Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 763

"For the toilet, just go down the stairs."

"Thank you." Nantian Ludao scratched his head and thanked him, but the camera in his hand accidentally fell to the ground. At this point, it can be seen that this guy is not good at it.

"Hurry up and finish using the toilet and go back to the room." The nurse didn't seem to think anything. He picked up the camera on the ground and handed it to Nantian Ludao, "Here you are."

"Hey, thank you." Nantian Ludao walked out of the nurse's station, but felt wrong again, "Don't you think it is strange? Miss nurse, just by seeing the camera, you should be able to guess that I was taking pictures just now, but said nothing. ,who are you?!"


With the sound of footsteps, Judy, who had been ambushing for a long time, ran out with two colleagues, as well as the pistol with a silencer in Judy's hand.

"Don't move! Put your hands on your head slowly!" Judy said coldly, holding a gun at Nantian Ludao.

"Ho~~It's the FBI, so it's right to say that Shui Wu Rennai is here." Nantian Ludao raised his hands, seemingly not nervous at all, and said in a relaxed tone.

"I wanted to let you go for a while, so that we can get the conclusive evidence, but now it seems unnecessary." Judy smiled faintly, "Hurry up and kneel down while the patients are still not awake."

"Then I'll wake them up." Nantian Ludao smiled frantically, unbuttoning the collar on his neck, "just use these C4 explosives!!!"


"Plastic explosives?!!!"

"Don't move!" Nantian Lu Tao held the detonator in his hand, "If you don't want this floor to be blown up, don't move, don't move! Hahahaha..."

Nantian Ludao laughed and ran away, but Judy didn't dare to shoot the plastic explosives taken on him.

"It is estimated that he will go back to the room to remove the traces left by him, and then escape from the window! Hurry up and surround him, don't let him run away!"


After arranging her men, Judy looked at Qiye who hadn't moved yet, and said, "Hey, don't you hurry up and chase it!"

"Please, I'm still holding one here." Qiye motioned to Shui Wuya in her arms.

"I'll go together too." Shui Wu Reina raised his head and looked at Qiye, and said firmly, now that she looks like this, she doesn't have to worry about being discovered by the organization. The previously suppressed sense of justice of the CIA has burst this time.

"You can't?"

Qiye looked at Shui Wu Rinai's firm expression and was speechless for a while, how did this woman feel undiminished after she became smaller, this is the least like the future.

"Well, I'll give up." Qiye lowered her head helplessly, and said: "This time, let's take her daughter to catch the thief."

By the way, I seem to be a thief myself...

Chapter 476-Good night... Dad!

"What?! He didn't return to the ward?! He left directly from the emergency entrance and got on the car again?!" Judy ran out of the hospital, listening to the report and said in surprise, "Did he see through?!"

Sure enough, just as Judy ran out of the hospital, he saw a small car driving past. After that, two more cars rushed past. Judy could see clearly that the front was Nanya and the back was Shuichi Akai.

"Akai, please." Black took the phone and said solemnly to Akai Hideichi: "Before he gets in touch with the organization, you must stop him!"

"Understood!" Akai Hideichi held the phone in one hand, pointing the direction with one hand, and said: "But if he has the phone now, there is no way to stop it." Akai Hideichi said this with a smile on his face. , Seems not worried at all.

"It's okay." Conan crawled out from under the front passenger seat and said: "I took advantage of him to leave the ward and found his mobile phone and put it in the water to soak it."

"It seems that you are still a little useful." Nanaya's joking voice sounded on the side, and his car slowed down slightly, parallel to Akai Shuichi's car, and Mizuno Reina was in Nanya's arms at this time.

"Hey, can you not hold me?" Shui Wurenai, who still maintained the future look, looked up at Qiye and said helplessly. She felt that in these few hours, she had been helpless more than in the previous 27 years.

"That won't work, you will fall." Qiye said with a smile, and then rolled the car window so as not to be disturbed by their conversation.

"I can take the co-pilot." Shui Wu Renai "reminded" that it was the first time she was held by a man, besides her father, she had also held her for so long, and she had adapted to it in this short time With this hug, Shui Wurenai felt that he had become strange.

"You are still too young." Qiye touched the water's helpless head, and said: "You can easily slip out of the passenger seat."

"Who made me so small?!" Shui Wuren said uncomfortably looking at Qiye, "Can you just make me bigger?!"

"Please, what if you are speeding and accidentally be photographed by a speed camera, then maybe the organization will find it."

"I..." Shui Wu Reina couldn't say that he could only be like a little daughter acting like a baby with his father, and beat him twice unacceptably.

"Little girl, be good, or go back and ask you to eat a lollipop." Qiye smirked.

"You!" Of course the 27-year-old mature woman can understand what a lollipop means, her face suddenly rose red, pinched Qiye, and said: "You bastard! You will definitely become a ghost father!!"

"Hahahaha... that's right, that's right." Qiye laughed indifferently, "Or I should start with you first."

"...&&(*&*&..." Shui Wu Renai was completely messed up, and there was a feeling of shyness in her heart. This emotion was reflected on her face and turned red.


Nantian Ludao drove away. In the car, he wanted to use his mobile phone to send Shui Wu Ren's information to the organization, but the mobile phone had been washed once and it was decisively out of function.

"Damn it! It's malfunctioning at this time!" Nantian Ludao threw the broken mobile phone into the back seat and said in a very uncomfortable tone.

This is an opportunity for him to ask the organization for credit. Now that there are still people chasing after him, it is strange that Nantian Ludao is so cool.

Qiye looked in her arms, Shui Wushang, who was so embarrassed that her cheeks were hot, stretched out her hand to touch her head, and said, "Hold tight, I will speed up!"

After that, he stepped on the accelerator, Qiye's beloved Lamborghini sports car showed its powerful horsepower, and easily caught up with the Nantian Ludao car.

Shuichi Akai was also accelerating at this moment, and two cars, one on the left and the other, caught the car on the Kusuda Road.

"Damn!!" Kusuda Ludao cursed secretly, then stretched out his hand and took out a pistol, and first shot Akai Shuichi on the right.

Although Shuichi Akai is great, he can't use his body to resist bullets. Moreover, sitting in the car now has no room to dodge, so he still slows down.

After temporarily forcing a chaser away, Kusuda Ludao immediately fired a shot to the other side, but after the bullet hit the window of the Lamborghini, it actually bounced away, leaving a faint trace on the window. trace.

"Bulletproof glass! Damn it!!"

Nan Tian Lu Dao scolded fiercely. The only weapon he can have is a pistol. He doesn't even have a submachine gun. His gun has seven bullets in the magazine, and now there are five. But facing After arriving in a car with bulletproof glass, Nantian Ludao really didn't expect to do anything to that car.

"Well, the modification I made is not bad." Qiye drove the car and smiled at the water in his arms. "My car can't be blasted even with armor-piercing bullets."

"Are you showing off?" Shui Wurein gave Qiye a blank glance, not knowing why. At that moment, she felt that this demon with a murderous reputation all over the United States was like a child offering treasure.

"It's actually Akai Hideichi!" Kusuda Ludao looked through the rearview mirror, and after seeing Akai Hideichi in another car, he gritted his teeth severely.


Qiye and Hideyoshi Akai heard a loud noise, and Kusuda Ludao's car lost control and almost ran into Qiye's car, which directly smashed the guardrail on the side of the road and fell off the slope.


"Judy, there are two news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Qiye called Judy's phone and said helplessly.

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