Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 780

Qiye stopped being rough, and gently hugged Yinghai of the hall, slapped Yinghai's smooth and delicate back with his big hands. The action was quite like the way he usually coaxed the future to sleep.

There was love in the ear of the main hall Yinghai, but the name still remained unchanged. My dear daughter, although there is no blood relationship, the excitement is unparalleled.

" can move..." Yinghai's tight legs relaxed a little, and she shyly sent out an invitation to Qiye.

Qiye smiled triumphantly, taking possession of the daughter's body to his heart's content.


In a high-end cafe in Tokyo...

"I didn't expect you to ask me." Qiye put down the coffee cup, took a bite of the cheesecake, sneered, and looked at the blond man and gin in front of him.

As planned by the organization, Gin was in charge, and Qiye was arranged to make the transaction.

With his hands in his pockets, there was a cup of black coffee in front of him, still steaming, but he obviously had no intention of enjoying it.

Qiye leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the gin in front of him coldly, and said, "It seems that you don't want to talk to me too much. Just talk about the main point. This can also be faster."

"The organization doesn't want to do it with you, but we need APTX-4869 research reports."

"Really? What benefit can I get?" Qiye smiled indifferently. Since Xiaoai has been restored to Shiho forever, then the research results of that medicine are dispensable for Qiye, and it is true. It's not that it can't be given to the organization, but Qiye is more concerned about what benefits he can get in this. If the gain is not enough to make Qiye tempted, he doesn't mind offending the organization to death, it's almost the same anyway.

"The organization gave up chasing Shirley, Belmode and Shiho Miyano." Gin said coldly, his tone was obviously gloomy, it seemed that the cup of black coffee in front of him had instantly turned into ice cubes.

"This is not enough," Qiye said coldly, "Even if you don't give up, with me, it's impossible for the three of them to have trouble. Don't forget, I am the devil of hell."

Gin's eyes became like a razor, and said, "What do you want?"

Qiye’s smile reduced some coldness, cut a piece of cake with a fork, and put it in his mouth, then put his cheek in one hand, looked out the window, his eyes seemed to be focused on the roof of the opposite building, the one holding the sniper Woman with gun.

"I want the one on the roof... I remember it is Chianti, right."


Gin stood up and left.

When the gin passed by Qiye, Qiye spoke.

"Give me an answer within three days." Qiye picked up the coffee cup and took a sip to resolve the sweetness of some cheesecake.

Gin didn't make any answer, and continued to walk outside.

"Also, gin."

Qiye's words successfully stopped the gin. Qiye grinned and said, "Remember to pay the bill."


Three days later, in the morning, a courier appeared at the door of Qiye's house.

"Are you Mr. Liudao Qiye?"


"This is your courier, please sign for it." With a smile on his face, the courier took out the courier slip and handed it to Qiye. Next to him was a huge box tall one person.

Qiye signed the courier bill, then drew a few banknotes from her wallet and handed them to the courier together, saying, "This is a tip."

"Thank you, thank you so much." The courier instantly became sunny, because the stack of banknotes is quite thick, at least ten or twenty, and each denomination is 10,000 yen, come here It will certainly be beneficial to be a big family.

Qiye moved the box into the house and opened the box while blowing a whistle. Inside the box was a huge box with red velvet inside. Chianti was fixed inside like a Barbie doll. The joints of the hands and feet were still used. It was fixed by iron wire, eyes closed, it was probably drugged.

On the top of the box, there is also an "instruction manual" very "intimate".

Qiye opened it up. The content above is very simple, just one sentence, "The deal is concluded, enjoy."


A black flame ignited in Qiye's hand and burned all the "instructions", looking at Chianti who was still asleep.

Enjoy it all?Thank you so much...

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-fifth-Chianti running away!

After Qiye burned the "Instruction Manual", he dragged the box into his room and threw it on the bed, then turned the door locked, rubbed his hands, and approached the bed with a wretched expression. How long has he not had this expression?

I have to say that Chianti is a very crazy woman, but her figure, as well as the unique swallowtail butterfly tattoo on the corner of her eyes, are her highlights. To put it simply, this girl is not a problem with her head.

The 700-yard headshot ability also proves that Chianti is a very good woman. This sniper distance is very rare, and because of physiological reasons, women are born inferior to men in this respect, so Chianti’s sniper ability is even more rare. Up.

However, even such an excellent sniper, at this moment, has only become an item for organizing the transaction, and has been given to Qiye.

This has to explain the truth that there are no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests.

Qiye and the organization were originally on the opposite side. This time, they made the transaction because of APTX-4869 information. The organization obtained the research materials they wanted. Qiye also obtained Chianti, which killed two birds with one stone. In the transaction, the only sad reminder was the woman Chianti.

As long as there are enough benefits, it is easy to sacrifice a mere Chianti. As long as the benefits are enough, even people like gin can be sacrificed. This is organization and social reality.

Qiya sat on the bed with Chianti in a box next to him. Qiya reached out a little on Chianti's forehead, and immediately dissolved the medicine power remaining in Chianti's body.

Chianti frowned, as if waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light, then opened his eyes and appeared in Chianti's line of sight. Of course, Qiye was the face that Chianti hated the most.

"You bastard!!"

Chianti let out an angry growl, and subconsciously wanted to punch the man in front of him in the face.

Although Chianti is a sniper, as a senior killer in the organization, her melee melee ability is also quite good. It is not difficult to break a person's nose with one punch, but the problem is that she has to be able to fight.

This huge box is specially made according to Chianti’s body shape. She can fit into the box exactly. There is almost no room for movement in her body, and there is no way to gather strength. In addition, her hands and feet are fixed by iron wires. Under such circumstances, it is basically an impossible task to break through with human power.

"Asshole! Hurry up and let go of the old lady!!!" Chianti kept struggling, but couldn't break free, and shouted at Qiye angrily, using the old lady as her own name.

Chianti's strength was still quite strong, and her struggling movements made the box sway, but it just shook it twice, because the main body of the box was light and strong aluminum alloy.

"Don't be so choking when talking, it's not me who put you in the box." Qiye spread her hands and said helplessly, as if he was such a kind person... as if only...

"Cut! Who else can this bastard be except you?!!!" Chianti didn't believe Qiye's words at all, and spit on Qiye fiercely.

Qiye turned her head to avoid Chianti's "droplet attack", stretched out her fingers, swaying from side to side, and said: "You can't be so rude as a doll, otherwise I won't like it."

This bastard really treats Chianti as a doll...the adult kind...

"Also, I don't know who locked you up, but I think it's the piano bar. You are already my baby." Qiye lowered her head and looked at Chianti's face twisted by anger. , Smirked, "It seems that you still don't know what the situation looks like, silly girl."

Silly girl?

Chianti's forehead was beating fiercely, and Qiye's words were like pouring a bucket of black powder on Chianti's anger, and it was really burning.

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