Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 789

The members of the Yamaguchi group, plus the members of the organization that joined the melee later, there are a total of thirty or forty people. Everyone has weapons in their hands, but Chianti can handle them with a sniper because they don’t have snipers. gun.

Chianti solved seven or eight, and the rest knew that there was a powerful sniper outside, so they could only hide temporarily in a coffee shop shrouded in heavy smoke, and then minus the ones previously solved by Kiel. There were probably twenty-five people left, and now none of them dared to run out easily, and they all knew the truth of the shot.

The two teams, with about twenty FBI agents in total, were separated on both sides and approached the cafe against the wall. The two teams were led by Judy.

Judy winked at the agent on the other side, and then took out a small metal ball the size of a tennis ball from his pocket. The agent on the other side also took out a small ball. After pressing the button, Judy reached out The numbers of one, two and three, and then threw the ball in at the same time.


There were several cracks in the small ball, and white smoke erupted from it. The smoke contained a lot of substances that irritated the respiratory tract, enough to make people burst into tears.

"Tear gas! No good, run out!!"

The cafe suddenly became chaotic. Tear gas is definitely a good thing that greatly frustrates the enemy’s combat effectiveness without hurting human lives. In many counter-terrorism operations, when it is necessary to subdue members of terrorist organizations without injuring hostages, Will use tear gas.


Judy yelled, immediately drew his pistol, aimed at the person rushing out of the coffee shop, and shot it away.

"Damn it! It's the FBI, let's go together!!"

"Never let the FBI catch them! Kill them!!"


"I'm fighting with you!!"

The scenes of the two sides are obviously not controllable, whether it is the black organization or the Yamaguchi group, think about it, don't you think it will be the master who was arrested obediently.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would cooperate with this group of FBI guys."

Chianti smiled coldly, looked through the electronic sight, aimed at a member of the Yamaguchi group, and fired.


The man's temple was directly hit by Chianti's sniper bullet, and the powerful impact of the bullet caused his head to burst like a watermelon, red and white, scattered everywhere.

Under the strong firepower of the FBI and Chianti, the Yamaguchi group and the black organization were again affected by tear gas, and they couldn't find the focus. Soon, a group of people were cleaned up.

"Hmm, hum..." Chianti carried the sniper rifle on her shoulders, and squeezed a triumphant smile from her nose. Seventeen, all of which were shot headshots. As a sniper, she was proud of herself. .

"Chianti, have you resolved it there?"

"It's settled, bastard." Chianti said while packing his guns and talking to Qiye, "Bastard, think about yourself now. If you let the gin run away, you will be ashamed."

"Oh, you still speak so aggressively." Qiye smiled indifferently, "Chianti, the guy from the Yamaguchi team will leave it to you. He has already crossed the Beito Bridge. If he doesn't catch up, he will run away. That's it."

"Cut, I see." Chianti arrived downstairs quickly, carrying the box with his sniper rifle, then got into the Dodge Viper flexibly and started the car. "Hey, bastard, put that guy where he is now. send to me!"

"OK!" Qiye operated a few times on her car GPS, and then hacked into the car GPS of Chianti's Dodge Viper, and sent her the driving route of the Yamaguchi group boss.

"Hehehehe...I'm my prey, don't want to run away!"

Chianti let out a wicked laugh, stomped the accelerator pedal to the end, and the sports car rushed out like a poisonous snake that prey on its prey.

"A prey? It is indeed." Qiye cut off the communication with Chianti, and again turned around an intersection, followed the Porsche with Gin, and turned a car from the other side of the intersection and joined the tracking. The ranks of gin.

"Shuichi Akai?" Nanya glanced at the person in the driver's seat next to him from the corner of his eye, "Oh, and Shinichi Kudo, when did these two transfer to the base?" Nanya thought spoofly in her heart.

"However, gin is my prey and will not be given to you!"

Qiye whispered, then increased the throttle and rushed towards his prey.

Chapter 776-Fierce Chase!

Seven nights driving a Lamborghini, accelerating again on the bustling roads of Tokyo, the speed displayed on the dashboard is almost 300.

"Mr. Akai, please drive faster!"

Kudo Shinichi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, realized that he had a tendency to be thrown farther and farther, and could not help but anxiously urged.

Finally joined the FBI. This is his first mission. As an FBI, he doesn't want to fail, let alone lose to that person.

"Then fasten your seat belt."

Shuichi Akai said lightly, the foot that was stepping on the accelerator was gradually exerting force.

On the gin black Porsche, Kiel looked at the two sports cars approaching in the rearview mirror, and said, "They are catching up."

Gin held a cigarette in his mouth, Sen Leng's eyes penetrated from under the brim of his hat, looked at the two cars appearing in the rearview mirror, and said coldly: "Then give them some surprises."

With that said, from under the back seat, he took out two black boxes. After opening the lock, there were two powerful submachine guns and full of bullets inside.

According to Qiye's order, Kiel still needs to obey Gin's orders, so naturally he took a submachine gun, turned around, and aimed at the two cars that had caught up through the small window at the back of the car.

Da Da Da Da Da Da!!!!!!

A series of bullets are shot out directly. Contrary to a sniper rifle that wins with accuracy, a submachine gun is completely based on the number and density of the bullets. It only takes a glance.

"By your sister! Submachine gun!"

Qiye immediately cursed, and a series of bullets were shot directly on the hood of his Lamborghini. Even though Lamborghini is the world's top supercar, it must resist the bullets of the submachine gun. It must be a military vehicle or a vehicle that has been modified for military use. It is a Hummer and a civilian vehicle. Although the body strength of the Hummer is definitely the highest among civilian vehicles, it is still somewhat difficult to withstand continuous submachine gun bullets.

It's impossible for a civilian car to use a few inches of steel for the hood. That car has to be heavy.

Lamborghini's black polished hood was immediately punched with many pits and small holes. The pits were formed after the bullet hits and bounced away, while the small holes were directly penetrated.

The windshield was also directly shattered by bullets, because it is tempered glass, so after the glass is broken, the pieces are rounded and there is no danger.

"Gin, you can get the repair cost of Lao Tzu's car!"

Qiye scolded fiercely that even a submachine gun would not cause him any harm, so he is still more worried about Lamborghini's repair costs. This kind of car, being beaten in this way, the repair cost is probably millions. The unit is still US dollars.

"Submachine gun!"

Akai's eyes drenched, and while keeping driving, he immediately curled up. Shinichi Kudo next to him did the same thing. It was not a good thing to be swept by a submachine gun.

Shooting with a submachine gun in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, the effect is not ordinary. Although Kiel mainly aimed at Nanaya and Shuichi Akai’s cars, some of the bullets missed, and some of the bullets bounced off to become more terrifying ricochetes. The car became a fish in the pond and was hit.


With the violent sound of burning tires, the cars stopped immediately, and because of this, the traffic was immediately paralyzed.

"Don't you think the movement this time is too big?"

Qiye continued to chase the gin while driving, and whispered secretly. This time, compared with the organization's previous style, the movement was a bit too big. She shot directly with a submachine gun on the street and installed a bomb before. In this case, the gin and the others will be directly photographed by road surveillance, which seems a bit unreasonable.

Moreover, the Japanese police will definitely be dispatched soon. It is a bomb and a submachine gun. It is impossible for the Japanese police to be ignorant of such a big movement, and it is impossible not to dispatch it. Gin's actions seem unreasonable.

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