Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 778


Wearing a nightgown and looking at Judy in front of him, Belmode spoke softly, with a rare sincerity in his tone.

Belmode, the witch, would actually apologize?This obviously surprised Judy, who was stunned for a moment. Judy said with a sneer, "I didn't expect you to apologize?"

Belmode fluffed his long hair, which was still watery, leaned against the wall, and said, "I will not apologize because I will not regret what I did, including killing your parents. ."

Judy's eyes became sharp, and her tone brought true indifference, and said, "Then what did you just say?"

Belmode smiled and said: "I just don't want him to do it hard."

"He..." Judy said softly, her face flushed.

Belmode turned around and walked to his bedroom, leaving Judy silent for a long time.

"Are you here today for the future or for him."

Chapter 762-Organization!

It has to be said that Belmode is indeed a woman who is very psychic, no matter how much Judy hates her, Judy does not know how to refute this sentence.

Judy will suppress the hatred of Belmod today and enjoy a dinner with Belmod. Is there no way to refuse the girl in the future or because of the man sitting between her and Belmod.

That’s right. At dinner, Qiye took the first seat. Belmode and Judy were on his left and right. They were less than one meter apart. Judy and Belmode were facing each other. I have to say that the need is really big Courage.

At dinner, most of the family members might be worried that Judy would draw a gun and go to war with Belmode, but not at all.

Because Qiye, this family, after all, he is the only owner, and Judy did not go to war with Belmode because of him.

"This woman..."

Not knowing how long after Belmode left, Judy helped her forehead, her tone of helplessness and some ease, and the burden on her body was relieved.

Then, under the leadership of Honami, Judy came to the room that had been prepared for her.


Judy’s stay is definitely good news for Qiye, and when Qiye was somewhat happy with the news, Yinghai from the main hall also brought him other news.


In the darkness, a man’s indifferent and gloomy voice sounded, with a tall figure, long light blonde hair, and a black windbreaker. It was the gin boss. That’s right, and the person he faced was naturally the black organization. A mysterious BOSS.

"How is the result?" In the darkness that could not be seen, the BOSS said coldly, with a cold tone, which did not seem to be a human tone.

"I've tried it, Kiel has no problem." Gin said very succinctly, reporting the previous mission to the boss, and that mission was also about Kiel, the main hall Yinghai.

Although "Kiel" was successfully "rescued" last time, for the organization, after all, Kiel spent so long with the FBI guys when the organization was unable to monitor it. Although Kiel said, she has been They were all pretending to be in a coma. The FBI didn't know the news that she was sober, but for the suspicious Gin and BOSS, it is absolutely impossible to rest assured that he will not test Kiel again.

And testing Kiel is the task of Gin after that.

Fortunately, Yinghai had faced this situation before, with Qiye’s help, and now Keir is just another avatar with an elephant turn. There is no worries about it, so she fainted easily. Gin did not notice any problems.

"Hmm..." The BOSS faintly responded, and then there was a few minutes of silence. Gin also got used to the BOSS's way of speaking. A few minutes later...

"What about Shirley?"

Speaking of Shirley, the already dark and gloomy aura on the gin's body suddenly became gloomy for another three minutes, and a bit of cold murderous aura appeared in the emerald green eyes.

"Gin!" The BOSS sounded with a dissatisfied voice, which also calmed the gin.

"Yes, yesterday, a surveillance camera photographed Shirley shopping in Ginza, and she has changed back to what she was."

"Oh? Are you so blatant?" In the darkness, the BOSS's eyes narrowed slightly, "That demon..."

The attention of BOSS at this time is obviously on the devil instead of Shirley. As a traitor to the organization, he dare to go shopping in crowded places like Ginza so blatantly, it is obvious that he has no need to fear the organization. , That relying, is also obviously the devil.

