Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 783

"Isn't it?"

Qiye and Belmode stared at them with big eyes. A few minutes later, because they couldn't bear the soreness caused by keeping their eyes open, Belmode blinked.

"Ah, it looks like I won."

Qiye smiled and said, happy to win this naive game.

So naive!

Belmode rubbed his sour eyes and glared at him, thinking so in his heart, but the witch in front didn't want to think, didn't she just play this childish game with him?She herself may not be any better.

"The look in your eyes makes me think you are thinking about something very rude." Qiye lowered her head and smiled at Belmode.

"Is there?" Belmode chuckled, showing her excellent acting skills, and then drew a circle on Qiye's chest with her fingers, and said: "If so, will the Demon Lord have any punishment for me?"

"You dead fairy, you really want to fascinate me." Qiye bit Belmode's ear, and her calm tone became hot again after she had just vented on Chianti.

"Love me……"


A few months later...

Time flies quickly, and in the past few months, the organization has not had much movement. This has caused the FBI to have not made much movement recently and made Judy depressed a lot.

As for the woman in Chianti, her hatred for Nanya is not that easy to subside. Even a few months later, nothing improved. During this time, Chianti tried various methods to assassinate Nanya, but all failed.

Anyway, Chianti is just a plaything for Qiye. As long as she doesn't die and don't let other men touch her, Qiye doesn't care what she does.

Today, Qiye came to one of the most famous amusement parks in the world, Dorobica Paradise.

Generally, if Qiye comes to this place, it’s mostly because of a woman. But if you come here today, you really have to say that it’s for a woman, and this woman is his only offspring, Liudao Future, who is one year old today, to celebrate this. On the birthday of a little princess, Xiaolan and Qiye will accompany her to Dorobica Paradise.

"Time flies so fast, the future is one year old."

Xiaolan dressed up as a young woman, looking at the man walking by her side and the girl riding on his neck, her eyes were warm, really fast. Before she could react, her daughter was one year old. Up.

"Yes, this girl is greedy again."

As Qiye walked, after listening to Xiaolan's emotional words, she also sighed with emotion, but the content was completely different.

"I'm not greedy, I just never get full."

As the only person who can ride on Qiye’s neck, Mirai holds an egg cone in his hand and a chocolate shell on the outside of the ice cream, which tastes very good.

Click it!

Mirai said after opening his mouth and taking a bite of the chocolate shell and ice cream.

"Does it make a difference?"

In the following Qiye, after hearing his daughter's words, a few black lines hung down on his forehead. He couldn't understand the difference between "greedy" and "belly never full".

However, Qiye understood another thing, that was the feelings of people who were run over by his words in the past. In the future, the words of this dead girl would often make Qiye helpless. Is this retribution?

"Hehe, you, only the future can control you." Xiaolan's beautiful eyes rolled Qiye, and said with a smile. If other people in the family use words to run Qiye, he will probably be pissed off by him. It is Shiho with a stronger mouth. Even if he can say to win him occasionally, he will be "retaliated" that night, so that "there will be no way to get out of bed for a few days."

"This must be a curse. It seems that I have done too many good deeds, so I attracted the devil and cursed me and sent this little witch to torture me." Qiye spread her hands and said with a compassionate look. Completely reverse right and wrong.


In a standard duet, Qiye was hit hard by the mother and daughter, Mirai and Xiaolan.

After spitting out for seven nights, Xiao Lan, who was in a better mood, put her hands behind her back and said, "Now, having said that, the future will grow so fast."

"It's probably because I ate too much." Qiye smiled indifferently, "It's not a bad thing anyway." She didn't worry about her daughter growing too fast.

The future is the daughter of Qiye and Xiaolan, so half of her are humans and half are demons, and she is also a very high-level demonic.

The offspring of gods and demons have different development speeds than human beings. For example, Athena in Greek mythology was born from the painful head of Zeus. When she was born, she was a graceful and persistent body. Rui's beautiful goddess.

Too fast development in the future is abnormal for humans, but not very fast for demons. If Xiaolan knew the power of the future and now, I am afraid that she would be frightened.

The one-year-old future looks almost like a three- or four-year-old girl, wearing a black gothic dress, blond hair is quite long, no shoes on his feet, two fleshy little feet swinging in Qiye’s On both sides of her cheek, she still didn't like wearing shoes.

"Yo West! The first stop is there, the pirate ship!"

Mirai obviously didn't pay attention to Qiye's words, glanced around at anything she found funny, and then placed the first target on the pirate ship.

"Yes, my princess."

Chapter 769-Mother and Daughter Warm!

The pirate ship is also one of the classic rides in amusement parks, but this kind of thrilling rides, no matter in any amusement park, children as young as the future should not be allowed to go up, even if the future grows fast, It looks only three or four years old.

"It's really troublesome."

Qiye sighed helplessly, and then a black breath quickly flowed through her scarlet eyes, hypnotizing the staff in front of him, and then embracing the future and boarding the pirate ship with Xiaolan.

"Really, with you, I don't know how many things I would never do before."

After sitting in the seat, Xiao Lan looked at the smiling father (Guifu) around him, and the future with an excited smile on his body and the ice cream in his hand before he finished eating.

Bringing a one-year-old child on a pirate ship, Xiao Lan would never do this kind of thing before, but now, these two people really make her unable to do anything.

"What's the matter?" Qiye messed up the future blonde hair, and then in the latter's sullen eyes, she helped her straighten her hair with her hands, and said: "Today is our little princess's birthday, what does she want? We have to do our best."

"Yes, yes."

Mirai was still holding ice cream in one hand, and after hearing Qiye's words, the other hand was immediately raised, his little face full of excitement and a natural expression.


Qiye and Xiaolan said in an affectionate manner at the same time, Qiye rubbed Mirai's hair again, and Xiaolan squeezed Mirai's nose, and the girl's hand felt better and better.


In the future laughter, the pirate ship began to sway. With the work of the engine driving the gear set, the pirate ship swayed higher and higher. Due to the high and low swing, the feeling of sudden overweight and weightlessness was caused, just like riding an elevator. Be like that in a hurry.

Along with the swing of the pirate ship, the shouts of the tourists sitting on it were sometimes high and sometimes low, but there was a burst of laughter during the shouting.

In the future, sitting in Qiye’s arms and swinging with the pirate ship, this degree does not make her feel scared. Qiye’s daughter is naturally also the fearless lord, she will choose to ride the pirate ship, mostly because she feels Novelty is just fun.

On the swaying pirate ship, Mirai cheered and smiled, without any nervousness or fear. The ice cream in her hand also entered her belly in the process.


"Dad, it was just fun."

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