Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 784

After getting off the pirate ship, Mirai returned to her seat, Qi Ye's neck, holding Qi Ye's hair in both hands, cheered.

"You go home, don't pull my hair."

Qiye's forehead keeps beating, does this dead girl treat his hair as a weed?For another person, his head should have been pulled into the Mediterranean.

"Well, don't be angry, dad, giggle..." In the future, she didn't want to admit her mistake at all, rubbing her cheek against the back of Qiye's head, completely coquettish and cute.

"Really." Qiye complained helplessly. The anger that didn't exist before suddenly fell to a negative value. This dead girl really made him love her.

"In the future, don't pull Dad's hair anymore." Xiaolan squeezed Mirai's small face and said softly, her face slightly red.

Qiye and the future are not humans, but Xiaolan is still human after all. In the pirate ship just now, she can't act as calm as Qiye, nor can she be indifferent like the future.

"I see, mother."

Mirai said obediently, although she is a witch, she still listens to Xiaolan's words in the future. After all, it is her biological mother.

"Hey, this girl will listen to you better in the future." Qiye sighed and said helplessly. If it were his words, the future might not be able to listen. This girl is a naughty ghost.

"Also, the future will depend on you all day, and I don't even want to hold me for a while." Xiaolan said with some jealousy, and then teased Mirai's little nose.

"Hey hey..." Mirai touched his little head and smiled sly.


"How about it, if you are afraid, don't force it."

Standing in front of the ticket office of the Ghost House, Qiye looked at Xiaolan next to him and said with a smile.

Although she is a woman and gave birth to the future, she cannot change that Xiaolan is only 18 years old now. At the age of a girl, even if she has the strength that surpasses human beings, she still has nothing to do with ghosts and monsters psychologically. The way, Xiao Lan is most afraid of this.


Xiaolan took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with this movement, and then with a gentle smile on her face, she said, "Don't worry, it's okay."

Qiye curled her lips helplessly. In front of the future, Xiaolan didn't want to weaken. She was scared in front of her daughter. This is definitely a very embarrassing thing for a mother.Holding her little cold hand, she walked to the ticket office.


"Tell you not to be aggressive."

After walking out of the ghost house, looking at Xiaolan's pale face, Qiye said helplessly and affectionately, although in the ghost house, because of the future, Xiaolan was not afraid to call out, but the endless ghosts still called Xiaolan His face turned pale with fright.

Qiye took Xiaolan and sat down at the rest area provided for tourists next to him. He bought a cup of hot chocolate for Xiaolan and said: "Drink some hot chocolate, it will be more comfortable." Chocolate can make people feel happy, while hot drinks , Can also make fear subside.

"Mom, I'm sorry."

Mirai stood in front of Xiaolan, bowed her little head, and said in a low voice, this girl would only show such an expression when she knew she had done something wrong, simply, she was very sensible.

"It's not your fault, the future." Xiaolan is gentle, holding her beloved daughter, rubbing her brows, and saying, "Will you think your mother is useless in the future?"

"No, absolutely not." Mirai said firmly, plunged into Xiaolan's arms, her face arched on Xiaolan's chest, "Mom is the most gentle mother in the world."

"You child..." Xiaolan stroked Mirai's hair gently, like a soft golden waterfall. Although Mirai was playful and naughty, she was indeed a sensible child, which also made her a mother. It is gratified and helpless.

The former is easy to understand. As for the latter, it is because the future is too smart and sensible, so this kind of scene of acting like a baby in her arms is really rare. In Xiaolan's heart, she also wants not to be so clingy to Qiye in the future. Play with her more.

Looking at this scene that only appears when she makes mistakes in the future, Qiye put her cheek in one hand and pointed herself with one finger, interrupting this warm scene of mother and daughter.

"You seem to ignore me."

Chapter 770-Prelude to the end!

The good atmosphere was disturbed, Xiao Lan immediately turned her head and rolled Qiye's eyes. Really, it will be rare to have affection with her in the future, let her, a mother, feel good about it.

"Dad is a badass."

Compared to Xiao Lan, the future is more direct, turning his head, beautiful red eyes glared at Wu Tianhen, and said softly.

"Yeah, I'm a badass." Qiye pinched Mirai's nose with a bit of gritted teeth in her tone, "That's why you are a little badass!"

"The future is not a bad guy."

Mirai said unconvincedly, because Qiye pinched her nose and couldn't vent her breath, her voice had a heavy nasal sound, which was very cute.


At the beginning of the lights, night fell...

Entering the night, Tokyo, an international metropolis, shows a different side from the busyness and hustle and bustle of the day, feasting and feasting, which is normal in a big city.

"It's so tall."

Mirai stood on the edge of the floor-to-ceiling glass, with her little face stuck to the glass, looking at the roof below, the street could not be seen from here, because it was a hundred stories high.

"The future, don't look at it." Xiaolan walked over and hugged the future, and said: "The food is already here."

"Oh too! There's something to eat!" The future's attention was immediately drawn to the food, and Xiaolan took him to the table.

It was really carrying the dining table, because Miku was placed on the table, and Qiye and Xiaolan sat on both sides, taking turns sending the cut steaks into Mirai’s mouth. She didn’t need to do anything, as long as she opened her mouth. Okay.

"Woo... it's delicious..." Mirai held her small face, and the beef gravy flowed down the corners of her mouth, with a very contented expression on her face. She was really satisfied as long as she had food. .

"Having such a girl is really a disaster for cattle in the world."

Qiye sighed unscrupulously, not embarrassed at all, there are already a lot of plates next to him, such as filet, sirloin, T-bone steak, and I don’t know how many cows can be taken to get so many. steak.

"In the future, don't eat anymore, there will be cakes in a while."

"Eat another piece and stop eating."

"You have said this many times." Xiaolan said helplessly. Although she wanted to let this girl control her appetite, as soon as she stared at Xiaolan with those eyes, Xiaolan couldn't help it.

"Xiaolan, it's really a waste of effort for you to say this to Mirae. It's an impossible task to ask her not to eat, right, the future?" Qiye said with a smile, and then used a fork to fork the cut plump fillet steak. Sent into the mouth of the future.

"That's right." Mirai said with a smile while chewing the tender beef, and Xiao Lan's eyes were immediately greeted.


The cake was brought up by the waiter, a cheesecake that looked very attractive. The bright yellow cheese exuded a wonderful fragrance.

Qiye put the prepared candle on the cake and lit it, and said to the future: "My little princess, it's your turn now, make a wish."

"Yeah." Mirai nodded happily, knelt down on the table, holding two fleshy hands with each other, wondering what strange wish was made in his heart, and then blew out the only candle.

The cake was cut, and the first piece was naturally delivered to Mirai. Mirai was holding the plate with the cake, and a smirk flashed in his eyes, pushing the cake towards Qiye’s face. erase.

Qiye's face was instantly occupied by the cake, and at this moment, the little hand in the future grabbed the cake on the table again and wiped it toward the defenseless Xiaolan's face.

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