Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 790

Regarding this, even Kiel did not get any information. The real purpose of this mission is probably only known by Gin and the gentleman. Even Kiel has no idea what she is going to do.

"Hey, bastard!"

Just when Qiye was thinking about the true purpose of the organization, Chianti's voice came over the radio.

"what's up?"

Chianti drove her Viper sports car and said, "I have caught up with that guy, what should I do now?"

"What to do? Of course do it in your style."

"My style?" Chianti's mouth twitched, and said: "Asshole, my old lady is driving now, how do I shoot?!"

"Hey?" Qiye was taken aback, and said: "Is Belmode yet? I asked her to support you."

"Also... has arrived."

Chianti originally wanted to say "not yet", and the one who prevented her from speaking was a blonde woman beside her.

Belmode made a gesture to Chianti, and Chianti understood, rolled down the window, and Belmode stood up from the motorcycle.

In an instant, Chianti curled up and jumped to the position of the co-pilot, and Belmode also jumped up from the motorcycle, first with slender legs, then the body, and finally the blond hair, and fell on the driver's seat, replacing Kian. Di, driving this Viper.

"Hehehehe, it's okay now."

Chianti smiled negatively, took out the box containing the sniper rifle under the passenger seat, broke the glass in front of him with the magazine, and set up the sniper rifle.

"Oh, don't you talk big and then miss again, otherwise, he will laugh at him." Belmode looked at the excited Chianti beside him, and said in a joking tone.

The pronunciation of "he" and "she" in Japanese is different. Chianti understood who Belmode said it was. The grumpy face immediately showed anger and said: "Don't worry about it!!" "

"Hi, hi~" Belmode smiled, without any fear.


Chianti sipped fiercely, focusing on the scope and carefully aiming at the car in front. The whole car has been modified for military use. The steel plate of the body is not as thick and the windows are all bulletproof glass. At close distances, the bullets could not accelerate to the maximum, and they could not exert their maximum power, which also gave Chianti a headache.

"Damn tortoise shell! If you can't wear it, I will hit this place!!"

Chianti cursed, then aimed at the rear right wheel and pulled the trigger.

Chapter 777-Don't underestimate women!

Car tires that have undergone military modification are also different from ordinary civilian car tires. They are much stronger and may not be pierced even with a saber. However, it is an exaggeration to say that the tires can block the bullets of the sniper rifle.


Chianti hit the right rear wheel of the car with one bullet, and the car punctured immediately!


Chianti gritted his teeth excitedly, with a crazy smile on his face.

"Yo, it's not bad."

Belmode turned the direction to one side, raised the corners of his mouth, and chuckled softly. I have to say that Chianti's shot was very beautiful. Although it was only 20 meters away, he wanted to snipe another on the moving car. The difficulty of moving the target is not ordinary.

And this modified car will have alloy baffles diagonally down on the wheels, so the space left for Chianti is very small.

One of the four tires was blown out, and the car immediately lost its balance. On the one hand, it continued to rush forward due to inertia. On the other hand, the hub of the right rear wheel and the concrete ground were violently rubbed, and countless sparks fell on the road. on.

"Damn!!! What's going on!!!"

The owner of the Yamaguchi team, Ryusawa Ichiro, felt that the car he was sitting in suddenly spun violently, and even if he was wearing a seat belt, he still received a big impact.

"Boss, the tire seems to be blown out!!!"

The driver who was driving pressed hard on the brakes, and at the same time, grasped the steering wheel, trying to control the out of control car.

"Chianti, it seems that the Yamaguchi team has already arrived, and we moved faster."

The corner of Belmode’s mouth raised a witch’s smile, looking at the front, as well as the several black vans gradually appearing in the rearview mirror. The bodies are all black, and even the windows are black, so open, and yet again It's weird that there are several identical cars appearing at the same time.

"I know!"

Chianti picked up the sniper rifle and aimed it at the car whose rotation speed was gradually slowing down. Because the windows of the car were also specially made, it was impossible to see the inside from the outside, so Chianti could only aim with his instinct.


A special spiral sniper projectile flew out from Chianti’s muzzle, and opened a hole in the car window made of bulletproof glass with great force, but because of this, the impact of the bullet was greatly weakened. Up.

Being able to sit in the position of the Yamaguchi group boss, Ryusawa Ichiro is obviously also very capable. After all, the position of the biggest gang boss in Japan, there are countless people who want to get it, and it is also an explanation that he can survive the assassinations and survive until now. Got his ability.

The moment the bullet entered the car, Ryusawa Ichiro instinctively felt a huge crisis. Before the car stopped completely, he twisted his head to the side. Ryusawa Ichiro could almost feel the friction between the bullet and the air. It was high temperature, but the bullet finally hit the back of the chair.


Chianti gritted her teeth with hatred, and any failure was definitely a shame for her.

"Humph, that's enough."

Belmode raised his head, laughed from the witch from his nose, took out two grenades from his arms, bit off the handle of the grenade, and then threw them from the hole where Chianti had made them. Go in.

"bye Bye."

Belmode accelerated with a kick, drove past the stopped car, and blew Ryusawa Ichiro a kiss.


Two grenades exploded directly inside the compartment. The one hundred steel balls contained in the grenades increased the power of the grenade explosion. Ryusawa Ichiro and his bodyguards were directly bombed beyond recognition and died beyond recognition.

"Damn, how can you carry a grenade on your woman?!"

Chianti looked back at the explosion at the back, and couldn't help saying that the grenade was too swagger, and it exploded with too much momentum, so even members of the organization won't have it.

Belmode drove the car, with an eternal witch smile on his face, and said, "Hey, hum, hum... Qiye guessed that this mission will change, so let me bring some interesting toys."


Chianti's forehead bounced twice, looking at Belmode's body, there must be something more dangerous than a grenade on this witch.

"Hey, I said, it's not the time to see me as a beautiful woman." Belmode said extremely narcissistically, "There are guys from the Yamaguchi group on the other side."


Just as Belmode finished speaking, there was a huge explosion from behind.The so-called strongest defenses collapsed from the inside. Belmode lost two grenades and exploded inside the car. The high temperature generated by the explosion and flame caused the car's fuel tank to explode.

The explosion blocked the driveway, and the Yamaguchi cars in the back must not be able to catch up. Now the three cars in front are to be dealt with.

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