Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 779

After the car started, Gin's emerald green eyes coldly looked at the passing street scene outside the window, took out the cigarette case, took another cigarette in his mouth, lit the cigarette with the cigarette lighter on the car, and took it out. I dialed my own IPHONE4S and dialed a number.

"Gin, what's the matter?"

As soon as the phone was connected, there was something that Chianti knew so boring as soon as she heard it. The camera switched to Chianti's current residence.

Recently, without a task, Chianti lives alone at home. Because he lives alone, Chianti is also completely raunchy, wearing a loose T-shirt, resting his head with one hand, lying on the sofa. , So that her neckline was pulled down, it seemed that there was no cover inside.

There is also a large glass bowl on the sofa, which is full of potato chips, and a few recently opened bags are scattered on the side. A woman like Chianti is also normal.

Because she is the only person in this house, Chianti didn’t even wear pants. He only had a green fat body on his lower body, and two slender jade legs were overlapped and leaned on the sofa. If you don’t count her With the boring expression on his face, this scene is quite tempting.

"Hey, gin, are there any new tasks?" Chianti put the phone on the sofa, then reached out and grabbed a handful of potato chips and stuffed it directly into his mouth, biting it, saying: "Recently I'm almost fading out the birds."

For someone like Chianti, who hasn't been tasked or killed for a long time, it's almost fading out, and his hands are itchy.

Gin probably could also guess Chianti's current state, took a deep breath, and then flicked the soot out of the window without any morals, and said coldly: "There is a task."


Hearing the word mission, Chianti was immediately as excited as if he had taken a high drug, and the whole person was almost as if he had ejected from the sofa.This violent movement also caused her rather expected breasts to touch the glass bowl full of potato chips, and she suddenly clanged.

"What? Gin, what's the new task?!" Chianti couldn't bother to care about what fell on the ground now, holding his mobile phone and shouting.

Gin's forehead bounced a few times and said, "It's the devil..."

As soon as he was halfway through the gin, Chianti immediately got excited and shouted, "That guy?! Are you finally going to kill that guy? I'm going to prepare the gun!!"

"Enough! Chianti! Listen to me finish!"

The gin boss's voice rose a little higher, which made Rum almost drove the car that was on the bridge into the river.

Chianti is also unlucky, who told her to annoy the gin with her head when she was upset.


After reacting, Gin also noticed his gaffe, spit out the cigarette butt out the window, and then took a sip. I didn't know who it was for, and no one had the guts to ask him this question.

After returning to his usual indifference, Gin told Chianti about the contents of the mission, and of course Chianti went away.

"What?! Don't kill that bastard, but trade with him?!" Chianti yelled with a mobile phone. Even if the opponent was gin, her boss, that terrifying man, Chianti could not suppress her. anger.

"Yes, this is the order of the BOSS." Gin said coldly, "I am responsible for the transaction. Your task is to prevent the FBI from appearing on the day of the transaction." After speaking, Gin immediately hung up. Called, and then lit a cigarette.


Throwing away the phone, Chianti was immediately furious. It seemed that this place immediately turned into a Jurassic, Chianti frantically vented the anger in his heart.The organization has been forbidden to kill the person, but the organization does not allow her to do anything, and he has to make a deal with him. Obviously, it is not ready to do it. At least for a short time, the organization will not have any conflict with him. This makes Chianti angry. Almost swallowed her.


Qiye's situation on Chianti's side is not clear, and Qiye is not interested in eavesdropping on the conversation between Gin and the boss. He knows this because of the notice from the main hall.

The content that the organization wants to trade with Qiye this time is about the research results of the drug APTX-4869 that Shirley has in his hands. This is extremely important to the organization, so it is also very important. Gin is responsible for the transaction. Chianti will not be disturbed by the FBI when he is in charge of the transaction, and the tasks of Kiel are the same as Chianti.

When Keel knew it, it also meant that Yinghai knew about it. If Yinghai knew this kind of news, he would naturally convey it to Qiye.

"Organization would like to trade with me?" Qiye put down the teacup, looked at the main hall of Yinghai who had heard the news strangely, and said, "It really feels like trying to get skin from a tiger."

