Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 771

Working in a law firm can also fight crime, and there is no such high risk of organizing undercover, and there is no need to strain the strings in his head all the time, which makes Emi Hondō very satisfied.

Qiye went to the Metropolitan Police Department for a two-day shift, then teased Xiao Mirai at home, and then came to Fei Yingli's office.

"Oh, you have adapted quite quickly."

With her hands in her pockets, Qiye smiled and looked at Shui Wu Nai, who had been fully engaged in work, with a very satisfied look in her eyes. What he wanted was the ease and joy of Yinghai, without the need to tighten his heartstrings all the time.

"Of course, if I don't work well, I will be fired." Yinghai, the main hall, sorted out the documents in his hand, and joked: "Lawyer Concubine is the queen of the legal profession. If she is fired, she will fight for labor I can't win the lawsuit."

"If this is the case, then give me a good job and talk less!" Fei Yingli glared at Yinghai in cooperation, and then the two women looked at each other and smiled.

"The relationship is really good. It's really fast for women to establish friendship." Qiye sighed, and then sat on the sofa, Li Shanlu immediately offered a cup of hot tea.

Qiye took a sip slowly, and said, "Hyori, are there any interesting cases recently?"

Fei Yingli's IQ is very high, and her memory is naturally very good. Basically, as long as it is a case she has fought, she can remember it for a long time, let alone the one she was dealing with recently.

"There should be none that is interesting to you, but there is one that is interesting to me." Fei Yingli smiled and accurately pulled out one from a pile of folders, turned it over, and said: "It's a murder case. The suspect caught by the police was a thief, his footprints and hair were on the scene, and his clothes were stained with blood from the dead."

"Isn't this the evidence is already conclusive? Why would you take this kind of case?" Qiye put down the teacup and looked at Concubine Yingli strangely. A lawyer would not accept this kind of conclusive case, even if he remained undefeated. Recorded Fei Yingli.

"Because the prosecutor in this case is very powerful." Fei Yingli smiled slightly, closed the folder, and then looked at Qiye with her hands on her head.

"Your smile, that is, the prosecutor must be Reiko." Qiye's eyes turned into dead fish eyes, is it finally coming, the fourth episode of the court duel series.

"That's right, I'm going to fight Reiko again this time. Who will you help this time, Qiye?" Fei Yingli looked at Qiye playfully, her eyes full of evil.

The previous three duels between Fei Yingri and Kujo Reiko ended in Fei Yingri's victory. In those three times, Nanya was on Feiyingri’s side, but now, Kujo Reiko has officially become Nanaya’s woman, and Nanya chooses to help. Who, really is a difficult choice.

"Don't you two want to tear me up alive?" Qiye shook her head with a wry smile. The difficulty of this choice is no less than that of making Judy give up her hatred of Belmode. It's a result of too much effort. .

Fei Yingli shrugged and said: "That's not something I should consider, and you are not very good, Mr. Liudao Qiye?"


Qiye's brows bounced, and a mouthful of the hot tea dried up, and then rushed over, and the spring song of Fei Yingli soon sounded in the office.

This hall Yinghai stood at the door of the office, with the undisguised scene reverberated in his head, he secretly took a sip, clutching his flushed face, and ran away.

Chapter 755-It's really lively!

Duo duo!

"Please come in."

Qiye knocked on the door, and there was Kujo Reiko's voice. There was no fluctuation in her tone. It sounded like she should be working now. Qiye smiled, unscrewed the doorknob, and walked in.

"Oh, Chief Prosecutor, you are really serious about your work, aren't you afraid of exhausting your body?" Qiye said in a malicious tone, "In that case, I will smash your ass."

With such a familiar voice, coupled with the fact that only one person in the world spoke to her in this way, Reiko Kujo immediately recognized the person, and his attention finally shifted from the file in front of him, with a charming smile on his face, and The dark green eyes turned white again for Qiye.

"Why, Da Lover, finally have time to come to me? No need to accompany your dear little future?"

"I can't tell you about the great love." Qiye scratched her hair, and then sat in front of Reiko Kujo, "but it's true that I'm more idle."

"You don't think of me until you are free!" Reiko Kujo patted the table and said angrily, with a strong sourness in her tone.

"You don't have to be so jealous." Qiye rolled her eyes helplessly, "You two have caused me a lot of trouble."

