Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 767

"It's a boring little toy." Qiye said helplessly. This bomb is really not difficult. It can only be regarded as a toy-level bomb, except for explosives.

Hideichi Akai looked at the bomb with his arms folded, and said, "Even if you put a bomb in the flowerpot, at most a few agents will be killed. If this sound draws the Japanese police over, what else will you talk about searching for Mizuno? Rene, it won't do them any good."

"That's right, and..." Qiye put the bomb in her hand, "The bomb's explosion time is still half an hour, and the incident is a bit too long. Thirty seconds is almost the same."

"It's like giving us time to dispose of this bomb."

"That's right." Qiye affirmed Shui Wu Ren's statement, and then took out a Swiss Army Knife, ready to destroy the bomb.

"Hey, you're not going to be here?" Judy looked at Qiye in surprise. This guy is not going to destroy the bomb here.

It takes half an hour to dispose of a bomb without a mercury detonator. There is enough time, but if it is to dismantle a bomb, it is hard to say. The bomb dismantling cannot be a mistake. Every time a thread is cut must be carefully studied, otherwise Cut the wrong one and it will explode.

"Ann, it's just a little toy." Qiye said with a smile, from last night to now, what is the level of the bomb made in such a short time? After cutting off the main line, Qiye dismantled the detonator, and the explosive was removed. .

"My favorite plastic explosive." Qiye held the explosive that looked like white plasticine in her hand. "These are enough to blow up a ward!"

"Could it be..."

Seven hundred and fiftieth chapter-riots!

At this time when the bombs were dismantled in Qiye, a large number of patients flooded into the Beihu Central Hospital.

Fires, poisoning in restaurants, and poisonous gas from stations. All of these things happened in Cupido Town, and they were also crowded places. All of them all rushed to the nearest Cupido Central Hospital.

"I'm Mayia at the front entrance!"

Blake's men immediately contacted him, and Blake immediately took out the radio and said, "This is James, what happened?"

"Suddenly a large number of wounded and patients flocked to the front entrance of the hospital. We can't check them one by one!!"

The FBI was supposed to pretend to be the security guard of the hospital and check the patients and personnel entering the hospital one by one, but when so many people came all at once, they couldn't stop them at all. How could they go to check one by one.

"According to the injured, three accidents occurred almost simultaneously within ten minutes!!"

"Three at the same time?"

"Well, mass poisoning, odor disturbance, and fire."

"Those guys are really big-handed." Qiye squeezed his chin and said: "To make such a big move, it seems that they really care about you, Ying Hai."

Shui, who had turned into a small sorrow, shrugged helplessly and said, "I really don't want this kind of care."

Shui Wu Reina is a gentle and kind person, because he has to lurch into the organization, he has become so calm and venomous. Of course, the organization made such a big move this time to search for her, but for her alone. Although no one died, Shui Wuren felt sorry for it.

"However, odor riots and fires can still control the time, but collective poisoning has an incubation period, and it varies from person to person." Judy expressed his doubts. For poison, according to the characteristics of each person, the time and symptoms of onset are also different. Will be different.

"I guess the poison with the same symptom was used, and it was set to a certain level, so as not to kill people, it was to let more people rush here."

The organization won’t kill people this time. It’s not that they didn’t dare, but that they couldn’t do it this time. The main purpose of this mission is to have no mercy. If they put too much poison, the citizens will suddenly If a hundred and dozens of them died, the Japanese police would definitely be involved. Then it would be difficult for the organization to bring back water without mercy.

"It's not just that," Qiye shook her hand, and unceremoniously threw the plastic explosive on her hand to the ground. "The victim's symptoms are vomiting or other physical discomfort, or throat and eye pain. , All symptoms are invisible to the eyes."

"Then they can easily send their people to the hospital in large numbers. If they use the crowded tactics to search one by one, I am afraid it will be within a short time..."

"No!" Shuichi Akai denied Judy's words, and said: "If they send a large number of comrades to search and take such suspicious actions, the number of people caught by us will be many. They are not such risky people. !"

"Then how do you explain this riot?"

"Maybe the drunkard is not in the bar."

Qiye grabbed her hair, looked at the billowing smoke not far away, then looked at the overcrowded hospital lobby, and said, "Hey, I said, don't you think there is too much express delivery today?"

"It's really too much." Akai Hideichi said indifferently, then put his hands in his pockets and walked over, "accidentally" ran into a courier in a green uniform and hit a package in his hand. To the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Akai Hideichi said apologetically, and then helped the courier pick up the parcel on the ground, and also saw the sender's name clearly, Kusuda Ludao!

