Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 774


Qiye drove to the scene of the crime. Don't ask how he knew the address. Reiko Kujo said clearly when reading the indictment.

However, the more troublesome problem is that Qiye came from a Lamborghini today, with only two seats. Qiye drove. Originally, Bumei and Xiaoai didn't feel crowded in the co-pilot, but adding an adult would be more troublesome.

In the end, it could only be Xiao Lin Chengzi holding Bu Mei and Qiye holding Xiao Ai.

"This... will not be dangerous, right?" Kobayashi Chengzi said with a twitching corner of her mouth. After all, he was still holding a child in his arms when driving, which always made people feel a little worried.

"Don't worry, Teacher Xiaolin, Brother Qiye won't have an accident, and he doesn't want sister Yumi to catch it." Ayumi sat on Xiaolin Chengzi and giggled, not feeling this dangerous at all.

"Sister Yumi?" Sumiko Kobayashi asked suspiciously. She obviously hadn't heard the name Miyamoto Yumi, who didn't always dismiss the Metropolitan Police Department.

"It's a female traffic policeman from the Metropolitan Police Department." Xiao Ai explained, and then stabbed the person behind her in the ribs with her arm. "This guy's of them."



When Qiye arrived at the scene of the crime, they found that someone had already boarded first. Qiye and they drove there not long after the end of the first court, and there was still someone ahead of them.

"Hey, Reiko, you don't have to be so serious." Qiye said helplessly while watching the Kujo Reiko who was directing the work of the investigators at the crime scene. This girl was a bit too serious, and she rushed here so soon. The search has already begun.

"Qiyao?" Reiko Kujo looked at Qiye in a little surprise, and said, "Why did you come here? Are you looking for any evidence that can help Yingli?"

"I'm not so boring. I might as well go home and play with the future when I have time." Qiye said with a blind eye, but this is a bit in line with his sincerity, so you know.

"Sister Reiko, has the painting been checked?" Xiao Ai asked Reiko Kujo, pointing at the strange words on the wall.

"Is that painting? Not yet." Reiko Kujo looked at Sumiko Kobayashi, but didn't say anything embarrassing her.

Xiao Ai looked up at Qiye, then kicked him.

"Hi, hey~~ I see." Qiye reluctantly patted the trousers, then walked to the strange painting that couldn't see the front and back, and was too lazy to wear gloves and took the painting off.

"Hey...that..." The investigators wanted to remind Qiye to wear gloves, but Qiye already held the painting firmly.

"Hey, I will let you take my fingerprints in a big deal," Qiye said indifferently, and then turned around.

Because the painting is relatively large, Qiye took it down by holding the two sides of the frame with both hands. When turning around, the back of the painting appeared in front of Reiko Kujo, Xiaoai and the others, making their faces look surprised. .

"There are blood stains on the painting." Xiao Ai pointed at the back corner of the painting.

"Blood stains?" Qiyejiang put the painting on the ground, reached out and touched the corner of the stained blood. It was completely dry, but Qiye could be sure that it was human blood. "If this painting is OK, it will kill me. Do not believe."

"Teacher Xiao Lin, there is a real problem with this painting!" Ayumi said excitedly, holding Sumiko Kobayashi's hand.

"Yes." Xiaolin Chengzi's face also showed a smile, she was right, there was indeed a problem with this reversed statement, which made her feel a lot better.

When the back of the painting of Qiyejiang was opened, there was a thick stack of bills placed in the mezzanine, including constraints, trading vouchers, and stock slips. This stack of paper was worth a lot of money.

"I found something amazing." Qiye pulled out an IOU of three million yuan from a pile of lists, and the person who borrowed the money was the defendant Toshio Iwamatsu!

"This is really a big discovery." A smile appeared on Kujo Reiko's face. This excuse was enough to be the motive for Toshio Iwamatsu's murder, and then turned to look at Kobayashi Sumiko.

"Thank you so much."

Chapter 758-Evidence!

Reiko Kujo's words are definitely a great encouragement to Sumiko Kobayashi. Although she may not be a juror in the future, the experience this time is quite good.

It was a shame at first, but I didn't expect to find the key evidence of the case and the motive for the murder. This is enough for Sumiko Kobayashi to be proud. After all, she is just a female elementary school teacher who has not much contact with the case.

"It seems that the Goddess of Victory is on my side this time." Reiko Kujo said with a smile while holding the IOU, looking at Qiye closely.

The corners of Nanya's mouth twitched, and she felt that Kujo Reiko's idea of ​​defeating Concubine Hideri was going to fail. Although he didn't know how the court battle was solved, the result was definitely Conqueror's victory. The reason is that Fei Yingli is the main supporting role, or the mother of the heroine Xiaolan, and Reiko Kujo is an original animation character. This is the difference.

The question now is, the truth of this case?

Qiye looked around, walked to the side of a cabinet, frowned, and said, "Hey, was there a vase here before?"


Qiye pointed to the cabinet and said, "There is obviously paper for the vase, but the vase is gone."

"Really, there are signs of ageing around the paper, but not in the middle."

Qiye turned her head and looked at the deceased's servant Hara Yukie, who was nervously scratching her hands, and said, "Ms. Hara, do you know anything?"

"Hey?" Yuan Xinghui was taken aback for a moment, and said, "That was the vase that the lady liked most during her lifetime. It had been placed there before, but the master recently threw it away.

"Oh, did you throw it away?" Qiye raised an eyebrow, and he didn't believe it.

Reiko Kujo stared at Qiye slightly, and said, "Do you still want to help Yingli win this case this time?"

Qiye's mouth twitched, and said: "If I said it was you would kill me?"

"Maybe you can think about this." Reiko Kujo said with a smile, but then her face changed and said, "No matter what, I just want the truth."

"That's how I like you so much."


Although Kujo Reiko is eager to compete, her pursuit of the truth is better than her desire for victory. Even if she loses, she does not want the truth to be buried. This is the point of her arrogance but not annoying.

If Kujo Reiko and Fei Hideri really care about this victory, Nanaya would have to think about what to do.

"I heard that I found the evidence of Mr. Iwamatsu." Fei Hideri, who was informed by Reiko Kujo, soon appeared at the scene of the crime.

Reiko Kujo took the piece of IOU and said, "Yes, it was found behind the reversed statement. An IOU of three million yuan. It seems that the defendant had the motive to kill the victim, Yingli."

"That is to say, it was not chosen by accident as the target of theft."

"I will present it as a strong piece of evidence in the next trial. You have to be prepared, Yingli."

"Don't worry, Reiko, I'll take them all."

Fei Yingri and Kujo Reiko looked at each other, and the tense, serious and solemn atmosphere spread in the study, making Kobayashi Sumiko couldn't help taking two steps back.

"It's terrible..." Xiao Lin Chengzi wiped the cold sweat from her head, and said with some timidity.

"They have always been like this." Xiao Ai folded her arms and raised the corners of her mouth, and said: "Although the relationship is very good in private, they become disapproving when they get to the court."

"Yeah, two women who don't make people worry."

"Mr. Liudao Qiye, are you qualified to speak of others?"

"Of course, I am at best a man who doesn't make people worry."

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