"Oh?" Reiko Kujo was taken aback, and then he reacted, with a playful smile on his face, and said: "It seems that you already know, and Hideri and I are going to fight in court again this time. Who will you help?"

Reiko Kujo is not an unreasonable woman. Although the previous three duels gave her a three-game losing streak, Reiko Kujo was still very happy to find the real murderer, but she helped Concubine Hideri every Nanya Without helping her, Kujo Reiko's heart was full of resentment.Now that Reiko Kujo was his woman, she really wanted to know whose side Nanaya would be on this time.

"You two will really add problems to me." Qiye smiled helplessly, Fei Yingli had the same idea, and wanted to see where Qiye stood this time.

"It's really troublesome to have two wives fighting on the stage." Qiye stretched out her hands and sighed helplessly.

"What's your enviable idea?!" Reiko Kujo immediately glanced at Qiye. How many men could be jealous of this guy's troubles.

"Then let others envy me a little more." Qiye laughed, and ignore the troubles in the court for the time being. Qiye pushed Reiko Kujo directly onto the desk.


After enjoying with Kujo Reiko, Qiye returned home refreshed, and just opened the door, she was hugged by a little guy.

"Dad." Xiao Mirai held Qiye's legs, raised his head, and looked at Qiye cutely. The small mouth that had grown a few teeth still gave a lovely smile, but why did the two tiger teeth grow the fastest?

"Oh, feed my little princess." Qiye squatted down and picked up the future, letting her sit in her arms, "How about it, are you naughty today?"

"No, the future is very good." Mirai inherited Qiye's ability to lie without blinking, and said with a grin, his little mouth left a drool mark on Qiye's face, and then "Look, I'm very good." Look like.

"You girl." Qiye squeezed Mirai's nose amusedly. He wouldn't believe this girl if she wasn't naughty and killed.


Sure enough, when Qiye thought this way, Xiao Lan's slightly anxious voice came from the kitchen, and then Xiao Lan, wearing an apron, ran out of the kitchen and saw the little future held by Qiye. He breathed a sigh of relief, then walked over with a slight anger.

"In the future, didn't I tell you not to run around?"

It is really difficult to make Xiaolan angry. There is no way, the future will be too heavy in her heart. If something happens to this girl, Xiao Lan is afraid it will be blackened directly.

"Look, you girl made mom angry, what should you do?"

"Mom, I'm sorry." Mirai said in a soft voice with a narrowed mouth. She is not an ordinary child, of course she understands her mother's affection for her.

Xiaolan was originally not a hard-hearted person, and even more unsuitable for acting as a villain. Seeing the future look like this, her heart suddenly softened, pinched the little face of the future, and then took her from Qiye’s arms, her tone helpless And said lovingly: "Okay, don't do this again in the future, you know?"

"Hehe, I see." Mirai immediately showed a playful smile on Xiaolan's face. At the same time, it made Xiaolan's face feel good, but at the same time, she wondered whether she should really teach this girl's mind. Of course, almost everyone in the family is I thought about it, but in the end, I couldn't stop it.

Mirai seemed to know that he had made a mistake and wanted to make up for it, so this time he didn't rely on Qiye, but lay quietly in Xiaolan's arms, which was a rare obedient.

Qiye sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs folded, watching TV, while the old god was eating the dessert and fruit salad that Xiaolan had just made.

"Brother Qiye, tell you a very interesting thing." Bumei lay on the sofa with arms and legs, and came to Qiye's side, saying with a look of treasure.

Qiye used a fork to fork a dragon fruit and put it into Bumei's mouth, then looked at this girl who looked like offering treasures, and said: "What's the matter, what's the fun?"

Amy propped up her body, changed to kneel on the sofa, and said, "It's really a fun thing!" As he spoke, she compared her hand to a big circle to show her degree.

Qiyacha picked up a piece of apple and was about to eat, a small hand grabbed the fork in his hand unceremoniously, and then put the apple into his mouth even more unceremoniously.

"Ms. Xiaolin is going to be a juror." Xiao Ai held a fork in his mouth, and then took off his white coat and set it aside.

"Hey, sad." Bu Mei's enthusiastic expression suddenly collapsed, "Don't say it so quickly."

"Juror?" Qiye's mouth twitched, "Can she do it?"

Of course, Didan Elementary School also holds parent-teacher conferences. Of course, Bumei's parent-teacher conference is also attended by her mother. Xiaoai's side is usually visited by Mingmei or Qiye as her sister and brother-in-law.

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