Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 788


The scene was chaotic...

Chapter 774-Fighting broke out!

"damn it!!"

Chianti could not help but yelled angrily when he saw the explosion of smoke. She had already aimed at her prey, but the smoke was a nightmare for the sniper. The prey was nowhere to be seen. She The sniper rifle is not equipped with an infrared scanner, and the distance is so far, even if there is an infrared scanner, it is not accurate enough.

"Chianti, don't let your guard down, don't miss it if someone runs out in a while." Qiye heard Chianti's scolding on the radio and couldn't help laughing.

"I know!"

Chianti's temper is like a gunpowder keg, which explodes at one point, Qiye's humorous tone is the fire, and it is strange that Chianti is not angry.

Chianti adjusted the focal length of the electronic sight so that the entire coffee shop's storefront appeared in his line of sight. As soon as someone ran out, she would shoot immediately.

Among the thick smoke, the first thing that rushed out was the boss of the Yamaguchi team, as well as his two bodyguards, and the three of them acted together. I have to say that the goal is great.


Chianti shot immediately, and the bullet flew out of the muzzle, producing a very strong sonic boom, but because the bullet's shooting speed is faster than the speed of sound, there is basically no need to consider the issue of the sniper target hearing gunfire.

"Be careful!"

The two bodyguards are retired soldiers, at least not worse than Judy, and the boss of the Yamaguchi team, who can sit in this position, obviously will not be ordinary people, and found the threat coming from the sky.

The tall bodyguard on the left immediately pushed the boss aside, but because of this, his arm was pierced by the sniper bullet, his bones were directly broken, and he fell weakly.


Chianti took an uncomfortable sip. Although she interrupted a bodyguard's arm, she was aiming at the man's head in the middle. This was a failure. This made Chianti, who had a grumpy personality, very unhappy.

"Since you want to die, I will send you on the road!"

Chianti said coldly, anyway, her mission is not to stare at the boss of the Yamaguchi group. Her mission today is to kill people. Whether it is to organize one party or the Yamaguchi party, kill them. Kill one to save money and kill two. She made it.

Chianti aimed at the bodyguard whose arm was broken by her, and pulled the trigger again. Chianti’s gun was a PSG-1 sniper rifle, with a magazine capacity of twenty sniper bullets, plus two pockets full of bullets. The magazine is enough for her to play.


The injured bodyguard obviously felt a tingling pain in his eyebrows, and immediately avoided to the side, and at the same time told the boss to go immediately.

To be able to sit in this position, the boss of the Yamaguchi team must be a cruel person. At such a moment, he must have given up the bodyguard decisively, and then immediately got into his car with another bodyguard.


The door closed, followed by a beautiful sound of burning tires. The specially modified black Hummer had a very strong acceleration. It rammed twice before rushing out.

The car has gone away, but Chianti doesn’t care about it. People of that kind of identity must be riding in super-modified cars. The body should be made of titanium alloy, and the glass part must be too. bullet-proof glass.

Even if the sniper shell can penetrate the titanium alloy plate, it will not have much power after that. If the body armor is included, the sniper shell has no lethality at all.

Chianti was crazy, but not a fool, so her attention was focused on the bodyguards who had been injured by her before, as well as those who were still in the cafe.


Chianti's lips smeared with purple lipstick gently opened, spit out a very evil word, and pulled the trigger continuously, all three bullets flew out.


The bodyguard exploded with a swear word, and the powerful instinct he had trained on the battlefield broke out in an instant, his figure retreated violently and hid in the dense smoke of the explosion. Although the dense smoke blocking the respiratory tract is deadly enough, it can also stop Kian. Di's sight is the lesser of the two evils, and the smoke is not fatal all at once.


As soon as the bodyguard hid in the thick smoke, a huge gunshot sounded in his ear, because the distance was so close, the gunshot almost ruptured his tympanic membrane.

Because it was almost shot against his skin!

Gin put down his gun, and in the infrared scanner, the man who was shot through his brain fell feebly.

"Kiel! Go!"

Gin immediately greeted Kiel to leave. After getting Kiel's response, he probably determined the location of the parking outside. Then, he took off the infrared scanner and threw it aside, and then rushed towards his car at full speed.

After the gin rushed out of the coffee shop, there was no pause. The figure swayed again and again, and each time his footsteps touched the ground for no more than 0.1 second, he jumped with irregular footsteps, making Chianti even aim. No time at all.

"Cut! Gin bastard!"

Chianti said uncomfortably, because the person who fainted her was gin. Chianti's hatred for gin is not light at all, but with the skill of gin, she is impossible to hit. .

Gin’s car, Porsche, did not close the rear window. Gin leaped into the car and opened the door. Then Kiel got into the car and closed the door. Lang He kicked the accelerator and rushed out.

"Hey, bastard! The gin guy is gone!"

Chianti turned on the radio unhappily and reported to Qiye that although it was clear that he was not capable of sniping gin, when the fact happened, Chianti was still in a bad mood.

"Received." Qiye smiled evilly and picked up a bottle of beer from her side. After opening it, she took a big sip and said: "Chianti, don't be so unhappy. I will comfort you tonight. !"

"Asshole! Have something to come!" Chianti yelled, blushing.

"Hahaha...Wait for me to wash up at night!" Qiye laughed loudly, and the two headlights of Lamborghini flashed, illuminating the dark underground parking lot, and the powerful engine turning sound in the empty parking lot. Reverberation in the field.

"The devil has come!!"

Chapter 775-Hunting!

Barbarian Lamborghini rushed out of the underground parking lot, and then it took a sharp turn. Because of the strong acceleration of Lamborghini, when it rushed out of the parking lot, the speed was close to 200 kilometers.

Qiye braked, and at the same time the steering wheel was hit to death to the left, Lamborghini's powerful body was thrown out, the side of the tire and the ground violently rubbed, generating high temperature and white smoke.

"Hahahaha... Gin, here I am!"

With seven nights of rampant laughter, Lamborghini rushed into the streets of Tokyo at high speed.

"Behemoth, send me the current location of the gin, route analysis, and nearby road conditions!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Behemoth, whose main body was still parked in the garage of the six-way house, immediately ran the supercomputer it was loaded with, stole road condition data from the Transportation Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and at the same time used artificial satellites in the sky to obtain a road map of Shishi.

Pieces of 3D holographic projections entered Qiye's mind. Qiye grinned and shot to the right, then took a shortcut and chased him.


"Hehehehe... this is how you look down upon my old lady!"

Just as Qiye drove to chase the gin, Chianti was holding a sniper rifle and let out a cold and bloody laugh. In her scope, there were already seven or eight people lying on the ground. They were all shot by her. Head guy.

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