Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 769


"The show has begun. I don't know what the expression will look like when Gin learns that he was played by me?" Qiye drove his Lamborghini on the road, with a wicked smile on his face, very evil. Said.

"Only you in this world will treat this kind of thing as a game." Shui Wurenai sat in the passenger seat, stared at Qiye, and said helplessly, this guy really dares to play anything, guys like gin. They dared to slap it flat and round it.

"Okay, it's better to be a little more relaxed, don't always put so much pressure on yourself, it's better to live happily." Qiye took out Yoko Okino's new album and played it while following the rhythm. After humming, she was not as nervous as Shui Wu Ren Nai.

"I don't know if I believe you are right or wrong," said Shui Wuren helplessly. Now she really feels like a thief ship, and it is a thief ship bigger than the organization.

"Don't worry," Qiye stretched out her hand and squeezed Shui's helpless face, and said, "I won't let my lovely daughter have an accident."



"Gin, focus on the first car!" Chianti was eager to perform in this mission, and soon caught up with her first car and contacted Gin.

"how is the situation?"

"The windows are so dark that you can't see what's going on in the car."

"Look through."

"I know." Chianti continued to control the direction with one hand, then took out the thermal imaging camera with the other hand, and then the car slowly slowed down, and the thermal imaging camera scanned the entire car.

"The photography is over and I'm sending it to you."

The thermal imaging camera can photograph the infrared rays emitted by the human body. In this way, it can penetrate the body and block the wall, but it is useless to face the glass.

"There are nine people in total, and it basically matches the position of the signal transmitter on the bomb."

"How about, is there someone lying in the back seat? Could it be Mizumi? There is no signal transmitter response on her body?" Chianti asked one question after another. She really cared about this time. task.

"Hmm..." Gin groaned for a while, and didn't answer immediately.

"I'm done shooting, too, send it to you." At this time Cohen also sent the scan results of the second car.

"There were also nine people in the second car, and the person lying there didn't have a signal transmitter."

"It's taken here too."

"There are only two people in the car that Rum is staring at, and both have transmitters."

The third car, the car where the "real" Mizuno Reina was, had only two people in the car and it was just a Chianti-like person, just to let Gin know that there was a problem with this car.

"Hey, gin, make a decision quickly." Chianti, who became more and more uncontrollable, began to urge. "If I wait too long, the sniper rifle on my back can't help but go crazy!"

"Anyway, the car I'm looking at seems to be eliminated." said Rum, who has well-developed limbs and a simple mind. "The result from the camera looks like there are only two people, and if you drive like this, it just makes a circle. I went to the hospital. This should be a bait."

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Gin." At this time, Bourbon, who had disappeared for a long time, finally sent a contact, "Finally found it, Akai Shuichi, and the Demon King's car."

"It took a lot of work, Bourbon." Gin said coldly while holding the walkie-talkie. The location of Shuichi Akai and Nanaya is the key to judging where Mizuno Reina is this time.

"Hey, don't be too demanding, but I have to stare at two people, especially one of them is still a monster." Bourbon said helplessly, this time his mission is no lighter than gin. The final decision is to make the final decision. The success of this mission depends on the word of Gin, but the two guys he wants to stare at are really...

"Stop talking nonsense, Bourbon, Shuichi Akai and the position of the Demon King."

"Shuichi Akai drove towards Cupidou Park. He has just entered Mihua Street. The nearest is the second car that Cohen is staring at."

The gin hit the keyboard, and the electronic map on the screen showed the driving conditions of several cars.

"Is it 200 meters behind?"

"Yes, and the Demon King's car is about one hundred meters behind Shuichi Akai's car." Bourbon continued to report the situation, and then the face under the helmet became bitter, "Gin, you decide quickly whether it is OK, I But I was caught between the Demon King and Shuichi Akai."

"That must be Cohen's car." Chianti said affirmatively.

