Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 768

"You can't contact the ward over there."

"Yes, mobile phone radiation will interfere with the infusion pump and cause misoperation, so I told them to never turn on mobile phones and radios. Anyway, you should go to her ward to confirm the authenticity!"

"Yes, I think so too, on the way!"

According to Black's orders, almost all the detectives in the hospital gathered towards the ward of Shui Wu Nai at this time.

Blake cut off the radio communication, his brows kept frowning. Although he knew that the real Mizumi was by Qiye's side and the one in the ward was a fake, he still didn't understand what Qiye wanted to do.

You have to do a full set of dramas. If you want to fool the enemy, you must first fool your own people. The entire content of this mission is only known to Nanya, Shuichi Akai, Conan and Mizuna, even Judy and Blake. I know, the other FBI agents don’t even know if Shui Wuxin is true or false. They just want them to have the most true reaction. Otherwise, the guy with gin will not enter the urn as long as he smells any strange smell. of.

"It's really a shame that they can get out this kind of thing in one night." Qiye stood in the open space outside the hospital hall, from here I could probably see what was on TV in the hall.

"Belmode has betrayed. There is no one in the organization who can imitate me in a short period of time. That should be a short film synthesized from my previous video."

"Indeed, if in addition to Belmode, the organization has a master of disguise, it is really a troublesome thing." Qiye smiled evilly, "If you look closely, you should be able to see There is some deviation in the part where the neck and head connect, and the skin color on the face and neck is also slightly different."

"Can you not say so clearly?" Shui Wurein gave Qiye a blank look, then touched his neck, "It feels weird."

"Whatever, the show has already started, and the actors should be on the stage." Qiye took out her mobile phone, used the frequency band that had been set a long time ago, interfered with the radio waves of Judy's walkie-talkie, and used her mobile phone to talk to Judy directly. .

After seeing the TV, I subconsciously wanted to go to Qiye, but there was a noise from the intercom.

"Dear Judy, please tell me you are."

"Seven nights." Judy was taken aback, without thinking about how he used the radio to communicate with him, immediately picked up the radio, and said: "What the hell is going on, what is Shui Wu Ren..."

"Hey, it's a fake, the authentic one is still with me." Qiye touched Shui Wu Ren's hair, and said, "Judy, listen to me now, go to Shui Wu Ren's ward immediately."

"Hey, why?"

"I'll tell you this later, hurry over, or I won't marry you." Qiye said with a grin, and then hung up the phone immediately before Judy went crazy.

"I..." Just when Judy was about to go crazy, she realized that there was no sound in the radio. Qiye was forced to break into the radio channel to talk to Judy, so she could only contact Qiye alone, and Judy could not use it. Radio contact Qiye's.


The FBI of the entire hospital quickly gathered in front of Shui Wu Ren's ward, but Shui Wu Ren, the sleeping princess, was still sleeping in the hospital bed without any abnormality at all.

"We were put together." Qiye's evil voice sounded, and Shui Wurenai was sitting on his shoulders at this time. No one knew except a few people. The Shui Wurenai inside had been removed. Up.

"It was put in one?!" Judy looked at Qiye in confusion and shock. Although she knew that the one on Qiye's shoulder was the authentic one, she didn't understand what was going on.

"The video on the TV just now was that Shui Wu Reina was injured after broadcasting the news of a chemical plant explosion, and then it reappeared on the TV. After processing, it can be made into the video just now, and if the purpose is ......" Qiye glanced at the FBI and said: "It has also been reached, just to attract you all here."

"Clarify to the old lady! Why did they bring us here?!" Judy raised his fist and looked at Qiye with a grimace.

"Hey, hey~" Qiye confessed stubbornly and said: "Judy, I ask you what you were looking for just now, where are the deadly toys scattered around this hospital?"

"You said bombs, put them in your pockets after you pull the fuses, and you have to go to other wards to search for them after recovery...Ah!" Judy took out the bombs he found earlier from his pocket and exclaimed. " Could it be that..."

"That's right, these toys have signal transmitters attached." Conan said solemnly.

"Cut, this clever plan must have been thought of by the bastard gin!"


