Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 787

"How are the arrangements, Judy?"

Judy is now in an office building, opposite the building where the transaction is going to be made, and said: "Don't worry, the agents have been arranged, but can you really find out where the boss of the organization is? "

"Don't worry, put it all around, let the gin wine guy run away is definitely not a bad thing, no matter the mission fails or succeeds, he will definitely contact the boss, then as long as the location of the signal can be found."

Qiye smiled confidently. In this station, he wants to clean up the organization. This is also his promise to Shiho and the others.

"Since you said that, I believe you, but... be careful."

"Don't worry." Qiye's eyes became sharp and she turned off the game, clutching the steering wheel with both hands, her red eyes shining with different lights in the dark, "The game, it's started!"

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-third-the beginning of chaos!

This is a high-end coffee shop, which can be ranked in the top three in Tokyo. The decoration is not luxurious and luxurious, but it is also absolutely luxurious. In this shop, there is a minimum consumption, and the average salaryman will never come here. .


In the quiet coffee shop, there was a regular sound of footsteps. The time interval between the two footsteps was as precise as a stopwatch.

The gin, which is always a black trench coat, walked into the cafe and walked towards the only guest in the cafe today, a middle-aged man with a relatively high hairline and looking in his 50s.

Having contracted such an extravagant coffee shop as a trading place, I have to say that this transaction is really high-profile, as if for fear that others might not know what they are doing.

This also makes Qiye and the FBI confused, but there is no good way for the time being. Since the organization has made such a big movement, it will definitely not do nothing. If so, let’s see what the organization is going to do first, and then It's time to adapt.

Gin walked to the man in his fifties and sat in front of him. Keel sat down beside him, and behind the man stood two bodyguards, looking like soldiers.

Gin drew out a cigarette, lit it, and motioned to Gere by his side.

Keel nodded, took out an instrument from his handbag beside him expressionlessly, scanned it around, and said, "There is no monitoring equipment."

"Yeah." Gin nodded lightly.

Today, Keele came as Gin's assistant. As for the fellow Rum, he is just a driver and he is still in the car.

"Hmph, really be careful."

The man on the opposite side sneered twice, but he could still make such an expression in front of people like gin, and when he said such things, this guy did have some ways.

"If I was not careful, I would have died." Gin said coldly, and his green eyes looked at the person in front of him without emotion. "What do we want?"

The man gestured to the back left bodyguard, and the bodyguard immediately lifted a black leather suitcase that was originally on the ground. After opening it, it contained an ordinary computer disk.

"Kiel." Gin glanced at the computer disk, then motioned to Kiel next to him.

Gere nodded, took out a laptop, put the disk into the computer, and began to check the data in it. For such a big battle, he didn't know what was stored in it.

The man glanced at Kiel, then looked at the gin, and said, "What do I want."

Gin reached into his pocket and escaped out of a plastic box with a disk inside. Compared to the other party carrying it in a suitcase, gin is too simple, but it is also confidence in his own strength.

Just put it on me, others don't want to take it away!

Gin is probably this way of thinking.

The man took the disk and asked his men to take out the computer, and then began to check the information inside.

Keel and the man rapped on the keyboard, and when the cigarette in the gin mouth was almost finished, they stopped at the same time.

"No problem." Keir reported to the gin beside him.


"Unexpectedly, outside the black organization, there are people in this world who are studying this kind of thing, or there is something else hidden."

Sitting in the Lamborghini, Qiye said coldly with his eyes, the current Kiel is the avatar that Qiye made, so Qiye can control that clone and know all the information she has obtained.

The content of the transaction between the man and the organization was the research content of longevity and immortality. As for the research results of the existence behind the man, or, for example, the research results brought out by the traitor of the organization, these seven nights have not known.

As for the contents of the disk of Gin, Kiel doesn't know it. Only Gin and the BOSS know what's inside, and even Kiel can't know the content.

"The deal is done." Gin looked at the man in front of him, his eyes cold and emotionless, and said, "However, we need one more thing."

"What is it?" The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes shone brightly. Behind his back, the hands of his two bodyguards have reached his arms. If there are no guns in there, let the kid go.

And just in the blink of an eye, a dozen or so bodyguards appeared in the cafe where only these five people were originally present. They all stood on the man’s side. They were all loaded with live ammunition, standard pistols, revolvers, and even There are miniature submachine guns, all aimed at Gin and Kiel, if they make any changes, they will shoot immediately.

This scene has to be said to be big, but it is not too exaggerated to protect the boss of the Yamaguchi group.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk... It's a big scene." Qiye leaned on the steering wheel with a playful smile, "That's what makes it interesting, Chianti, it's time for you to act."

"My old lady knows! Hehehehe..." Chianti licked the corner of her mouth and laughed wildly and excitedly, sweeping the sight on her prey one by one.

Faced with so many muzzles, there are more than one submachine gun among them. It stands to reason that even if the gin is strong, if the opponent shoots, it should be sifted, but the gin does not have the slightest timidity. .

Gin raised his head, his gaze shot out from under the brim of his hat like a sharp arrow, and said coldly: "Just... to your life!"

"Do it!!"



The moment the man called out to do it, the hand of the gin that had been in his pocket pressed a button, and at the same time, the bomb they had installed in the cafe exploded.

The power of the liquid explosive is powerful, and it can exert tremendous power after mixing. The thick smoke produced by the explosion blocked the line of sight, and the violent shock wave also made the group of bodyguards lose their composure.

Boom boom boom!!!

Gin and Kiel immediately put on the infrared scanner, and the thick smoke had no effect on their sight. In the chaos, they shot.

"Damn it!"

The two strongest bodyguards yelled, immediately pulled up their boss, and then rushed outside. Their task was just the boss, and the rest were out of their consideration.

Kiel shot and killed the bodyguards with guns, and Gin chased and killed the boss of the Yamaguchi group.

"Ah! Damn!!"

Gunshots and screams continued to be heard in the darkness and chaos, because they were all hit by Kiel, with the help of infrared scanners. Although they were crowded with submachine guns in their hands, they couldn’t find them at all. Where is you?

"Damn it! I'm so mad!" One of them yelled, and his heart was so angry that he raised the submachine gun in his hand and fired aimlessly.

Keir was short, and immediately lay on the ground, a circle of bullets shot out, not hitting Keir, but many of his companions.

"Ah!! Which bastard shot!!"

"Let Lao Tzu catch him, he must break him!!!"

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