Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 773

"Did the defendant plead guilty?"

Toshio Iwamatsu shook his head severely and shouted, "I didn't do it, I am innocent!!"

It is still relatively rare to completely retract a confession in court, and the two confession and innocence are completely opposite. The presiding judge seemed calm and said: "What about the defense lawyer's opinion?"

"Like the defendant, I advocate innocence for murder." Fei Yingli stood up and said calmly and confidently. Of course, she was also very skillful in speaking. She only advocated innocence for murder, but admitted to burglary. .

"Then, start the evidence investigation."

"First, please see the inspection report of the remains."

"Jury, please look at the screen in front of you."

There are screens in front of the judges and jurors, which is very convenient when providing electronic evidence. On the screen, photos of the corpse and inspection results are displayed. The bloody scene is still very shocking for ordinary people. Yes, after all, it's not a movie, it's really dead.

"Ms. Xiaolin is okay." Ayumi said worriedly. She has also encountered many cases and seen a lot of corpses. Although she would still be afraid if she saw the corpses on the spot, but if she only looked at the photos That's okay, as for Xiaolin Chengzi, just look at her poor face.

"Don't worry, Bumei." Qiye rubbed Bumei's hair and said, "There will be no problem." It should be...

After all the jurors had seen the photos of the remains, Reiko Kujo also began to speak, saying: "The silkscreen is due to excessive blood loss caused by the abdominal wound. According to the shape of the wound, the murder weapon is presumed to be an object such as a knife. It should be around 15cm."

After the on-site report and the corpse report, it was the testimony of the witnesses at the scene. The first witness was the babysitter at the deceased’s home, Yukie Hara.

"Are you a servant in the victim's house?"

"Yes, it's been five years."

"Please tell us about the situation at the time of the incident."

Yukie Hara recalled, and said: "I was cleaning the room on the second floor that day, and suddenly heard something below, because the master said that he would come back after playing golf and eating, so I thought it was a mistake, but when I cleaned When I went downstairs and passed the study room, I heard something inside and the window opened. When I walked in, I saw that the master was already lying on the ground and dead."

"I'm finished."

"What's the problem with the defense lawyer?"

"There was no trace of the prisoner when the witness went to the room, right?"

"Yes, only the master lay there bleeding."

Fei Yingli organized a language in her heart and said: "Jury, please note that the witness is only the first eyewitness, and did not see the scene of the quarrel between the victim and the defendant mentioned by the prosecutor just now."

If a witness has witnessed the prisoner's face, it is evidence of iron strike, but if not, there is still room for change for a long time.

Next is the second witness, Tsukano Kyou, a man in his forties.

"You are the younger brother of the victim's deceased wife."

"Yes, I am also a member of Ishigaki President's company."

"That day you also visited the victim because of work and encountered this case."

"Yes, regarding the transaction, the president is in urgent need of payment, so I went to the president's house, but found that he was lying on the ground covered in blood, I quickly asked Ms. Yuan to call an ambulance, but... every juror , The president is the only relative I can rely on after my sister's death... Please be sure to sentence the prisoner who killed the president to a heavy sentence!" After speaking, Tsukano cried.

"Excuse me, the prosecutor, it is said that the murder weapon has not been found, was it taken by the murderer?"

"We think so too, so we searched around the defendant's escape route, but we haven't found it yet."

Facing Reiko Kujo’s words, Fei Yingli immediately counterattacked without mercy, saying: "The defendant was arrested urgently within 20 minutes after the incident. From the scene of the arrest to the scene of the crime, it takes 15 years to run at full force. Minutes, the defendant wanted to discard the murder weapon outside the police's search area. It is conceivable that he did not have that much time.

"It's a beautiful fight." Xiao Ai said with a smile in her arms, in a posture of a queen's aura. This case was very unfavorable for Concubine Yingri, but she fought back again and again, and it also made Nine Reiko. In other words, I have to say it is awesome.

Next is to look at the record of the crime scene. Kobayashi Sumiko discovered that the paintings hanging in the victim’s study were upside down, but in the scene records, the paintings showed no signs of being moved. Kobayashi's words were basically treated as nonsense, and let She was hit hard.

The first court ended here. In general, Fei Yingli changed the previous unfavorable situation, and now it is basically a tie, but this is only the first court, and the next second court is the time when things change.

Chapter 757-Evidence Search!

"Yingli, the first court played well."

In the main entrance hall of the court, Reiko Kujo and Eri Kiyo shook hands and smiled and commented that they are rivals in court, but in court, they are sisters in the same bed. If they are still awkward in private, they will be caught. Spanked.

"Thank you for the compliment, Reiko." Fei Yingli also smiled, and said: "You too, and you still have the upper hand, after all, I haven't thought of how to beat the blood, footprints and hair."

"Oh, is it? Then it's settled out of court."

"Forget it, my queen's name can't simply collapse."

Reiko Kujo shrugged and turned to leave. After all, they are representing the defense and the prosecution separately. Although they have a good relationship, they can't communicate too much in private.

Fei Yingli also turned to the other side and left. When the two women turned and walked away, Qiye and Xiaoai, Bumei also walked out of the court.

"Why, don't you need to chase?" Xiao Ai hugged her arms and looked at Qiye jokingly.

"Chasing you!" Qiye turned against Xiao Ai, "They are not quarreling, what is there to chase after, and they go on both sides, how do you tell me to chase?"

"Huh, don't you have a way to deal with women?"

"Yes, I'll deal with you first." Qiye knelt down and pinched Xiao Ai's nose, and then she got a bite.

"Ms. Xiao Lin!" Bu Mei called out, and saw Chengko Xiao Lin, who looked a little lost, walk out.

"Bumei." Xiaolin Chengzi cheered up, showing a smile, touching Bumei's head, "Bumei, why did you come here?"

She was too nervous just now, and she was sitting down without noticing Bu Mei for so long.

"Bumei knows that the teacher will be a juror, so she invited me to come to the trial together." Xiao Ai said with a cool expression.

Sumiko Kobayashi has long been accustomed to this girl’s precocious and cool words, but her face was stained with a bit of embarrassment, not because of Xiaoai’s coolness, but because of the content of her words. Of students see it?Sumiko Kobayashi wanted to hit her head to death.

"Hey, Qiye, I want to go to the crime scene." Xiao Ai's eyes turned into iconic dead fish eyes. Looking at Qiye, she knows the reason for Xiaolin Chengzi's expression, although it is still on the surface. Cool, but in my heart I want to help this serious teacher.

"Can you not want it?" Qiye knew what Xiao Ai meant, and deliberately quarreled with her on the subject, "I want to go home to sleep, and the one in the future..."


When Qiye didn’t finish her words, she was kicked by Aidian. Looking at Qiye’s jumping appearance, Aidian’s cold eyes were stained with a smile, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, but her eyes were still dead fish. The look of his eyes said: "What you said just now, I did not hear clearly."


Qiye wanted to say yes, but seeing that Xiao Ai was about to lift up with a kick, she still swallowed half of the sentence.

"Then it's so decided, but take a look at the scene of the crime." Xiao Ai curled up her mouth as if triumphantly, then looked at Chengzi Xiaolin, and said, "Ms. Xiao Lin come together."

"Hey?" Xiaolin Chengzi was taken aback.

Ayumi's eyes lit up, and she took Kobayashi Chengko's hand, and said, "Teacher, too, let's take a look at the reversed painting. Maybe we can find any clues?"

A smile appeared on Kobayashi Sumiko's face, and she rubbed Bumei's hair? This student, although he matured a little bit earlier, would really care about people.

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