"Hmm, hum..." On the black Porsche 356A, the gin boss laughed indifferently and disdainfully. He looked at the red dots gathered together on the computer screen, "It's like a bunch of people surrounded Flies of garbage!"

Rum stopped the car on the side of the road, took a look at it, and said, "It turned out to be Room 307 in the fourth hospital building. As long as you figure out the location, it's up to us, brother."

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. There is a horrible steel wedge in my forehead!"

Gin's head is indeed very useful, calm, indifferent, arrogant, wise, cold-blooded, and it is absolutely reasonable to be a popular villain.

The first bomb sent to Black was deliberate. In order to attract the attention of the FBI, the powerful C4 explosive was used. So many bombs were sent later to allow FBI agents to search for the bomb and then remove it. But the bombs that were too late to deal with were brought with them. After seeing the picture of Shui Wurenai on TV, they would naturally gather in the ward of Shui Wuren, carrying bombs, which are signal transmitters.

Next, it is the real water without mercy and fight back!

Chapter 752-Offense and Defense!

Shui Wu Reina’s ward has been clearly discovered by the organization. Of course, the first task is to transfer Shui Wu Reina to other hospitals, but as mentioned earlier, transferring a comatose person is very troublesome.

For the organization and most of the FBI agents, Shui Wu Renai is still a comatose person. This is also part of the plan. Shui Wu Renai cannot be sober before leaving. The person who woke up before was Liudao Miku. He Hui Yuan Ai.

The FBI has prepared three vehicles, two of which are used as a guise, and one of them has the "real" water without mercy.

What’s more troublesome is that the driver of the third car carrying Shui Wu’s mercy is selected. The FBI’s plan is to use the first two cars to drive away the people of the organization, and the third car will go around after a circle. Back to the Beihu Central Hospital, the so-called most dangerous place is the safest place, that's it.

And this glorious, great, and most dangerous driver's duty was taken over by Qiye...'s clone.

Of course, that clone is not the appearance of Qiye itself, but has changed into an ordinary appearance.

Nanaya and Hideichi Akai are the two people that Gin needs to pay attention to most. If the two of them were driving the car that escorted Mizuno Rene, Gin might be more careful.


"It's coming out..."

It was still the crazy sound, Chianti was on mission for the first time after being injured last time, and her sight was aimed at the exit of the parking lot of the Beihu Central Hospital.

"One dark blue seems like there are only these three."

"Okay, Chianti is in charge of the first one." Gin ordered the walkie-talkie. He is the commander-in-chief of this mission. If it is not a last resort, he will not take the shot himself.

"No problem!" Chianti agreed and hid the sniper rifle in the backpack beside him.Sniper rifles must not be taken to the streets blatantly, and at that time it is impossible to assemble the guns on the spot. Of course, they can only be hidden in a backpack.

Chianti put on his backpack, stepped onto the big Harley beside him, with a bloody and crazy smile on his face, kicked the accelerator, and rushed out!

Chianti is now roaring and roaring like the super horsepower of this big Harley underneath. She needs blood. She uses that red blood to wash away the shame of the last time, suppressing her almost burst of killing intent and hatred. .

I have to say that it takes a lot of courage to start Gin Chianti this time. After all, this mission may encounter the Demon King, and Chianti may go crazy if he sees that person, and let Gin this time The reason why Chianti was used in the adventure was that her sniper limit was increased to 700 yards.

The sniper who can hit the enemy from 700 yards away grabs a lot, but the sniper who can headshot from 700 yards away is rare, and for this reason, Gin will agree to use Chianti.

"Cohen is in charge of the second one."

"Got it." Cohen still said faintly, carrying a backpack like Chianti with a sniper rifle hidden in it, sunglasses on his face that he didn't want to take off, and a helmet. Does he really see the way?

"Rum, you are the third one."

"Got it." Rum put on his helmet next to the Porsche of the gin, and got on his motorcycle, ready to set off.

"I was staring at the FBI around the hospital. These three vehicles may also be under the guise. After you follow the car in charge, you will investigate the inside of the car. I will decide which car will be in the end."

Rum rode on Harley, turned his head to look at the gin, and said: "By the way, brother, is there any contact?"

"No, that guy hasn't contacted yet. This is just a strategy to be on the safe side after receiving the gentleman's order." Gin said coldly.

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