Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 770

The scene that Cohen feared the most still happened. Because of Qiye's existence, Chianti lost the calmness and judgment that a sniper should have. At this time, it would be bad if Chianti couldn't calm down.

"Chianti," Gin said coldly. "Go and track the third car right away."

The gin’s voice was cold, with his endless murderous aura and indifference, causing Bourbon, Rum, and Cohen to tremble unconsciously. Even Chianti couldn’t help but a chill rose on his back. The anger was after all Squeezed down a bit, he turned around and chased the third car that Rum was looking at.

Chianti knew that Gin’s killing intent was not fake, nor was it so kind to make her calm, because if Chianti could not calm down to complete the task, or even cause the mission to fail because of her, Gin might break Chianti.


"A black Porsche and four motorcycles, it seems that the plan is a success." Qiye drove the Lamborghini and smiled. The plan went smoothly unexpectedly. Fortunately, the gin is smart enough and not smart enough. Otherwise, then In trouble.

"Don't be so proud, the last step has not been completed yet." Shui Wulian gave Qiye a blank look and said uncomfortably.

"An La An La, I see, then I will trouble you to beat me."

"Humph!" Shui Wu Reina snorted, closed her eyes, and concentrated her mind. Although she closed her eyes, she still seemed to be able to see a scene, but she appeared in another car.

In the third car, "Shui Wu Ren Na" who was supposed to be in a coma suddenly woke up, holding the bomb box with the signal transmitter in his hand, and slammed it at the man beside him.

There are a lot of nerves in the cervical spine. If this place receives a heavy blow, it will really faint, and the driver faints, the car suddenly loses control, and is racing in the street.

The sudden change made Gin's speed slow down, and they didn't want to go up and die.

The dark blue van made a turn on the highway, and then slammed into the guardrail on the side of the road. A big hole was installed in the guardrail. It was a rude parking method.

"It hurts!" "Shui Wu Ren Nai" got out of the car, clutched his right shoulder, gritted his teeth.


"What's going on, why the car would..." Gin looked coldly at "Shui Wu Nai". If she can't tell the truth, the Gin boss will draw his gun.

"I learned from the FBI radio that you were coming to rescue me, so I saw the right time, knocked him out with the bomb box in his hand, and pulled the handbrake!"

"In other words, you are locked in the hospital by the FBI, but you are conscious."

"Well, I woke up two or three days ago, but the FBI thought I was still in a coma."

"Since Kiel got it back smoothly, let's withdraw it." Rum said a word in Qiye's mind.

"Yeah..." Gin didn't find any flaws for the time being, and said slightly, "If you want to withdraw, you must first deal with this stupid FBI who has taken the heavy task alone. Let's start, Chianti!"

"Received!" Chianti raised the sniper rifle and aimed at a target less than ten meters away. She was really depressed for too long, "I haven't seen blood for a long time!"


Chianti fired a shot, so of course there is no possibility of losing his hand at such a close distance. The bullet hit the temple of the driver in the car and shot a headshot!!


After Chianti’s bullet hit the car, the car exploded, but Chianti has seen a headshot, and the gin will no longer be traced. In addition, passers-by passed by and everyone drove away. "No mercy" also officially returned to the embrace of the organization.

"The plan is successful!" Shui Wuren on the Lamborghini in Seven Nights opened his eyes and showed an excited smile.


Let’s explain the plan in detail. Gin’s plan is to use bombs and videos to deliberately let the FBI know that they have been exposed and forced to transfer the water without mercy, and then regain the water during the transfer process.

As for Qiye's plan, they took advantage of the gin's plan and sent a fake to the gin, while the original one was transferred to Qiye's own home.

As for this fake, it’s not a normal clone, it’s like a clone, using Qiye’s Chakra, water and blood of Shui Wu Nai, plus a condemned man made it, with the memory and DNA of Sui Wu Nai, even if it’s tested. Fingerprints and DNA are flawless.

And Qiye and Shui Wu Renai both have the power to control this clone. Under normal circumstances, the clone will act according to Shui Wu Ren's memory and behavior, but some special situations require Shui Wu Ren's control, such as the situation just now.

And this time the plan was finally a perfect success. It was a success. A fake product was sent to the organization, and the genuine product took the sheep home.

Shui Wu Reina leaned on the back of the co-pilot's seat, with an unprecedented relaxed smile on his face.

"Thanks to you, I can take a relaxing holiday."

Chapter 754-Transition!

Now there is an elephant turned clone instead of Shui Wu Reina to sneak into the organization to become an undercover agent, and this double is still not at risk of being seen through, then Shui Wu Reina can easily change his identity and live the life of an ordinary person, even the CIA Do not know at all.

For people like them, it is simply an extravagant hope to be an ordinary person, whether it is a killer, FBI, or CIA, it is basically harder to come out on this road, and it is more difficult to come out again. What's more, if you are an undercover agent, you must be prepared to sacrifice at any time.

But now, the task assigned by the CIA has a stand-in to perform it on his behalf. No one will find the flaws. My brother Eiyu Hondō has also accepted the FBI's witness protection plan and has been sent to the United States. There is no need to worry. Reina is really able to be a normal person without incident.

"So, this is my credit." Qiye drove home with Shui Wuren, smiling evilly.

"Don't come." Shui Wu Reina glanced at him and said: "You don't want to take advantage of me, and I just live with you temporarily, don't think bad things all day long!"

"I don’t think about it all day, then I think about it occasionally." Qiye parked the car on the side of the road, smirking at Shui Wurenai, "And if you want to live in my house, you have to pay me some rent, but I don’t I will collect money from you and the rent is paid."

"Do you dare to be more shameless?"


Shui Wu Reina rolled his eyes, his face was slightly red, and he changed the subject and said: "Then you have so many people in your family, will you collect rent from them?"

"Of course not, they are all my beloved women." Qiye put his eyes on the road and started the car again, "All those who can enter my house are my women!"

"Humph!" Shui Wu Rina snorted softly, closed his eyes and stopped talking, lest this guy say anything embarrassing and ashamed of her.

"Hahahaha..." Qiye laughed and abducted this beautiful CIA agent home, and the next day, Fei Yingli had an extra secretary.


Some people are happy, and of course there are others who are upset. For example, Chianti, the most wild woman in the world, is very upset now.

At the end of the mission, Kiel was successfully rescued. After the disbandment, Chianti returned to the place where she temporarily lived. This cannot be called a home, and people like her will not have a home.


Chianti threw the backpack with the sniper rifle onto the wall, because the gun had been locked before, so there was no need to worry about fire.

"Damn it!!" Chianti looked angry. Although the mission was successful this time, she didn't have any joy because she failed to kill the devil.

Killing the Demon King with a shot has almost become Chianti's obsession, but knowing that this mission will encounter the Demon King, she has no chance to shoot him. Chianti's depression and anger can be imagined.

Chianti walked to the wall, grabbed a dozen darts inserted on the dart board in one hand, then walked to the other side, flicked his hand, threw the dart out, and accurately nailed the heart of the dart board. Attached a photo of Qiye!

"Damn devil, my old lady must kill you!!"


A high-level clone technique like turning clone is like magic in this world of low power level. Even gin or BOSS has not found any problems, and Hontang Yinghai has completely integrated into her. The new identity is Miss Hideki Nanase, the secretary and assistant of Attorney Hideri.

After all, Yinghai in our hall is still a kind and righteous person. She also wants to do something that can fight crime while ensuring safety. There are only two ways, either to go to the Metropolitan Police Department or to come. Fei Yingli is here, but Yinghai of the main hall chose the latter.

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