"It's really lively this time. The devil has already sent us a gift from hell!" Qiye raised her mouth and smiled evilly, is it a gift from the devil?Gin, what are your plans?


Today is probably the day when the Beihu Central Hospital received the largest number of patients and express delivery. Almost every hospitalized patient received an express delivery, and every express delivery represents a bomb.

Those bombs are all filled with plastic explosives. The amount of plastic explosives is enough to blow up a ward. Of course, there are only a few luxurious wards for one person, usually six or seven or more per ward. If all these explosives explode, the Peihu Central Hospital can see God.

Fortunately, because the time is urgent, and the purpose of the organization is not to blow up the hospital, the bombs are very simple, plastic explosives, fuse, detonator, timed detonator, without any complicated devices, more than the one in the flowerpot Low level, as long as the lead is pulled out, the bomb will not explode.

Because there were too many bombs, the FBI sent all the agents into each ward to collect the bombs, but Shuichi Akai and Conan did not need to go.

"So many plastic explosives, it would be nice to give them all to me." Qiye curled her lips and said inconspicuously, "So many explosives can be used to cook vegetables for a long time."

"Do normal people think like you?" Shui Wu Renai rolled his eyes and looked at Qiye, using dynamite for cooking. Although it is possible in theory and reality, but using dynamite as fuel for cooking, even if he knows that there is no Danger, normal people would not have that idea.

"I'm not a normal person anyway." Qiye stretched out her hand and said very seriously, "And plastic explosive is my favorite kind of explosive. It's a cute toy that can be rounded and flattened like plasticine."

Shui Wu Lian helped her forehead helplessly. She didn't know what to say to this guy full of dangerous thoughts. With ice blue eyes, she looked at Qiye with a look that Xiao Ai would never have, and said: "You are right. I really understand plastic explosives."

"Or I know all the illegal things in this world." Qiye squatted down and stretched out her fingers to tease Shui Wurenai's nose. If Xiaoai had done this kind of action by him, she should have opened her mouth to bite. Let him go, "And I used that cute plastic explosive when I killed this kid's dad." He pointed his finger at Conan.

Shui Wu Renai wrinkled his nose, but didn't open his mouth to scold him or bite him.

"Can you not make it so obvious?" Shui Wurenai's eyes showed helplessness. Can this guy not say the crime so loudly?

Conan’s eyes showed resentment, and he was right in front of him to kill his father and his enemies, but he was powerless, and Akai Hideichi did nothing. After all, now the FBI wants to cooperate with Nanaya, and even Nanaya’s killing so many politicians has been suppressed I don’t know where the killing of Yusaku Kudo was lost.

"If I say that I have a weapon-grade U235 that can make the entire United States disappear from the world, do you believe it?"

Mizumi's face was shocked, even Shuichi Akai who was so calm couldn't help but change his face, let alone Conan.

Weapon-grade U235, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to be owned by any individual, and no country will never compromise. If a madman gets that kind of thing and builds a nuclear warhead, even if it is just an ultra-small Extremely dangerous.

"Hehehehe..." Qiye showed a dark smile on his face, what he wanted was this result, and his true face was gradually revealed.

And at this time, a scene of Shui Wu Nai was played...

Chapter 751-The Gin Plan!

Shui Wu Rennai on TV was wearing a hospital gown and sitting on the hospital bed with her friendly smile on her face, but this smile shocked countless FBIs. After all, she knew where the real Shui Wu Renai was. Yes, only Nanya, Conan, Judy, Akai Shuichi, and Black, the others, thought Mizuno Reina was still sleeping in the ward.

As a well-known host, Shui Wu Renai is still very famous and has many supporters. The patients in the hospital basically know her. Seeing that Shui Wu Renai has been missing for a long time, she suddenly appeared on TV. Showed a surprised expression.

"Now my body has fully recovered, my audience friends, I'm sorry for making everyone worried."

"Shui Wu Reina is on TV?!" Black, who was waiting for the reply from his subordinates in the hospital lobby, was surprised when he heard such a news suddenly.

"Yes, the televisions in the lobby and the ward are all playing! It is a video in the ward, wearing a hospital gown, saying that the injury has been cured! Is there any news from her ward?!"

"No, there are three people in her ward who are personally guarding, one of them will report to me outside the house every five minutes."

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