Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 765

Second, it is difficult to contact a trusted hospital. After all, this is Japan and it is not controlled by the FBI. If it is in the United States, they can send Shui Wu Rennai to the hospital controlled by the FBI, which is more secretive. , Is also safer, but here is Japan, there is no way.

I would send Shui Wu Renai here before because the director of the Beihu Central Hospital was saved by Black. He can be trusted, so he came here. In this short time, I will find a second safe. The hospital is really difficult.

Hideichi Akai leaned against the bed, opened the curtains, and said, "If you move her out now, she will probably be spotted immediately. The search officer patrolling in the back area seems to have seen her in the building next door. Suspicious person."

"Then the organization is already..." Judy frowned, with a trace of worry in his eyes. I have to say that the organization's speed of action is really fast.

"Judy, you go try to contact Mr. Liudao to see if it works." Black looked at Judy and said, "If you use his ability..."

If Qiye’s ability to transform can be used, it would be much simpler to turn Shui Wurenai into any of their agents and leave the hospital. After all, Qiye’s ability is far better than Belmode’s makeup. Because the transformation technique can not only change the appearance, but also greatly change the body shape.

If Shui Wu Ren Nai turned into a baby and took it out, the organizers wouldn't find it.

"Let's come." Judy rolled his eyes. "I would rather count on yourself than on that guy. I got two cars out of the mission last time. How much do you want to give this time?"

"Uh..." Black choked and had nothing to say.

Judy snorted. She also understands Qiye. If Qiye really wants to take Shui Wurenai away, she can just turn Shui Wurenai into the future and take it home. After all, Qiye’s home is probably better than The White House still has to be safe.

For the time being, there is no way to transfer Shui Wu without mercy, and the FBI can only cope with the changes and wait for the organization to arrive in the hospital.

When the hospital was plunged into the night, Shui Wu Reina's ward door was quietly opened, and a handsome young man with glasses and a pair of cat eyes walked in. In order to reduce the sound of his footsteps, he did not wear shoes.

Hondo Eisuke!He actually found this place!!

I have to sigh here, the smell inherited from the CIA family, and the mysterious and mysterious things that are connected by the blood between the siblings, let him find it. Before the organization, he did not have any intelligence network, so, After entering this hospital, he found his sister's room. Although Yingyou Bentang didn't know at this time, Shui Wuren who was lying on the bed was his sister, Yinghai Bentang, whom he had been looking for for ten years.

"Get up, Shui Wulanai, if you don't get up, how can I ask you what's going on with sister Yinghai now?!" Yingyou of the hall walked closer to the hospital bed step by step, with a trace of tears in her eyes because of excitement, looking for ten Sister.

Shui Wu Rennai is really capable, and her own brother came to her side, and her breathing didn't even change at all.

"Get up! Get up!" Hondō Eiyu kept shaking Mizuno Reina's body, "You will be taken to other places. Give me... Open your eyes!!"

After ten years of obsession with looking for her sister, Eiyu Hondō's face looked a bit sullen, and a pair of scissors appeared in his hand.

"I said, open it soon!!!"

At the moment when the scissors were about to stab, Mizumi's hand grabbed Eiyu Hondō's wrist.

"No way, Xiaoying."

Chapter seven hundred and forty-eight-interesting toys!

"You kid always surprises me."

Akai Hideichi and Conan were walking in the corridor of the Cupido Central Hospital, and it was Akai Hideichi who spoke just now.

"Fortunately, Mr. Akai is his own."

"To each other."

While chatting, the two came to Shui Wu Reina's ward. To be on the safe side, Shui Wu Reina still pretended to be unconscious outside, and sent a searcher to watch Shui Wu Reina.

"You go and rest first," Akai said to the investigators in the room. "The night is still long."

"Hi~~" The searcher left the ward.

"What should I do next, Mr. Akai? Are you interested in participating in this desperate bet?" After closing the door, Conan put his hands in his pockets and said forcefully.

