fun to stay and tease Shui Wu Ren.

"It's already so late, so it's time for dinner." Qiye said while looking at the dim sky outside. It was almost six o'clock now, and it was time for dinner.

"Dinner?" Judy looked at Shui Wu Ren, suddenly wondering what to do with his head, and said, "You are not going to feed her milk?"

"Drinking milk?"

Judy's words are not just Nanya and Mizuno mercy, even Akai Shuichi, Conan and Blake are all stunned over there, their power is not small.

"Drinking milk?" Qiye repeated it again, looking at the water in her arms without mercy, and said: "This idea is not bad."

"That's right, you big-headed ghost?!!!" Shui Wu Reina couldn't bear to burst out, and she recognized that Qiye became his daughter. After all, this would not attract the organization's attention, but she still drank milk. ?Please, she is already 27, okay?!



Judy and Shuichi Akai went to watch the Kusuda Ludao, while Nanaya and Mizuno Reina stayed in the room.

Fortunately, Qiye still took care of Shui's feelings of helplessness. Instead of actually looking for milk to give Shui's helplessness, Qiye went to the hospital restaurant and bought two dinners.

Transfiguration is a kind of blindness, not really getting smaller, otherwise, this kind of ninjutsu that can rejuvenate the old and rejuvenate will not be a D-level ninjutsu.

Although Shui Wu Reina looks like a child now, she is actually a 27-year-old mature woman in essence, and it is of course okay to eat adult food.

"Come on, open your mouth." Qiye scooped up a spoonful of rice with a spoon, mixed with curry, and delivered it to Mizumi's mouth.

Shui Wurenai looked helpless, please, I really am not your daughter, okay?

Chapter 475-The cat catches the mouse!

Shui Wurenai looked helpless, and there were countless urges to spit in her heart, but Qiye kept raising her hands and did not let go. Shui Wurenai had no choice but to open her mouth and "enjoy" Qiye's feeding behavior.

Feeding a one-month-old baby to eat curry with rice is indeed a very strange thing, but it is really fun to tease Shui Wu Ren in this way.

Shui Wu Reina was a little embarrassed at first, but with her gentle nature, she couldn’t do anything with this cheeky man, she could only take it silently, but she gradually got used to it. She has always been accustomed to taking care of others. It is rare to enjoy the care of others, although it is really strange.

"By the way, how is Yingyou?" Shui Wurein looked at Qiye and asked during the meal. After all, her father had died to protect her, and her younger brother Yingyou Hondō was her only family. It is impossible not to care. .

"It shouldn't be dead for the time being, but maybe in the future."

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with Yingyou?!" Shui Wurenai immediately became nervous.

Qiye rolled her eyes and said, "There is nothing wrong now, but your brother’s confused personality may have something wrong at any time. Last time we came out from the house of one of your loyal fans and picked him up and fell. On the ground, there was also a nosebleed, Judy still took advantage of that time to get your brother's blood sample to make sure that he was really Yingyou."

"Uh..." Shui Wu Lian was stunned for a moment, a bit of helplessness and affection appeared on his face, "No way, that kid Yingyou has been like that since he was a child."

However, Shui Wu Rina was relieved. Since the other party is in the mood to make a joke, then the younger brother should be fine.

"Your brother's bewildered character can live up to now, and it's really blessed by God."

"Uh..." Shui Wu Reina froze for a while, not knowing what to say. Although it was the truth, that person was her brother.

Unable to complain, or knowing how to refute, Shui Wu Rennai chose to change the subject, opened his mouth and took another bite of curry rice, and said, "Do you usually take care of your daughter like this?"

Qiye's movements are very gentle, fully embodying the gentleness and gentleness that a "baby" should have. This is not something that can be performed. Unless he usually does this, it will be so natural now.

"You think too much. My daughter is only one month old. Xiaolan usually feeds her milk."

"Uh..." Shui Wu Rina was stunned again, this time she had the urge to jump out of the window with shame.

"How about it, do you want to drink milk? I can go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to get you some." Qiye smirked and looked at Shui Wulian.

"Get out!" Shui Wu Reina couldn't help but roar, his small face rose red, this time he was obviously angry.

"Hahaha... you really are different from the future." Qiye reached out and nodded a little on Shui's helpless nose, and said, "The girl in the future won't yell at me like that, she is very sticky to me."

"So what?!" Shui Wureina wrinkled his nose and said, "Anyway, I am not really your daughter!"

"That's what I said." Qiye shrugged and said: "So I don't have to worry about becoming a ghost father."

"Ghost..." Shui Wu Rennai didn't understand at first, a few seconds later, his face rose with shame, and looked at Qiye with shame, but the latter cheekily ignored it.

This bastard will definitely become a ghost father!


When it was night, most of the lights in the hospital had been extinguished, but Ludao Nantian, who had been targeted by the FBI, left the ward at this time and sneaked out. In order to reduce the sound of his footsteps, he took off. Shoes.

Nantian Ludao hid in a corner of the corridor, looked at a nurse who was still on duty at the nurse station, and then pressed a button in his hand.

At the nurse's station, the light representing one of the wards suddenly flickered. The nurse on duty turned his head and looked at the wall and said, "Ah, Mr. Nezu is ringing the bell again at this time. Is this another mistake?"

The nurse on duty ran out of the nurse's station, while Nantian Ludao took the opportunity to sneak in, and used the digital camera hidden in his body to take pictures of all the names of the patients in each ward on the wall, and then looked over them one by one.

"Shui Wu...Shui Wu...Shui Wu...not in this hospital building?"

"Wait a minute!" A nurse came in and said, "What are you doing?!"

"Ah, I'm lost." Nantian Ludao quickly hid the camera behind him, scratched his head, and said, "Where is the toilet here?"

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