Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 766

After Qiye fell to the ground, her body quickly split, as if an ink bottle had been overturned, and the black things spilled all over the floor, and then quickly gathered together, becoming his own appearance.

"I want to say that you will scare my brother like this." Hontang Yinghai said helplessly, covering her forehead. She has seen things that go against science like clones and transformations, and she accepts them quickly, but Hontang Eiyou It was completely stunned.

"Hey, don't mind such trivial things." Qiye waved her hand and said casually, and then she swiftly walked behind the main hall Eiyu, knocked him fainted with a hand knife, and then threw him to the door and locked the ward door. As Hideichi Akai said, the next thing is not something this little guy should know.

"Can you be a little gentler to my brother?" Yinghai looked helpless, she now feels more and more that she can't do anything with this man.

"I've never been gentle to men." Qiye buttoned her ears and said: "And I have many other ways to make that kid shut up obediently, and I won't hear our next conversation. Would you like to see?"

" use it anymore."

"Well, let's talk about the topic. With the efficiency of gin, action should be taken tomorrow to bring Kiel back to the organization."

"So what?" Speaking of business affairs, the main hall Yinghai stopped joking. The cat's eyes showed seriousness and wisdom, and said: "You don't want me to go back to the organization again, they already suspect me."

Let Hondō Eumi return to the organization again. This is the idea of ​​Shuichi Akai and Conan. Of course, Nanya also has the same idea, but the specific implementation is somewhat different.

"I didn't plan to send you back in person, but since the organization's Kiel was'kidnapped', of course they have to return a toy to them." Qiye showed an extremely evil smile on her face, "A very funny toy!"

Chapter 749-Bomb!

In the early morning of the next morning, in a restaurant called HAIDO in Tokyo... it was very foreign, in fact, HAIDO is the Roman pinyin of Peihu, and this restaurant is actually called Peihu Restaurant.

It is located in the city center and there are many office buildings nearby, so many young people and office workers will come here for breakfast early in the morning. There are no matter what kind of meals, the business is very good, but today it is destined to be unlucky .


A plate fell to the ground, and a man who appeared to be in his twenties was now lying on the table, clutching his stomach, looking very painful.

"Mr., what's wrong with you?" the waiter hurried over and asked.

"The belly... suddenly..." The young man had a pained expression on his face. In the ranking of human pain levels, the level of internal organ pain was also very high.


Before the waiter had time to ask for the details, the sound of a broken plate was heard next to him. Immediately, the guests in the restaurant suffered a large area of ​​stomach pain, and the restaurant suddenly became chaotic.

At this time, at the station...

"Platform 4, the outer ring car of the Dongdu Loop Line is about to enter the station. The platform is dangerous. Please stand inside the white line!"

It is now seven or eight o'clock. At this time, of course, the station is full of people.

"Cough..." Suddenly, a man reading a newspaper coughed, and then it was like a super virus with an unusually rapid spread. All the people waiting at the station had coughs, dry throats and stinging eyes. Symptoms.

"The throat...cough cough..."

"The eyes... have a strange smell."

"Station attendant, please call an ambulance for help!!"

In the overcrowded station, it was suddenly in chaos.

Only three things happened. Today's chaotic things happened twice, and it was time for the third time. This time the location was in the cinema. Today is the day when Yoko Okino's new play was released.

Those who can come to the cinema to watch a movie at this time either happen to be on holiday or are really idle, and when the movie is halfway through, all the lights in the cinema suddenly turn on, accompanied by a rush of alarm bells.

"There is a fire, please follow the instructions of the staff to evacuate!"

Restaurants, stations, cinemas, these three very densely populated places have had accidents one after another, causing a large number of patients to start flocking to the nearest hospital, the Peihu Central Hospital, and the sound of fire alarms also spread to the center of Peihu In the ears of several people in the hospital lobby.

"Fire." Qiye looked at the thick smoke in the distance through the window, and said, "I don't know how many people will be burned this time?"

"Why do I think you are looking forward to it?" The brown-haired little Lori who was in Qiye's arms rolled her eyes and looked at him.

Xiaowai?Congratulations, you got the wrong answer. In fact, it was Shui Wurenai after transforming. Today, Qiye wants to implement the plan designed by Qiye. Originally, Qiye still wanted to turn Shui Wurenai into the future, but think about it and forget it. Turning her into a little sad, Shirley's appearance here is more reasonable than appearing here in the future.

"Hey, how can I say that? It broke my mind all at once. It's very boring." Qiye smiled and looked at Shui Wu Rennai.

"Huh!" Shui Wu Lina lightly snorted and turned his head, looking awkwardly like Xiao Ai.

It's so cute.Qiye thought this way in her heart. He originally wanted to turn Shui Wureina into a cat, so his eyes didn't change. However, after being almost killed by Shui Wureina, Qiye could only give up this idea.

"James Black?" The nurse at the front desk suddenly caught their attention, "We don't have this patient."

James Black is the commander-in-chief of this FBI operation in Japan, and his identity has long been known by the organization, and it is impossible for him to register his name in the hospital.

"It's not a patient, I heard it's an escort." The courier explained that he was a courier of a courier company. The first parcel to work today was sent to the Peihu Central Hospital to a man named James Black.

"As for that person, I know." Judy walked over, and the things he gave to Black were obviously from the organization.

"Hello, I am from the courier company."

"Who asked you to bring something here?"

"That's it." The courier pointed to the thing at his feet. The bottom was a pot wrapped in paper, which looked like a potted plant. Then he took out the shipping slip from his jacket pocket. The person is...a person named Nantian Ludao."

"Ludao Nantian?" Judy was taken aback, and the attention of the few people who were still by the window also concentrated.

"Using a dead person's name to send something, the organization is really bold." Shui Wu Lina leaned to Qiye's side and whispered.

Qiye squatted down, picked her up and said, "The organizers are always bold, but what I care more about is their next move."

The organizer sent something very strange, not a great thing, just a pot of flowers, and this pot of flowers was quickly handed over to Black.

"Columbine, a flower called ramie ring in Japan, is this what they want to give me?" Blake was holding the flowerpot with a look of confusion, apparently wondering why the organization wanted to give him a pot of flowers.

"Well, the one who committed suicide with a gun last night was their accomplice, so it should be true that it was sent in his name. Although we have pretended to be guards to check the things of everyone who was admitted to the hospital, it is impossible to send them face-to-face. The goods delivered to the door..."

"But why give me this flower?" Black still didn't understand, "Columbine is the state flower of Colorado..."

"You must get it, it's the flower language of this flower." Our versatile Conan children's shoes explained, "Besides, there is also the meaning of victory."

"It turned out to be a declaration of war."

"But is it that simple?" Qiye looked at the flower in Black's hand, "If the thing the organization sent over is just a declaration of war, it would be too simple... eh?"

"What's the matter, Qiye?" Judy looked at Qiye suspiciously.

"Old immortal, what would happen to you if I said there was a bomb in that flowerpot?"


"An La An La An, I am immortal, don't get excited now, slowly put this flower pot on the ground, if you get excited, we will accompany you in tragedy." Qiye said with a smile, bomb, this kind of He likes things very much.

"Uh... don't worry, it won't." Black froze for a moment, and slowly put the flowerpot on the ground.

Qiye squatted down while blowing his whistle, pulled out the flowers, dug up all the mud of the flowers, and found a small bomb in a plastic bag, about the size of an NDS.

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