Traveling from the collapse

Traveling From the Breakdown Chapter 782

Chianti covered the top and bottom with his hands, and his complexion was unspeakable. After his ferocious anger, there was also a hint of blush in it, but this half-covered and half-revealed appearance was really good.

"You have no support. If you lose again, I will throw you into bed~" Qiye looked at Chianti evilly, and continued to use a smile that he thought was very ugly, stimulating this temper very much. Bad woman.

"My mother fights with you!"

Chianti yelled and rushed towards Qiye, this time her speed was faster than any other time, because she was completely naked and she was simply a bachelor.

At this moment, Qiye opened Zhuanyan and slowed Chianti's movements. If it was just to subdue her, she didn't need Zhuanyan at all. It was not enough for the moment, but there was no such thing as a shop in this village.

Chianti didn't even figure out what was going on. She failed again in the last challenge. She left the ground and was thrown onto the bed.

"Next, it's my delicious meal."

Chapter 767-Transition!

"Asshole! What are you going to do?!"

Looking at the man pressing on her body, knowing that there is no cover on her body now, Chianti yelled angrily, as well as the panic that she didn't want to admit.

"Hey, let me say..." Qiye looked helplessly at Chianti below, and said, "You think I'm taking off like this. What else can I do? You are also the killer of the black organization, no? You don't even know about this kind of thing, right?"

"Damn bastard! If you dare to move my old lady, my old lady will squeeze your eggs!!" Chianti roared angrily, twisting his body restlessly.

Qiye was stunned for a moment, and several black lines hung on his forehead. He was not afraid of Chianti, but rather depressed by Chianti's aggressiveness. This girl is really too fierce.

Chianti will not let go of Qiye's moment of stunned opportunity, immediately raises his leg and slams into the position between the man's legs.

Although this trick is old-fashioned, but the power is absolutely excellent, because this place is definitely the first key to men.

"That won't work."

Qiye said helplessly, reaching out and pressing Chianti's knees on top, pressing down her powerful right leg directly, and then spreading Chianti's long legs to both sides.

"Chianti, your strength is not small, but it's useless in front of me."

In the process of separating Chianti's long legs, Qiye's hands were obviously resisted by Chianti's leg muscles, and Chianti's legs were very strong.As a sniper, it is normal to wait for a few hours in an ambush, and the posture is not necessarily, or lying or standing, it is impossible to have no leg strength.

"Don't rush to clamp it now, but you can clamp a little bit for me in a while, hehehehe..."

Qiye smirked, while suppressing Chianti, while taking out two sets of handcuffs from the bedside table, handcuffing Chianti's wrists, and fixing them on the side of the bed.

"That's it, don't be afraid that you will run away." Qiye said with satisfaction, and then began to take off all the remaining clothes on her body.

Chianti saw something under Qiye's crotch, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but this woman absolutely did not admit defeat, took a sip, and said with disdain: "Cut, it's just such a big thing."

"Hehehehe..." Qiye laughed weirdly, Chianti's supportive performance did not make him angry, but found it funny. Although it is a plaything, Chianti will also be an interesting plaything.

"If this is the case, it seems that foreplay is unnecessary."

Qiye simply followed Chianti's words and laughed. Although he won't be angry, he still has to punish this hard-mouthed woman, otherwise she won't be obedient in the future.

When Qiye entered, Chianti's muscles were obviously tense, but she stubbornly tightened her teeth, and she did not make any noise. Qiye almost heard the sound of her teeth cracking.

"Oh." Qiye withdrew a bit, looking at the red stained on Xiao Qiye, her eyes were a little surprised, and then she approached Chianti's pale face and said: "I didn't expect you to be the first time, then It’s an honor to say that I am your first man."

Chianti endured the tearing pain. Hearing the words, he immediately raised the anger that almost gushed out in his eyes and roared: "Shut up! The old lady is not a virgin!!"

"Really? What is this?" Qiye wiped some of the blood and handed it to Chianti.

"My old lady came to my aunt today! Can you control it?!!!"