"Finding skin with tigers?" Yinghai looked at Qiye strangely and said: "I really don't know where you learned so many idioms, but although they don't know what the organization's idea is, they attach great importance to the fact that this transaction is true. As far as I know, Gin, Chianti, Cohen, Rum, and...'Kiel' will all participate in this transaction."

There was a pause when "Kiel" was mentioned in the middle, and the main hall Yinghai felt a little weird.

"Chianti?" Qiye ignored the others, and the violent girl flashed through her mind, "Perhaps this is a good opportunity."

Chapter 764-Enjoy!

As soon as Qiye finished speaking, Yinghai's eyes became sharp, and the cat's eyes became slender. Is this a sign of anger?

Qiye scratched her cheek and said, "What do you mean by that horrible expression?"

The hall Yinghai smiled charmingly, and the two slender jade legs overlapped, and the temperament was no longer the gentleness of the past, but somewhat close to Belmode.

"Qiyao," Yinghai of the main hall called Qiye's name directly, and said, "Can you explain to me what it means,'Perhaps it is a good opportunity this time'?"

When did this girl become the queen?

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched twice, and when he smoothed it out again, the corners of her mouth had the evil smile of the past, and said: "Yinghai, what did you call me just now?"

Yinghai from the hall flirted with her long hair and said, "Qiyae, is there any problem?"

After that, the main hall Yinghai felt bad, because the smile on Qiye's face was expanding. When the main hall Yinghai didn't know what he showed and was caught by Qiye, Qiye had already launched an attack decisively.

"Qiye? Shouldn't you call me father?" Qiye said with a light smile.

Yinghai was taken aback for a moment, her face flushed quickly, her good-looking cat eyes were no longer the same as before, and she became shy, and her neat white teeth bit her lower lip lightly, with a shy look.

Dad... the word has a different meaning to Yinghai.

Ethan Bentang, the biological father of the main hall, Eihae, is also one of the CIA agents. At the beginning, in order to protect the main hall, Eikai, who had also sneaked into the undercover organization, from being discovered, he committed suicide and pretended to be killed by his daughter. This hall Yinghai.

This incident had a great impact on the main hall Yinghai. In addition, last time, when he was in the hospital, Qiye made a prank to allow main hall Yinghai to leave the ward, she turned her into the future like a prank, and it really seemed to take care of her. Taking care of her as a daughter, this made Electra complex in Yinghai's heart.

This expression is too seductive~human~~

Qiye looked at Yinghai's shy expression, and thought in her heart that Yinghai and other big beauties in this hall have a shy look of a young girl who is not obsessed with death.

It's still early to grow up, but now you can taste this cheap daughter first.

Qiye touched the corner of her mouth, thought evilly, and then acted, and threw the main hall Yinghai onto the sofa.

Qiye's scarlet eyes, with evil and smile, looked down at her, this pair of beautiful cat eyes dotted with panic and shyness.

"Having such a beautiful daughter by her side really tests me as a father." Qiye smiled badly, squeezing the beautiful girl under her body.

"Hey, don't make any mistake, your daughter is only one year old." Yinghai was ashamed and panicked in her heart, and she stretched out her hand for seven nights to remind him that he is a man with a daughter.

"Yes, but the eldest daughter is mature enough to eat it." Qiye closed her eyes and breathed intoxicatedly the smell of Yinghai's body... how could it be a bit like catnip?Okay, just kidding.

Qiye stretched out her hand and began to unbutton the main hall Yinghai's sea clothes, her hands lowered and the main hall Yinghai's breathing became more and more rapid.

"No... don't... Qiye..." Hontang Yinghai stretched out her hand to push Qiye's chest, and said, panting.

"What do you call me?" Qiye gently bit the earlobe of Hontang Yinghai, making this lovely place bright red, exhaling on Hontang Yinghai's face, and said.

Yinghai was taken aback for a moment. The wise she took care of Qiye’s meaning, her face flushed with shame and struggle, hesitated for a long time, almost after biting her lip, she spoke and whispered: "Dad ..."

"Well, good girl." Qiye nodded in satisfaction, and his breathing became heavy. Under Yinghai's half-push, he removed all the covering from her body, and then entered her body.

"It hurts!" With an inevitable cry, Yinghai's face turned pale, her nails scratched the expensive leather sofa, and blood ran on the brown sofa. This sofa will no longer be usable.

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