"Of course."

"But I have to get the prince out first." Conan smiled slightly, then reached out and knocked on the door of the room, and then turned into a man's voice with a bowtie voice changer, "Mr. Akai, gather urgently."

Immediately, Shuichi Akai opened the door and walked out, while Conan hid in the room.

Hondō Eisuke also fell into the plot of Shuichi Akai and Conan and walked into the ward in the dark.

"Get up, Shui Wulanai, if you don't get up, how can I ask you what's going on with sister Yinghai now?!" Yingyou of the hall walked closer to the hospital bed step by step, with a trace of tears in her eyes because of excitement, looking for ten Sister.

"Get up! Get up!" Hondō Eiyu kept shaking Mizuno Reina's body, "You will be taken to other places. Give me... Open your eyes!!"

Even though I couldn't wake the person on the bed, Hontang Yingyou raised up the scissors with a grim expression, and pierced towards the water on the bed.

"No way, Xiaoying." Shui Wu Renai opened his eyes and looked at his younger brother with cat eyes, "Forgot? You can't be someone who hurts others."


"Yes, Xiaoying." Shui Wu Rina sat up and took off the unnecessary breathing mask. Looking at this little brother who is so similar to himself, his eyes showed helplessness and love, "How did you find this place? Coming."

Regarding the CIA, the organization, and the FBI, Shui Wurenai really didn't want her brother to be involved, so she left without saying goodbye at first, and changed her status to become Shui Wurenai, just not wanting Yingyou to come to her. But Shui Wu Reina really underestimated this little brother who was usually confused, and actually let him find out here.

"No, aren't you blood type AB?!" Although Yingyou Hontang is a little confused, it's not stupid. "The older sister who gave me blood transfusion should have blood type O! Because I have blood type O, I can only Lost to me by O blood!"

"It has become AB type." Conan's pretending voice sounded, and walked out from the corner, "Because of leukemia, he had a bone marrow transplant operation. In your body, your sister's AB type hematopoietic stem cells have been transplanted. Because of this, the blood type has become AB. I have checked your previous cases and found that you have indeed had a bone marrow transplant operation because of leukemia."

"But, in that case, why? Why didn't you mention anything to me?!"

"Xiaoying..." Shui Wuyou, this time should be Yinghai of the main hall, and she has nothing to do. She knows that Yingyou will know the truth sooner or later, and that he will react like this, but for his safety, Yinghai of the main hall Can only choose to conceal.

"There is no way, because your sister's true identity is a CIA agent."

The moonlight outside the window shone on Hontang Yingyou's soft and feminine face, shining his surprise.

"CIA? Hehe, what are you talking about, how could sister..."

"Not only your sister, but also your father."


"Well, I went undercover to investigate a certain organization. Your sister was forced to go to the announcer for the organization. In order to prevent you from looking for her after watching TV, she changed her identity and became Shui Helpless, but Unexpectedly, it would be counterproductive and let you find her."

"Wait a minute, I still don't understand, what exactly is that organization?!"

"All you can know is this."

"Hehe, Yinghai, I don't know that your brother is a curious baby."

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was Akai Hideichi, and the other was in the room, which belonged to Nanaya.

Qiye suddenly spoke, causing the three people in the ward and Shuichi Akai who had just opened the door to walk in. How long has this guy been in ambush here?

Akai Shuichi’s strength is the strongest except Nanya. Even in the dark, he can see a figure hanging upside down from the ceiling. To be precise, only half of it, because Shuichi Akai saw Nanya’s upper body hanging upside down. There, the lower body seemed to be stuck in the ceiling.

Qiyehalf hung there, and then it was as if being drawn by gravity, until his whole body was pulled out from the ceiling, and then he fell to the ground.


The sound was strange. It was not the muffled noise of ordinary people falling down, but something wet and dry like a slug that was slammed to the ground with a snap!

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