Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 764

"Stop talking nonsense! Explain clearly to my mother!!" Judy yelled at the phone, and it was indeed difficult for her to have a good tone to Qiye.

"Well, the good news is that Nantian Ludao has stopped."

"Stop it?" Judy was a little pleased. "Did he stop before he contacted the organization?"

"Yes, but there is bad news. Nantian Ludao has escaped." Qiye looked at Nantian Ludao's body and said, "With a gun, I have escaped to hell!"

Blake, who was driving, also heard the content on the phone, and said: "If you commit suicide with a gun, then the bomb is also a mystery."

"Then Shui Wu Ren's hiding place shouldn't be exposed, right?"

"No, I think it should have all been exposed." Qiye hugged Shui Wu Nai in her arms, and said: "This guy should use some method to regularly report investigations to the organization, but the intelligence was suddenly interrupted, and If it is a daily report, maybe they will appear in front of us tomorrow."


"Hey, girl, you are completely exposed, do you want to go home with me now, or send you back to the hospital?" Qiye smiled and looked at the water in her arms without mercy.

"It seems we haven't known each other for a long time." Shui Wu Rina rolled his eyes and looked at Qiye.

"Then send you back to the hospital."


Wouldn't you say it again?Shui Wurenai thought of this in his heart, and then his face turned a little red.

Cuphu Central Hospital...

Qiye stretched out his hand and pointed, and the clone lying on the hospital bed disappeared. Qiye put Shui Wurennai on the bed, and then tucked the quilt for her.

"Judy, can I be alone with her for a while?"

Standing behind Judy rolled his eyes helplessly, apparently already knowing what he was going to do, but still walked out of the ward and closed the door.

Qiye squeezed Shui Wu's nose, and then lifted her transformation technique.

With a bang, Shui Wurennai changed back to what it was, a 27-year-old beauty with a pair of beautiful cat eyes.

Shui Wu Rennai also noticed her own changes, moved her hands and feet, and said, "Suddenly changing back, I suddenly feel uncomfortable."

"I can only tell you that I'm used to it." Qiye shrugged, then knelt by the bed, lying on the side of the bed, looking at Shui Wulian, and said: "How about it, can you sleep well? I tell stories to coax you to sleep?"

"I'm not a kid!" Shui Wu Reina retorted in shame, really, how this guy always likes to think of her as a kid.

"Your reaction is so cute." Qiye reached out and squeezed Shui Wu Nai's nose.

This action was very normal and natural just now, because at that time Shui Wu Rennai was a one-month-old baby, but now it is different. Shui Wu Rennai is a 27-year-old woman with a blushing face, a beautiful cat. Eryan dodges Qiye's gaze.

"How about, dear Yinghai, do you want me to give you a goodnight kiss?"


As soon as Shui Wurenai uttered a word, Qiye sealed her lips. In the ward, Shui Wurenai's heartbeat could be heard violently. Shui Wurenai swears that she has never been so nervous even when she was pointed at with a gun by gin. .

Shui Wu Renai's lips are very fragrant, with a bit of curry flavor. The curry flavor is too strong when eaten at night.

Qiye unceremoniously grabbed Shui Wu Renai's first kiss until her lips were red and swollen, and then kissed her pair of beautiful watery cat eyes, and said, "Good night, good girl. "

Qiye's words made Shui Wurenai stunned and shyly covered his head with the quilt, and when Qiye was about to walk out of the ward, he heard Shui Wurenai's low voice.

"Good night... Dad."

Chapter 477-Plans of all parties!

"You look so cool." Judy stood at the door of the ward, watching Qiye coming out of it, and said with a sour expression.

"Yes, the cat's first kiss was very sweet." Qi Ye didn't mean to hide at all, licked the corner of her mouth, and said with recollection.

"Huh!" Judy knew that he was such a shameless personality, and there was nothing he could do with him, so she snorted coldly, showing her sourness.

Qiye stretched out her hand, immediately hugged Judy, then kissed her little mouth, and said, "I'm going home first, how about it, do you want to go home with me?" Judy hasn't entered the six-door house yet. The gate.

"I don't want it." Judy snorted. This time it was not awkward, but that she was not willing to enter Qiye's house for the time being. To be precise, she did not want to stay with Belmode in a room.

"Okay." Qiye shrugged, knowing that it was because of Belmode, so she stopped forcing Judy, turned and left the Beihu Central Hospital.

And when Qiye just left the Peihu Central Hospital, in a black Porsche 356A, in this era, only the gin boss will drive this kind of car.

"Beijing Central Hospital." Gin's always cold voice, "Kiel who was hidden by the FBI is there."

"Hey," said Rum, who was in charge of driving, with a slight smile on his face, and said: "The news of the person we sneaked into this hospital has been broken. We sent other people to listen to the news. I heard that there were their people everywhere, all hiding Monitor the surrounding FBI in the dark."

"Huh, I guessed it was exposed, so I increased the number of stalkers." Gin Jiu sneered.

"Hey, gin, this is my credit." Bourbon sitting in the back row said, "I got the information that Keele was seriously injured and lived in a certain hospital."

Gin turned slightly, looked at Bourbon, and said, "The child who brought this information has been hidden by the FBI."

Bourbon spread his hands and said, "The other party is a kid, so it doesn't matter if you leave him alone for now."

"But how do you bring Kiel out?" Rum, who has always been a poor head, asked a key question this time. "From the hospital strictly guarded by the FBI, if trouble arises, the organization will Exposed."

"Indeed, it is better to snatch Kiel from the FBI casually... can it be snatched away?"

"Huh? What do you mean, brother?" Apparently Rum's IQ is just a flash of inspiration, and now he can't understand what Gin said just now.

"Don't worry, Rum, I have made a lot of preparations." Gin said with a cold smile, showing strong confidence.

"Now, gin, don't say it so easy, OK, the other party has a silver bullet." Bourbon lay down in the back seat and said helplessly.

"Shuichi Akai." Gin evoked a sneer like a demon, with sharp killing intent in his eyes. "Although I don't know what the gentleman is afraid of, but with only one silver bullet, there is no way to compete with the cannon. ."

"Silver bullet..." Bourbon scratched his hair. "How good if he can hurt both sides with that Demon King?"



After Qiye left, Beihu Central Hospital...

Now the FBI and Conan are staying in the ward next to the Shui Wu Renai ward, discussing whether to transfer Shui Wu Renai to the hospital.

Now it has been discovered by the organization. It is of course the best way to transfer Shui Wu Ren to a different hospital, but it is not so easy to implement.

First, Mizuno Reina is the identity of the CIA investigating Yuan. Except for the chief in charge of the CIA, only Blake, Judy, Hideichi Akai, Conan, and Nanaya know it. The other FBI agents don’t know, Mizuno Reina The identity of can not be exposed yet.

In order to ensure that Shui Wurenai’s identity is not exposed, and to ensure her safety, the best way is to keep her "comatose". As long as she is still in a coma, she will not betray the organization’s intelligence to the FBI, and she will not. Suspected by the organization.

However, in this case, it is really difficult to escort a "comatose" person away.

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