"Hey, Akai Hideichi, the crow is here." Nanaya connected to the radio and said to Akai Hideichi.

"Hehe, is it finally here?" Akai Xiuyi smiled excitedly, the car changed gears, accelerated with a kick, and started to accelerate in the midst of countless traffic.

"Cut! Do you think you can drive?!" Qiye squeezed the radio in her hand, and then accelerated with a kick. The super horsepower that should have been unavailable in the metropolis roared, "Hold tight, be careful Flew out!"

Qiye licked her lips excitedly, Lamborghini's tires bit on the ground, conveying the super horsepower to Ma Lu, and then rushed out like a black sharp arrow. As for whether Yumi will scold him, Qiye I won't think about that for now.

"This lunatic!!"

Chapter 753-The plan is successful!

In the downtown area, when there is a lot of traffic, drag racing requires skill and courage. Especially, compared to petite Japanese cars, Lamborghini is a bit bigger.

A black Lamborghini Kontas, surrounded by a bunch of Japanese cars, really makes people want to ignore it, especially when these two Lamborghini are going crazy now, when the 5.0-displacement engine is burning, it is really It is shocking the Quartet.

Lamborghini is not only horsepower, sensitive brakes and control systems, so that Lamborghini has a level close to the racing level, no matter what, at least there will be no brake failure.

Relying on super control and horsepower, Qiye controls a monster-like Lamborghini, forcibly tore a hole in the crowded street, and shuttles past without any collision. Qiye does not want to be scratched by those cars. The paint of his beloved Lamborghini.

Seven nights’ Lamborghini and Akai’s Chevrolet rushed into the traffic and gradually caught up with the second car ahead.

"Awesome, I actually passed through!" Bourbon said in surprise. He asked himself that he couldn't drive like that. "Hey, Gin, Shuichi Akai and the Demon King’s car just accelerated, so you don’t have to go with the second car in a minute The car has joined!"

"Aim for the second car and, I want to change the route to meet Cohen!"

"Then I will go to the second car too. It's boring to follow the disguised car like this."

"Wait for Cohen." When Cohen was about to take out his sniper rifle, Gin interrupted him, and said, "Take a fork and change course!"

"Why?!" Chianti yelled immediately when he heard the gin. "Are you afraid of the demon king so you want to give up Kiel?!!!"

"No!" Gin's face showed a devilish smile. "We are going to stare at the third car that Rum is staring at. Kiel is in it!"

"Hey, why?!" Bourbon asked in surprise.

"Shuichi Akai and the Demon King shook off the cars one by one, and made you turn your eyes to the second car. They wouldn't do such stupid things. Both of them are just a cover."

"A cover?"

"But brother, the back seat of the car I followed is empty, there are only two FBIs in front."

"Yes, it was the FBI who drove, but Kiel was sitting in the co-pilot." Gin smiled coldly, not knowing that he had fallen into the trap of the devil. "They thought we would guess that the unconscious Kiel would be The one who lay on the stretcher and was sent to the car actually made her sit on the co-pilot with a signal transmitter and pretended to be an FBI agent."

"But the third car is still driving to the hospital, how to explain this?!" Chianti said in a very uncomfortable tone, tightening her hands and almost smashing the motorcycle handles. She doesn't want to do anything, just want to go. On Cohen's side, the Demon King collapsed!

"That is also one of the killers. Even though they already know that we are eyeing the hospital where Kiel is located, they are still standing still. In other words, for them, only that place is safe now. They pretend to shift their positions and do not care. Going back to that hospital, thinking we won't come to that hospital again." The gin turned off the computer and threw it aside, then started the car, "Everyone, track the third car!"

"Cut!" Chianti sipped fiercely after hearing the gin's words, and the anger in his heart almost ran away, "Damn it!! Damn it!!!"

"Chianti, calm down." Cohn's voice rang through the intercom. "It's not the time to deal with the devil. You must focus on the task."

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