"Really, since that's the case, then you don't need to be gentle, you can call it when you feel comfortable for a while."



"It's very comfortable depending on how you look."

In the living room, Belmode is sitting on the sofa wearing black clothes. The purple and black fur on the neckline looks graceful and luxurious. His right leg is overlapped on the left leg. The white and delicate skin is exposed from the hem of the dress. The middle finger and index finger sandwiched a high-end Huanghuali cigarette holder with a lit cigarette on it.

Although they are all women, there is still a big gap. In terms of feminine charm, Belmode is definitely a master. At this time, she is definitely a European aristocratic woman.

"It's okay, but that woman is far worse than you." Qiye sat beside Belmode, stretched out her arm around her waist, which had never had fat, and smelled the mint scent on her. : "Whether it's fighting or fighting in bed."

Belmode gave Qiye a white look, took a cigarette, and then a burst of mist, the smoke sprayed towards Qiye's face.

Qiye took a deep breath, fresh mint fragrance.

Belmode now smokes cigarettes that she rolls herself. The scent of menthol tobacco is very good.

"I didn't expect the organization to give Chianti to you so easily." Belmode half leaned on Qiye, a pair of magic eyes narrowed slightly, and a sneer was outlined on the peerless face, "Organization, hehe..."

"Hey..." Qiye also agreed with a smile, stretched out her hand to curl Belmode's long blonde hair, "There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Isn't this the organization?"

This sentence is not just about organization. The whole world is like this, and organization is just more obvious.

"Huh, it's not that you earned it this time." Belmode moved, hit Qiye's chin with the top of his head, and said: "Shirley has taken the medicine to restore it to the original state, APTX-4869 research data For you, it’s just a pile of waste. With this waste, you get a nice woman, but you make a lot of money."

Qiye smiled triumphantly. The business was not a loss for the organization, but it was a big profit for Qiye, because, as Belmode said, those materials were of no use to Qiye.

As for the organization’s promise not to chase Shirley again, Belmode and Akemi Miyano, Qiye and Belmode didn’t mention it because they didn’t believe that the organization would make such a promise, but the organization has no energy for the time being. Be hostile to the Demon King again. After all, they have to deal with the FBI and CIA guys. When the organization slows down and has strength, it is strange that they will be let go.

"But I really admire you too." Belmode smiled, squeezed out the cigarette in his hand, and said: "You are really capable, FBI, CIA, and the organization all have your people, they call , You have calculated everything after receiving it."

"Normally, they are amazing, it's just that they are too stupid." Qiye smiled casually, but Belmode said the truth, Judy, Hontang Yinghai, and Keele plus one dead person. The organization, FBI and CIA were really played round and round by him.

"Then, my dear Majesty," Belmode raised his head and looked straight into Qiye's eyes, and said, "Can you tell me what your next plan is?"

Chapter 768-My Princess!

"Are you planning next?"

Qiye scratched her chin with a distressed expression on her face, and then under Belmode's gaze, she said, "I don't seem to have any plans, I can only see what the organization will do next."

Nanaya didn't have too strong an idea to destroy the organization. He has been attacking the organization mostly because of women and fun, Miyano Akemi, Miyano Shiho, Belmode, Judy, Hondō Emi, and one more. Chianti is well, it is because of these women that Qiye will destroy the organization's plan again and again and make the organization miserable.

"You, do you lose motivation without a woman?"

Belmode glared charmingly for seven nights, and his eyes flowed around. He was really a peerless vixen. Belmode was the number one in terms of charm.

"Hehe, yeah, if there are big beauties at your level in the organization, I don't mind giving the organization directly."

Qiye said with a smile, bowed her head and kissed Belmode.

Belmode twisted his body slightly, not knowing whether it was an unconscious move or a deliberate act of stimulus to seduce him, his lips lightly opened, and said, "Are you too honest or shameless?"

"Is there a difference?" Qiye smiled indifferently, his woman, these mischievous ridicules would not be angry, otherwise there would be no interest between them.

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