Except for the FBI, CIA, and ICPO, the organization is most concerned about the devil. The world's number one killer is still a lone ranger not controlled by any organization or state. These two points are enough to attract the attention of the world. The organization is no exception.

Before, there was no conflict between the organization and the Devil. In the United States, it happened that Gin and Demon performed the same task at the same time. It was not a great thing, and the change of the organization was after Japan. .

First it was Miyano Akemi, she was just a peripheral member, that was okay, and then Shirley, the core scientist of the organization, was big.

Because Shirley actually became smaller after taking that poison, the organization did not find her for a long time, and when Shirley was exposed to the organization, the identity of the demon king was also revealed. She was actually a Japanese. Police officers on duty.

According to the organization's past style, the target was killed a long time ago, but this time the target was a bit stronger. In order to deal with the demon king, the organization apparently checked all his information.

Qiye’s information is easy to check. Of course, it’s also because he often appears in the newspapers. Everyone knows about Qiye’s lust. This was originally a breakthrough, but the strength of the three companies: Toxic Island, Suzuki, and Gaocheng forced the organization to plan. Suppressed for a while.

Although the organization has a large number of killers, facing the three, the organization dare not easily touch their bottom line, otherwise it will anger the sleeping lion and it will be no good to anyone.

"BOSS, please let me deal with the Demon King." Gin said coldly when facing the BOSS, and his tone was full of murderous intent on the Demon King.

Da Da... Da Da... Da Da...

A rhythmic percussion sounded, and the BOSS's middle and index fingers kept tapping the armrest of the chair. After a while, he said: "No, don't conflict with him for now."

Gin's brows were obviously frowned, and he said, "Why?"

"The purpose of the organization now is not the devil, but the medicine. Don't forget our ultimate goal, gin." BOSS said coldly, "The key now is to get the research results of that medicine from Shirley."

APTX-4869, this is definitely related to the ultimate goal of the organization. It can make people rejuvenate, and even rejuvenate. It is not difficult for Qiye to resurrect, but there is one thing he cares about, that is, who the organization wants to give. Take this medicine, this is the crux of the problem.

Although few, Shirley’s research results have transformed her and Kudo Shinichi into seven-year-old children, and now they have both changed back. This is definitely a breakthrough for the organization, so The information in Shirley's hands is absolutely necessary for the organization.

"Yes, BOSS."

In the darkness, the BOSS closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, saying, "Gin, there is a task for you."

Chapter 763-Mission!

Gin walked out of the organization building. Today was a good day, the sun was shining, and the bright but not hot sunlight shone on Gin's face in the morning, but it was gloomy.

Gin got into his Porsche, lighted a cigarette, and smoked silently.

Rum originally wanted to ask Gin, what new instructions the BOSS had, but seeing that Gin's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he still wisely gave up this idea.

Because there was no instruction for the gin, Rum did not start the car, and the gin remained silent until the cigarette in his mouth was about to burn to the filter, when the gin popped the cigarette butt out of the window, and said coldly: "Go to base two."

The organization is very powerful in Japan and has connections with many politicians. In Japan, the organization also has a lot of strongholds and bases. Some are scientific research bases that exist for the development of anti-natural drugs, such as some hospitals, or It is the research and development center of medicine, perhaps the base of organization.

And some bases are used to store some contraband, such as guns and ammunition, which can be regarded as supply stations, but such supply stations are relatively few and are extremely secretive.

There is also a type of accommodation provided temporarily for members of the organization when implementing long-term plans. There are more of them, and it is not illegal to buy a house.

"Yes, brother." Although he didn't know the reason, Rum probably knew that the gin was in a bad mood, so he wouldn't be bored enough to mess with the gin. He responded and immediately started the car.

Porsche started to move. Although it has been a classic car for half a century, the gin has maintained the car very well and made a lot of modifications. Although the outer shell is still a Porsche 356A, the engine and clutch are the main parts inside. They are all top-notch, so the car ran very smoothly, and there was no rattling sound.

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